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Omarosa reveals audio of Trump campaign aides allegedly discussing potential fallout of N-word

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10 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


If you think it was uniformly a racist vote and the Rust Belt, a hotbed of labor movements and, in Wisconsin's case, progressive policies historically, weren't at all moved by Trump's protectionist anti-NAFTA rhetoric, then I don't know what to tell you.


Well since I have friends who work IN THOSE FACTORIES and are actually in those Unions and they can tell you first hand how pervasive a lot of those racist sentiments are in organized labor, the same organized labor that historically was used to keep minorities OUT of lucrative blue-collar jobs (Google racism in organized  labor) it's not that hard of a stretch. If YOU are still making the argument that Trump's appeal was economic and that it was just coincidental that we elected an openly racist, mysogonistic, unqualified TV star with NO GOVERNMENT experience AFTER the first Black President in history who was also running against the first serious female candidate in American history then I don't know what to tell YOU. Pure coincidence.

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13 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


It's not just possible, this is likely. I'm sure they'll throw shade Omarosa's way in the song too. Just for good sexist measure against women of their own race. 


I mean, I was only being slightly sarcastic in that post. :p

They’ll also throw shade at Hillary as Ben Carson will become the artist known as “Ben-Gah-Zee”.

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3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


Well since I have friends who work IN THOSE FACTORIES and are actually in those Unions and they can tell you first hand how pervasive a lot of those racist sentiments are in organized labor, the same organized labor that historically was used to keep minorities OUT of lucrative blue-collar jobs (Google racism is organized  labor) it's not that hard of a stretch. If YOU are still making the argument that Trump's appeal was economic and that it was just coincidental that we elected an openly racist, mysogonistic, unqualified TV star with NO GOVERNMENT experience AFTER the first Black President in history who was also running against the first serious female candidate in American then I don't know what to tell YOU. Pure coincidence.

A lot of people don't know/deny the racism that is pervasive in the Midwest white working class.

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17 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


Meanwhile Trump and The Republicans are going about the business of deregulating those same bankers... Getting rid of a lot of the regulations that Obama and the Dems put in place. EXACTLY what they said they would do. This makes sense to you guys?


But what does that have to do with his anti-free trade appeal in 2016?


11 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


Well since I have friends who work IN THOSE FACTORIES and are actually in those Unions and they can tell you first hand how pervasive a lot of those racist sentiments are in organized labor, the same organized labor that historically was used to keep minorities OUT of lucrative blue-collar jobs (Google racism is organized  labor) it's not that hard of a stretch. If YOU are still making the argument that Trump's appeal was economic and that it was just coincidental that we elected an openly racist, mysogonistic, unqualified TV star with NO GOVERNMENT experience AFTER the first Black President in history who was also running against the first serious female candidate in American then I don't know what to tell YOU. Pure coincidence.


It's clear you're getting emotional and creating straw mans to what you think I'm saying. I said right in that quote his appeal wasn't "uniformly" racism. I'm well aware of the racism and its appeal to people afraid of minorities, and I'm pretty sure I've argued with people afraid of minorities on this board frequently (and am also one of the few people remembering the straight-up racism from some of our unbanned regulars). Ignoring the economic appeal in certain areas of the country, however, from people who saw Clinton sign NAFTA and Hillary waffle on TPP, is ignoring reality at your own peril.

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I’m not saying disillusioned labor didn’t have an effect in Wisconsin, but the largest Obama effect in Wisconsin was the 20 percent drop in black voter turnout in 2016 over 2012.

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1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:



It's clear you're getting emotional and creating straw mans to what you think I'm saying. I said right in that quote his appeal wasn't "uniformly" racism. I'm well aware of the racism and its appeal to people afraid of minorities, and I'm pretty sure I've argued with people afraid of minorities on this board frequently (and am also one of the few people remembering the straight-up racism from some of our former unbanned regulars). Ignoring the economic appeal in certain areas of the country, however, from people who saw Clinton sign NAFTA and Hillary waffle on TPP, is ignoring reality at your own pearl.


LOL, ok I'm getting emotional and creating straw men? I know you don't like being challenged and normally we agree on 99% of shit but you're gonna go there? :lol: That's some condescending shit right there :lol:


Just now, sblfilms said:

I’m not saying disillusioned labor didn’t have an effect in Wisconsin, but the largest Obama effect in Wisconsin was the 20 percent drop in black voter turnout in 2016 over 2012.


I'm not saying it didn't have an effect either... I'm saying it's being overstated once again to disguise what REALLY appealed to a lot of white voters about Trump. Until people wake up and admit that and stop making excuses for it we'll never be able to deal with it. 

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6 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

I’m not saying disillusioned labor didn’t have an effect in Wisconsin, but the largest Obama effect in Wisconsin was the 20 percent drop in black voter turnout in 2016 over 2012.


Yeah, but I'm not saying, "Obama didn't attend the protest, so they lost." There are many things that contributed to Trump's win.  Clinton's TPP waffling and worse appeal to black voters played a role. Yes, Trump's racism appealed to some people on this very board (a certain conservative poster who still posts on the board said he wishes white people wouldn't go down without a fight, and this was back in, like, 2013). Yes, voter ID laws were in place.


But Obama also won easily in 2012 yet lost a significant chunk of the vote in the Rust Belt (he won Michigan by, like, 14 points in 2008). Compare that to, say, the shift in Florida or North Carolina, which was not as pronounced.


Let's not forget Sanders' amazing over-performance in Michigan, either.


Economics of course played a role. But I don't disagree with skillz that racism is there; it just doesn't eliminate economics either. I know he was a victim of racism on the board when that POS mikee used to post here, so I get why this is a touchy issue for him. Totally understandable. @skillzdadirecta

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Just now, skillzdadirecta said:


LOL, ok I'm getting emotional and creating straw men? I know you don't like being challenged and normally we agree on 99% of shit but you're gonna go there? :lol: That's some condescending shit right there :lol:


I pretty much easily go into any argument with any board liberal and love even poking at Wade when I feel he's being overly negative, so I welcome being challenged quite a bit. I also didn't mean to say that in a patronizing way (see my response to sblfilms). I'm sorry for coming across like that. :) 

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8 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

I’m not saying disillusioned labor didn’t have an effect in Wisconsin, but the largest Obama effect in Wisconsin was the 20 percent drop in black voter turnout in 2016 over 2012.

I hate when people blame black voters for this election outcome. If black people didn’t vote there wouldn’t be any need to suppress their nonexistent  vote. 

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Just now, RedSoxFan9 said:

Once this tape is released, we’re going to have at least a few weeks of conservative white men openingly saying the n-word in an attempt to normalize it.  


If everybody is saying the n word, then nobody is saying the n word.

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8 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

The question is how much of that is attributable to Wisconsin's voter ID laws.


I think current pushes for voter ID laws are another Obama effect :p

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5 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


I pretty much easily go into any argument with any board liberal and love even poking at Wade when I feel he's being overly negative, so I welcome being challenged quite a bit. I also didn't mean to say that in a patronizing way (see my response to sblfilms). I'm sorry for coming across like that. :) 


It's cool... I know I can come across a s more confrontational than I actually intend to be sometimes. I definitely wasn't being "emotional" though... "Economic anxiety" has been used as a cover to justify blatant racism in this country since the Jim Crow years and I'm still a little surprised to see people actually make that argument especially now when it's so out in the open :shrug:

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9 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:

Once this tape is released, we’re going to have at least a few weeks of conservative white men openingly saying the n-word in an attempt to normalize it.  


The same thing will happen when the pee tape is released.  Hannity will take a golden shower from Greg Jarrett live on Fox news.

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14 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


It's cool... I know I can come across a s more confrontational than I actually intend to be sometimes. I definitely wasn't being "emotional" though... "Economic anxiety" has been used as a cover to justify blatant racism in this country since the Jim Crow years and I'm still a little surprised to see people actually make that argument especially now when it's so out in the open :shrug:


Well, because I still remember how mikee tried to not-so-subtly get racist on you and your reaction (a reaction I totally endorsed, btw), my feeling was the underlying racist current for at least a chunk of Trump's appeal could be a touchy subject to tackle. That's why I said that and not to try to talk down to you.


In terms of economics, I have the opposite conversation with people who say there was no racism or very little: I tell them clearly neo-Nazis love the president, I'm not even Hispanic but because my name sounds Hispanic I've had racist barbs thrown my way, and racism is obviously a factor. I don't know how it would break down among Hillary's flaws, Trump's trade talk, Obama's lack of presence in the labor debates, Sanders' clear contrast in trade policy, the Comey letter, and labor falling out of love with Bill Clinton or at least not to the same extent, but the Rust Belt was won along the margins, so all you need is a few thousand votes to switch your way (and there was already a significant shift in 2012 compared to other swing states since in 2008, the Rust Belt truly was a "Blue Wall"). And I'd argue, yes, Obama should have done as he campaigned and marched with labor in 2011, and that hurt long-term in ways we couldn't see then (and probably waved away in 2012).


It doesn't mean that alone is what cost Hillary the election as many people vote for different reasons, and Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric (including legal immigrants) clearly appealed to at least part of the white working class, but again, we're talking about states that were decided by less than a percentage point after voting Democratic for decades, even by a few points sometimes. Obama easily won in 2012, but the disgruntlement over abandoned factories and a disappearing sector of the economy were undercurrents we didn't fully appreciate until 2016, and now that 2016 happened, we can also look back at Sanders blowing Hillary away in Michigan as a sign that labor didn't trust Hillary.

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35 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

The question is how much of that is attributable to Wisconsin's voter ID laws.

For shits and giggles I wanted to see the hours of dmv locations around Milwaukee, and the only ones that had weekend/non standard hours were on the opposite side of town from the large non-white south/Southwest part of town. These were mostly on the north/northwest part of town which seems to have quite a few non-white people, but they're far enough out in the suburbs to be a real bitch to get to by bus or even driving from the south of town where the density is far greater.

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Just now, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

For shits and giggles I wanted to see the hours of dmv locations around Milwaukee, and the only ones that had weekend/non standard hours were on the opposite side of town from the large non-white south/Southwest part of town. These were mostly on the north/northwest part of town which seems to have quite a few non-white people, but they're far enough out in the suburbs to be a real bitch to get to by bus or even driving from the south of town.

This is my shocked face.

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11 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:



I don’t care whether a white person has said it or not, the reality is that a significant portion of this country lives like they view black people that way. Whether this POTUS has said it or not, he certainly views black people negatively based solely on racist ideas.

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11 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


I don’t care whether a white person has said it or not, the reality is that a significant portion of this country lives like they view black people that way. Whether this POTUS has said it or not, he certainly views black people negatively based solely on racist ideas.


And a vast majority of white people in this country legitimately think that race isn't an issue and that black people are just overly sensitive about race even though we deal with the ramifications of it everyday in ways they don't or can't understand :lol: 


We elect a clearly unqualified bigot who not only didn't hide his bigotry, he made it a feature of his campaign. Neo nazis and White Supremacists get emboldened, his rallies regularly featured racist signs and homophobic signs, but it's the Economy stupid (and the economy wasn't that bad when he got elected):lol:

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9 minutes ago, Jason said:


Tom Arnold has been saying for YEARS it exists... people I know who worked at NBC says it exists... IT EXISTS. Mark Burnett has a gag order on it though and if it leaks, whoever leaks it will have a million dollar fine staring at them. It's out there and if it comes out it will change... NOTHING.


EDIT: He also is on tape sexually harassing a camera woman and a makeup artist I believe.

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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


Tom Arnold has been saying for YEARS it exists... people I know who worked at NBC says it exists... IT EXISTS. Mark Burnett has a gag order on it though and if it leaks, whoever leaks it will have a million dollar fine staring at them. It's out there and if it comes out it will change... NOTHING.


EDIT: He also is on tape sexually harassing a camera woman and a makeup artist I believe.


Yeah but Tom Arnold is...Tom Arnold. For most people without the ability to get inside insight about this, Penn Jillette is the most credible person to date to make this claim.

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1 minute ago, Jason said:

And regarding the "we certainly wouldn't be here" comment:




It's like they all forgot the war crime they committed ripping children from their parents at the border, that these people not only let happen, but went to bat for as if it was legitimate policy. Same with the Muslim Ban. 


Certainly wouldn't be here. Get the fuck out.

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