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Metroid Dread - A Game 15 Years in the Making [10/08/21], update: Patch Ver. 1.0.1 released


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I'm actually playing Lord of Shadow now, and it is pretty good. It is a little disappointing that it isn't a fully connected world to make it "Metroidvania", and going back to collect items with the new power-ups you obtain is just selecting the chapter and level and replaying it. Still, for what it is I am enjoying it, but I would love to see someone attempt a 3D Castlevania that is an interconnected world in the vein of Super Metroid of Symphony of the Night.


I hear Lords of Shadow 2 is like stepping in dog crap after enjoying yourself on a nice beach day though.

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My memory of the Lords of Shadow series is basically that I didn’t think the first was as good as many people did, and I don’t think the second one was as bad as many people did. I didn’t pay full price for either and only played the second after I’d heard lousy things so maybe my expectations were tempered. 

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18 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

My memory of the Lords of Shadow series is basically that I didn’t think the first was as good as many people did, and I don’t think the second one was as bad as many people did. I didn’t pay full price for either and only played the second after I’d heard lousy things so maybe my expectations were tempered. 


The second one? As in Lords of Shadow 2 or the actual second one, Mirror of Fate

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30 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


Lords of Shadow 2. I always forget that Mirror of Fate exists.


8 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I think most people do. It was pretty forgettable. 


How was that forgettable?!? It wasn't great or anything, I'm not saying that. But wow to forget it exists entirely? That's like saying you forgot Belmont's Revenge is a thing! 


....y'all know about Belmont's Revenge, right? :/

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2 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:



How was that forgettable?!? It wasn't great or anything, I'm not saying that. But wow to forget it exists entirely? That's like saying you forgot Belmont's Revenge is a thing! 


....y'all know about Belmont's Revenge, right? :/

I own a complete copy of it. 

I swear sometimes, I just don’t know about you. 

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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Metroid Dread - A Game 15 Years in the Making [10/08/21], update: Overview Trailer
3 hours ago, crispy4000 said:

These promos get better and better.  I'm playing Samus Returns right now in prep.  It's a good game, but this looks a hell of a lot more polished.

Same here. Playing Samus Returns for the first time. It’s actually better than I was expecting. The gameplay feels great and the exploration is satisfying. Artstyle isn’t great and the music isn’t very inspired though. Fortunately Dread looks amazing so all I’m hoping for now is Yamamoto on the soundtrack. 

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3 hours ago, crispy4000 said:

These promos get better and better.  I'm playing Samus Returns right now in prep.  It's a good game, but this looks a hell of a lot more polished.

Ha, I'm playing it as well. At first using the D-Pad threw me off, and while I'm still not 100% comfortable with it, it plays fine. I'm loving the exploration in this game, and it's growing on me the more I play. The combat itself is alright. While the melee counter attack is fun, it's a bit overused. It's the best strategy for nearly every enemy I've encountered. My hype for Dread has gone up since playing this.

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Neat to see you all had the same idea!  I won’t be replaying Super and Fusion.  But I did get to Zero Mission for the first time.  Figured I’d be a little burned out starting Samus Returns right after it, but it feels surprisingly fresh.


Definitely want to wrap it up soon though, so I get a bit of a buffer before Dread.

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Just FYI, getting 100% in Samus Returns (which isn't that hard), unlocks the Chozo lore in the options on the title screen. If you dig that stuff it's definitely worth it. I think they've been showing some of it in the Dread promo stuff, but I enjoy uncovering the story on my own and working out the lore in my head.

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On 9/11/2021 at 10:48 PM, Bjomesphat said:

Just FYI, getting 100% in Samus Returns (which isn't that hard), unlocks the Chozo lore in the options on the title screen. If you dig that stuff it's definitely worth it. I think they've been showing some of it in the Dread promo stuff, but I enjoy uncovering the story on my own and working out the lore in my head.


Good then, because 100%-ing Zero Mission wasn't exactly a cakewalk.

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8 hours ago, crispy4000 said:


Good then, because 100%-ing Zero Mission wasn't exactly a cakewalk.


As long as you've been using the scan pulse regularly you'll be fine. I was also clearing out as much as I could in each area before moving on, so it really only took an extra hour of clean up at the end to get 100%.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, gamer.tv said:

How’s everyone feeling about he rumour of a Metroid Prime remaster coming.

Six months ago, I would have said "meh, I don't care about remakes, I want new games!"


But remakes/remasters are basically the only things I've played all summer, so now I say bring it on! :p

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Nintendo’s new hardware shows off how brilliant Metroid looks



It’s these moments, and the finely honed gameplay loop that the Metroid creators appear to have delivered on once again, that have me most looking forward to Metroid Dread next month. Of course, I want to 100% the map, find every energy tank and missile upgrade, and see the story through (Dread will wrap up the main series’ arc).




It wouldn’t be unfair to say that Nintendo is under an awful lot of pressure when it comes to the upcoming title Metroid Dread for Nintendo Switch. It releases alongside the Nintendo Switch (OLED)…



The first 90 minutes of Metroid Dread gave us a very clear message, immediately setting an uneasy tone. Not only does it tell us that we’re alone, facing an unrelenting evil that has only one job, but it also delivers this story superbly, thanks to some cleverly shot cutscenes that were a real joy to watch. These transitions are helping to shape something special, something that we just cannot wait to dive into again soon for our upcoming review. We’ll finally, but sadly, be able to close an important chapter on Samus’ relationship with the Metroid, learn more about the Chozo that we saw in the announcement trailer, and delve deeper into an exciting and equally dangerous planet that will undoubtedly throw up more questions about Samus’ past. Let’s just say, we couldn’t be more excited. 






The new 2D Metroid game will have you running for your life...



The EMMI are quite fast, which makes the game itself quite ruthless. A few of my untimely deaths were due to being chased by one of the robots and not knowing where to go next. This game can be very unforgiving when you’ve just started exploring.


Still, despite being a Metroid newbie I found it engaging. Even as I got stabbed in the neck repeatedly I was always scanning the environment before the game blacked out, looking for the point where I screwed up and could do better. I only had 90 or so minutes with the game, so I didn’t have the luxury of slamming my head up against the wall to figure it all out. But when Metroid Dread comes out on October 8th, I am looking forward to having all the time to scream my head off and… run, run, run.




Samus’ latest adventure might deliver the nail-biting tension I crave from the series



It remains to be seen if Metroid Dread can maintain that first hour’s unsettling feeling of being on edge in a hostile and deadly environment. Whether it does or not, I’m glad that it’s at least trying to make Metroid feel genuinely hostile again, pitting you against enemies you can’t overpower and stranding you far from the familiar comforts of your ship. It’s been 19 years since the last original 2D Metroid game, but I’ve been waiting even longer to feel this way again.




In our final Metroid Dread preview, we try out the grand finale to the Metroid saga on Nintendo Switch OLED and discuss how it compares to previous games in the series.



My hope is that this is only the beginning, and that Metroid Dread will find increasingly inventive ways to make use of its robotic foes while leaning into its excellent movement mechanics. I’m also hopeful that Metroid Dread won’t suffer from quite the same bloat as Samus Returns, which somewhat overstayed its welcome in dramatically expanding its Metroid count and the scope of the map. Most of all, I want to see what Sakamoto and MercurySteam are able to do when they’re not beholden to an established structure like they were in Samus Returns.


As the grand finale of the Metroid arc, it will ultimately be up to Metroid Dread to close out one of the most beloved storylines in gaming history. That’s a tall order, and Metroid’s storytelling track record has been decidedly mixed over the past decade (Metroid fans would definitely prefer to forget Metroid: Other M). But it’s hard not to be enticed by Metroid Dread’s earliest moments, which so effectively establish the mystery at the core of its story. They serve as a wonderful reminder that the atmosphere that has long made Metroid so special is alive and well.




It’s been a big year for Nintendo news. Between the impossible fever dream of last week’s Super Mario movie casting and the eagerly anticipated sequel to the Switch’s best game, it’s easy to lose track of the other big developments from the gaming giant. Nintendo recently held an intimate (and sufficiently socially distanced) event in […]



Still, the Switch OLED may be a hard sell for those who have the original. Metroid Dread, on the other, is a bit more of a no-brainer. I was only afforded the time to play the early stages, but the game triggered the same sensory receptors that made the original (and subsequent side-scrollers). The pulsating alien life forms are still in full-effect, now battling alongside the relentless and (in the early stage, at least) seemingly invulnerable E.M.M.I. robots that populate the game from the beginning.




Metroid Dread is a game that absolutely lives up to its name, as Samus faces a new, terrifying adventure. Our hands on impressions.



It’s great to have Metroid back in such a stylish fashion, but if there’s one immediate complaint I have, it’s of the rigidity to the control scheme that I found immediately restrictive. Not being able to free aim unless stood still, having to use a button combo for missiles instead of just having a missile button, and not being able to fiddle with presets or remap buttons. They even leave the ZR trigger completely unused. You get accustomed to it, but I just wish it had a slightly more modern approach and feel in this regard.


While we might have quite some time to wait before Metroid Prime 4 is finished, Metroid Dread gives us something just as good. Maybe even better, if you prefer the classic side-scrolling Metroid games of old. It looks great, there’s a rapid pace to the game’s opening, before settling into the more suspenseful and tense exploration of planet ZDR, and there’s mysteries to unfold while dodging past the fearsome E.M.M.I. robots. I can’t wait to play more.




The return of Samus Aran will make you want to upgrade your Nintendo Switch



Metroid Dread also manages to somehow walk the line with maintaining a certain retro flavor while also feeling completely up to date, and a large part of that is the visuals. It's recognizably a Metroid game, but it all just looks so polished. Yes, we were playing on the latest and greatest Nintendo Switch device, but those neons and blacks and shiny suits will pop on any screen. 


After 19 years Metroid fans would have been happy with whatever the next side-scrolling Samus adventure delivered, but the challenge was always going to be attracting new players to the series. With killer looks that make the OLED screen update feel like an essential rather than an upgrade, and an even slicker selection of abilities, Metroid Dread marks a new era for the iconic Samus Aran. It's been a while since I dusted off the power suit, but Metroid Dread got me ready to hop back onto the Metroidvania hype train. The game will be released alongside the new Nintendo Switch OLED on October 8. 





Metroid Dread looks like it could be the real deal (Eurogamer)


There are other welcome tweaks here and there - such as a new map that's more useful than those seen in previous entries, letting you not only place waypoint markers but also highlight all doors of a certain type. Get access to the charge beam, for example, and you'll be able to highlight all the doors you've encountered that need that beam to unlock, taking so much of the pain out of the backtracking typically associated with the series.


It's enough to make this a perfect entry point for the series should you have never played a Metroid game before - though given the ubiquity of the Metroidvania genre it lent its name too, you're surely to have played one of the countless games inspired by Metroid such as Hollow Knight, Axiom Verge, Dead Cells or Ori. Being able to return to the originals is more than a history lesson, though - it's a chance to see one of Nintendo's most graceful, hard-edged and stylish series, and one that had been neglected for all-too-long, take its place back in the limelight.


For returning fans like myself who still play through Super Metroid once a year, the most heartening thing after two hours with Metroid Dread is how it retains and restores so much of the magic of the series. It's a respectful retread, but also one that's bold enough to throw in smart new ideas of its own, adding an extra layer of tension, horror and atmosphere that feels simply electric. Right now it looks like this has every chance of living up to Metroid's legacy, which would really be no mean feat at all.




Metroid Dread could help show why some of the most intimidating games ever made haven't always been in 3D.



So maybe Metroid Dread won’t lead to as many reaction videos as the latest VR horror game or give you as many nightmares as Silent Hill 2 once did. However, if one of the pillars of the horror genre is indeed that sense of dread you feel from the thought of simply having to experience the horror game/movie/show/book itself, then the fact of the matter is that some of the most outright intimidating games ever made have been 2D titles. The mechanical demands of many 2D titles and that feeling of being deprived of that extra dimension of movement have historically combined to grant 2D games a baseline level of intimidation that can certainly be turned into pure terror in the right hands.


If Metroid Dread can capitalize on that intimidation factor and combine it with some of the more “traditionally” creepy qualities we’ve seen from this series in the past, then it may very well not only show how uniquely scary 2D games can be but perhaps inspire more developers to pursue this style of horror that honestly deserves more love than it has historically received.


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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Metroid Dread - A Game 15 Years in the Making [10/08/21], update: multiple new hands-on previews posted
On 9/27/2021 at 8:42 PM, Xbob42 said:

I like how they're acting as though the OLED is some big new feature instead of the baseline the Switch should've launched with. Finally catching up to the original Vita.


Nintendo is smart like that. If you could get people to buy something twice, wouldn't you?

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Game Information

Game Title: Metroid Dread



  • Nintendo Switch (Oct 8, 2021)


Developer: MercurySteam
Publisher: Nintendo
Review Aggregator

OpenCritic - 87 average - 90% recommended

Critic Reviews

Nintendo Life - 10 / 10


Metroid Dread is a triumphant return for both Samus Aran and developer MercurySteam.

Screen Rant - 5 / 5 stars


Metroid Dread is an instant classic. Its seamless blend of exploration, combat, puzzle-solving, and light touches of story creates one of the most engaging experiences on Nintendo Switch.

TrustedReviews - 5 / 5 stars


Metroid Dread is one of the best games I’ve played on the Nintendo Switch. While staying faithful to the Metroidvania blueprint set by Super Metroid back in 1994, it’s also benefited from many improvements that will appeal to a modern audience.

VGC - 5 / 5 stars


With a near-perfect balance of nods to the past and fresh ideas, Metroid Dread brings cinematic flair, fast-paced action and a surprising story to the side-scrolling classic. This is the comeback fans have been waiting for.

Atomix - Spanish - 96 / 100


Samus is back, better than ever.

Areajugones - Spanish - 9 / 10


Metroid Dread seems like the perfect mix to me.

CGMagazine - 9 / 10


Metroid Dread is a wonderful, modern take on a classic game from childhood. It looks as beautiful as any of today’s games, but has a feel of the games of old. The scary tone of the game and its intense foes give you a challenge worthy of the series.

Digital Trends - 4.5 / 5 stars


Metroid Dread sharpens everything that makes Metroid enjoyable, while more fully realizing its horror ambitions.

Enternity.gr - Greek - 9 / 10


If you are in the category of oldschool gamers waiting for the first Metroid prototype after 11 years, Metroid Dread will tick all the boxes for you.

Filmweb - Polish - 9 / 10 stars


MercurySteam did it again. “Metroid Dread” does an amazing job of mixing tradition with novelties and manages to add some fresh mechanics to the well known gameplay formula. Exploration is satisfying and intense while also give the sense of freedom and accomplishment to the player. Spanish team created a sequel for the “Fusion” that lives up to the its cult predecessor.

Game Informer - 9 / 10


Intense combat and a series of challenging boss fights require a high level of play, but the thrill of victory is incredibly sweet

Gameblog - French - 9 / 10


With Metroid Dread, Mercury Steam brings the series back to its roots by delivering a strong, dense and cleverly designed 2D episode, Thanks to its though but balanced curve, Samus keeps getting stronger and more able to decipher many puzzles and fight interesting bosses, only to appear vulnerable when escaping the new EMMI robots. The adventure sure is classic, but all the elements are here pushed to their limits, for the better. What a ride.

God is a Geek - 9 / 10


Metroid Dread is nearly the perfect return for Samus, and only some difficulty spikes rain on the parade. This is a tight, responsive 2D Metroid experience that constantly impresses and surprises in equal measure and is the perfect way to launch the new Switch model.

Hobby Consolas - Spanish - 90 / 100


‎Metroid Dread exceeds all our expectations and has everything we could dream of: exploration, spectacular action, great atmosphere, tension and the "most Samus" Samus ever seen. If we analyze it as metroidvania it does not reach the excellence of the exponents of the genre... But it stays close.‎

IGN - 9 / 10


A surprise sequel after nearly 20 years, Metroid Dread brings back the legendary exploration and progression and merges it with excellent modern combat and some of the best boss fights ever.

IGN Spain - Spanish - 9 / 10


Metroid Dread is pure love for the franchise. It takes the elements of the classic 2D games and unites them with the evolving essence of Metroid Fusion, introducing many others that work perfectly. It doesn't give off such a magical aura and there are things to improve, but it establishes itself as one of the best games on the console.

Metro GameCentral - 9 / 10


One of the best Metroid games ever made and a thrilling restatement of everything that makes the series, and the genre it inspired, great.

PCMag - 4.5 / 5 stars


Metroid Dread for the Nintendo Switch is a worthy holder of the title "Metroid 5," with a massive, gorgeous planet to explore and conquer.

Shacknews - 9 / 10


Metroid Dread is a sci-fi blast of brilliance that fans and newcomers alike will more than likely enjoy.

Spaziogames - Italian - 9 / 10


It took a bit longer than expected, but Metroid Dread simply is Metroid at its finest: with a smartly crafted level design that explains why this legendary saga became a reference point, this new Samus' adventure embodies all the features Metroid's fans love.

Stevivor - 9 / 10


Playing as Samus has never felt better, with the bounty hunter’s quick and nimble movement perfectly paired with a blend of action, speedy traversal and stealth.

TheGamer - 4.5 / 5 stars


Metroid Dread suffers from some minor grievances, but overall it is a remarkable achievement in not just resurrecting a dormant and beloved series, proving its authority in the genre it inhabits, or exhibiting the kind of airtight design we’d expect from a title of this calibre. It is a remarkable achievement because it is one of those few rare games that sets itself an atmospheric goal and launches it towards and through the stratosphere. This, here, is one of 2021’s very best games - we’re always in for a treat when Samus returns.

TheSixthAxis - 9 / 10


Metroid Dread sees the galaxy's best bounty hunter return in fine form. It takes the terror of being hunted from Metroid Fusion, the more modern direction of Samus Returns, and the freedom to add to the series' decades of lore to create something that's nigh on essential for Metroid fans.

XGN.nl - Dutch - 9 / 10


Metroid Dread is the return of Samus we waited for almost twenty years. The closing chapter of Samus' adventure is intended to kickstart the era of the Switch OLED and it does it with a bang. The game looks delicious and plays seamlessly smooth. The game has some minor flaws but feels nearly perfect as you search the depths of ZDR and need to flee the E.M.M.I. to save your life. This is simply a must-buy for everyone that owns a Switch!

COGconnected - 88 / 100


Metroid Dread takes small, but significant, steps to expand and innovate upon the established series formula. Metroid and Metroidvania fans alike won’t want to miss this entry.

Wccftech - 8.8 / 10


Metroid Dread proves that the Metroid franchise is still ready to innovate the genre it helped build with exciting new ideas. While it hasn't taken on all the lessons from newcomers that have filled in since its absence, it doesn't feel like an outsider looking in.

Destructoid - 8.5 / 10


Metroid Dread doesn’t take a lot of big swings, but it rarely bats a foul ball.

GamePro - German - 85 / 100


‎25 years after the beginning of the 2D saga, Samus is at his best and has tied us to the Switch for many hours.‎

Nintendo Blast - Portuguese - 8.5 / 10


Metroid Dread refines the franchise's 2D formula into one great game. The vast ZDR planet has an elaborate map full of alternative routes and secrets, and the agile movement make the journey very pleasant. In addition, E.M.M.I. encounters excite and terrify in tension-filled stretches. The battles are also more varied, difficult and intense, however the bosses are a bit problematic because of some questionable choices. The feeling of being alone and lost in a strange world is strong, but irregular the rhythm at times makes the experience a bit tiring. The plot is simple and has intriguing developments that are portrayed in elaborate scenes. Visually the title is competent, it just lacked a little more personality in certain locations. In the end, Metroid Dread maintains the 2D essence of the series in an immersive adventure, it's just a shame that the opportunity to dare a little was wasted.

Press Start - 8.5 / 10


Metroid Dread feels like a celebration of 2D Metroid. It manages to stay true to the original games, whilst also introducing some new elements that keeps things feeling fresh. The game is held back by some questionable level design, the E.M.M.I feeling repetitive and a definite knowledge barrier for series newcomers.

WellPlayed - 8.5 / 10


An intoxicating power climb, top-notch level design and a fear-inducing hook make this an incredibly compelling and long overdue side-scrolling Metroid sequel. It struggles with sticking too closely to the roots of its decades-old predecessors and could definitely learn a thing or two from contemporary Metroidvanias, but it's a blast all the same.

Cerealkillerz - German - 8.2 / 10


Metroid Dread scores with well-established strengths of the series and delivers exciting bossfights and a well thought through leveldesign. Sadly the attempts of the game to create a tense atmosphere fail most of the time and the technical limits of the Nintendo Switch hold the title back from reaching its full potential.

GameSpot - 8 / 10


More than anything else, Metroid Dread feels like going back to a place of comfort after a long time away. Though the gameplay is refined and new features have been added to the mix, Dread sticks closely to the formula of its predecessors. In the end, for longtime fans like myself, that's probably for the best.

SECTOR.sk - Slovak - 8 / 10


Metroid Dread is good, but it could use a lot of gameplay balance to make the game better.

VG247 - 4 / 5 stars


Metroid Dread is likely to give those that have been counting down the days to its release exactly what they want: a thrilling experience in line with what they loved about past games.

Everyeye.it - Italian - 7.8 / 10


Metroid Dread is an experience that is at times deeply enjoyable yet at the same time imperfect.

Digitally Downloaded - 3.5 / 5 stars


Dread is fine. It's not just nearly memorable enough for a game that fans have been waiting for so many years for now.

GamesRadar+ - 3.5 / 5 stars


Frustrating boss battles and cumbersome controls distract from an otherwise fun and isolating adventure

Washington Post - 70 / 100


As the game industry has proven throughout the years, the Metroid formula is worth iterating and reiterating upon. Now that the formula is back home in the original series that created it, here’s hoping Nintendo remembers this too.

Ars Technica - Ars Technica Approved


If "classic 2D adventure on Switch" puts the same tingle in your spine as it does mine, Mercury Steam will not lead you astray with this impressive sequel. Buy.

Console Creatures - Recommended


There’s a reason we’ve classified an entire genre of games as Metroidvania – the queen cannot be toppled, and Metroid Dread is a shining example of how the original is always better.

Eurogamer - Essential


A stylish, visually sumptuous return for 2D Metroid, and an adventure that proudly sits alongside the series' best.

GameXplain - Loved


Video Review - Quote not available

Polygon - Polygon Recommends


There I was, many hours into Metroid Dead, completely stumped as to where I should go.


And I was loving every minute of it.

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