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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora (PC/PS5/Xbox Series) - update: "PC optimised settings and graphics comparison vs PS5" (Digital Foundry)


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This will be my last post in this thread until I beat it. 


But if anyone wants to play a game in the most beautiful world created in videogames I highly recommend this game. I litteraly was just hunting this morning just in awe of the beauty around me. 


Ok. That's it. 

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I just started playing this yesterday, only a couple of hours of playtime so far.


Decided to play it on "Unobtanium" settings, and am getting fps in the mid-50s to mid 60s.  It's really a shame that they haven't implemented DLSS frame generation.


It really is an incredibly beautiful game so far -- having just finished Horizon: FW/BS;  Avatar is the better looking game (and the technical superiority is easily seen).


I don't really have  a lot of thoughts on the gameplay so far, as I am still early on.

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1 minute ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

I just started playing this yesterday, only a couple of hours of playtime so far.


Decided to play it on "Unobtanium" settings, and am getting fps in the mid-50s to mid 60s.  It's really a shame that they haven't implemented DLSS frame generation.


It really is an incredibly beautiful game so far -- having just finished Horizon: FW/BS;  Avatar is the better looking game (and the technical superiority is easily seen).


I don't really have  a lot of thoughts on the gameplay so far, as I am still early on.


It's a good game but you eventually hit a wall where they force you to gather materials and gear to level up. This becomes very tedious and bad game design. Because other than that, It's a really cool game with the best world I've seen in a game to date. 

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On 6/21/2024 at 11:14 PM, tgo said:

Is there any game you can compare this to?  Been thinking of grabbing this once it’s on a good sale.  It’s currently on sale for 53, probably would like it cheaper.  

It's sort of like a Far Cry game.


Essentially, it's an open world game that is almost entirely jungle based.  The game loop is based on combat and/or stealth, with a healthy dose of hunting and resource gathering.


Comparing to something like Horizon:FW, the combat is a lot slower/simpler.

The resource gathering is a little more complicated -- largely because resources have quality (i.e. fine/superior/exquisite) and you need certain quality resources to craft certain armour (or pass side missions).  So, you need to go to specific places (that are detailed in your Hunter's guide) to collect them.


I'm enjoying it, and it certainly is pretty (presently playing on the unobtanium settings), but only ~15 hours in.  Probably a 7.5/10 right now for me.

  • Halal 1
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So I have somewhere ~17 hours put into this game.  The closest game I could compare it to is Far Cry, it clearly shares a lot of design DNA with it.


The game starts in an RDA facility, and you spend the first little while in those environments.  Then it transitions to the Rain Forest -- and for the first 5-6 hours, you are stuck on foot.  I probably spent too much time in this section doing optional objectives, because it is unnecessarily slow moving around.  Eventually you unlock a MUCH faster mode of transportation.


The Ikran is the flying creature the Na'vi ride in the movies.

Once you can move quickly, it makes sense to start doing optional objectives.


While there are "Main Quests", they are only taking up 20-30% of my time.  20-30% of my time is visiting "optional" collectibles that give you skill points, extra health and "ancestor abilities".  A similar amount of time is spent dealing with RDA facilities to "unpollute the land", and visit abandoned RDA laboratories (that give you fast travel points and side quests), and side quests.  The final 10% is spent gathering resources (hunting/plant picking) that are used to make food (for stamina/other perks) or crafting weapons/clothing.


The game systems are simpler than some of the other games, I have played.  You have a skill tree that offers the typical benefits.  Leveling seems to be a combination of your skills, your health and your weapons.  TBH, I've managed to keep leveling up mostly receiving Na'vi weapons/armour I've picked up in boxes or through side quests, and most of my RDA/human weapons in boxes at RDA sites.  I haven't had to do much crafting at all to keep up my level (presently level 12 of 20).


The combat is primarily intended to be stealth based.  Humans can be killed with one arrow or a punch, and the mech suits can usually be stealth killed with an arrow to the back.  I'm starting to come across more 'armoured' mech suits, which can't be stealth killed as easily -- however I think once I open up the skill tree and upgrade my "heavy" bow, I expect I will be able to stealth kill those as well.  You can run-and-gun to some extent, particularly the smaller encounters.  However, the big facilities have too many mechs to really do this effectively -- and doing it by stealth will give you more rewards.  As long as I don't run and gun, I haven't had any issues beating anything in the game so far.


It's probably the best looking game I've played (my only issue being the amount of visible pop-in), but the combat IMHO is not varied enough compared to something like Horizon:FW.  Definity worth a play, particularly if you're a fan of the IP, but could be skipped.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still playing this.  Debating about starting to stop doing the side quests (not just the "collection" quests).  I am getting over-levelled pretty quickly.  I am thinking of starting to focus just on the main quests, and not beating every RDA facility/laboratory I come across.


I would really like to transition to BG3.

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The first story pack for Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™, The Sky Breaker, is available now for owners of the Season Pass!

The first story pack for Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™, The Sky Breaker, will be available tomorrow, July 16th, for owners of the Season Pass! 

A mysterious shadow looms in the sky, threatening the Na'vi clans below who are celebrating at their great festival of games.  

To protect the Western Frontier, you must face the RDA once again and save your allies. 

To access the story pack content*, you will receive a radio call from Priya - follow her instructions when you're ready to start playing the story pack! 

*The story pack continues the events of the main game. If you wish to access the story pack faster, you can do so after finishing the main quest "Songs of the Ancestor".  Go to your quest log, select the quest "An Invitation". Then, you can opt for skipping ahead to the start of The Sky Breaker story pack content. This will skip ahead through the events of the main story and equip you with everything you need to experience the story pack content. 

TU 4.0 Patch Sizes (including The Sky Breaker story pack): 

  • XBOX - 14.45 GB
  • PS5 - 15.33 GB
  • PC - 17.22 GB

The Sky Breaker story pack

A new map area, the Heart of the Plains is available: 

  • Play through an all-new story campaign, side quests and new activities. 
  • Explore brand new environments, such as the Prism Fields, Feathered Grasslands, Stone Rapids - and more! 
  • Discover new Heartlands direhorse variants that are unique to this part of the Western Frontier. 
  • Encounter new enemy archetypes such as the AMP Defender and new RDA lieutenants protecting RDA Command Stations throughout the new area. 
  • Participate in the Great Games with various challenges to test your skills! 

Notable Fixes: 

  • [All Platforms] Purchased ikran patterns will be available on all saves, instead of being locked to a single playthrough.   
  • General Improvements: 
  • [All Platforms] Improved AI behavior. 
  • [All Platforms] The Staff Sling has been balanced to better adapt to the player's level. 
  • [All Platforms] You can now sprint for longer. 
  • [All Platforms] You can now jump more consistently. 

Progression Updates: 

  • [All Platforms] You can now use skill points to permanently improve your character's damage, energy and health up to 4 times each after you have completed the main quest storyline.  
  • [All Platforms] You can now progress up to rank 25.  
  • [All Platforms] We have made some improvements to random loot and rewards. Loot now scales better with your character progression and random loot is more likely to be relevant for your slots most in need of an upgrade.  
  • [All Platforms] Added a new Legendary rarity category. 

Direhorse Updates: 

  • [All Platforms] The direhorse can now perform a Great Jump. 
  • [All Platforms] It's now possible for the camera to switch shoulders while riding by performing a melee attack input. 
  • [All Platforms] Improvements to the riding camera, handling and animation. 
  • [All Platforms] While mounted on a direhorse you can now ride through deeper waters more effectively.


  • Halal 1
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Kinda surprised with the amount of people talking about cosmetics on Reddit.

Even if you care about cosmetics in a single player game (which is strange to me).  It's a first person game, you barely see yourself (and pretty much only when on a mount).

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