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Omarosa reveals audio of Trump campaign aides allegedly discussing potential fallout of N-word

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In her new book, "Unhinged," Omarosa claims the Trump campaign was aware of the existence of the tape. She describes an October 2016 phone conversation with Lynne Patton, then-assistant to Eric Trump, spokesperson Katrina Pierson and campaign communications director Jason Miller in which they discuss how to deal with the potential fallout from its release. 

"I am trying to find at least what context it was used in to help us maybe try to figure out a way to spin it," Pierson is heard saying.

Patton then described a conversation she had with then-candidate Trump about making the slur.


Patton: "I said, 'Well, sir, can you think of anytime where this happened?' And he said, 'no.'"


Omarosa: "Well, that is not true."


Patton: "He goes, how do you think I should handle it and I told him exactly what you just said, Omarosa, which is well, it depends on what scenario you are talking about. And he said, well, why don't you just go ahead and put it to bed."


Pierson: "He said. No, he said it. He is embarrassed by it."



Donald Trump claims Mark Burnett called him to say there's no Apprentice N-word tape




Why would he need assurance there's no tape if he didn't say the word? Assuring Trump there's no tape means he said the word, but there's no evidence.

- @Bjomesphat


Some of you have posted some of this in another thread, but it's been quite fascinating for me to follow as it's caused Trump to go even further off the rails and things Trump people are denying are being contradicted by actual tapes. "Lordy." - @Jason

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22 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


To what, exactly?


To an audio tape of Trump saying the n word.


It used to just be internet rumblings, and then random celebs saying they’ve heard it, then White House staff saying he said it. Now we have audio of White House and campaign staff saying Trump is embarrassed for saying it.

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Just now, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Sky is blue, Trump totally said the n word, grass is green. All of these are facts which will change no one's opinion of the man.


I hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighly doubt that, but it comes with caveats. For example, Obama remained popular among Democrats in 2012 and had a high approval rating his last year in office. At the same time, I'm pretty sure his not showing up at any Occupy Wall Street events in the upper midwest and helping labor protests there hurt his and Democrats' standing among the Rust Belt states, which had ramifications years later in 2016. So even if Trump's approval ratings didn't crater (I would assume they would at least for some time and would be an albatross in a midterm election as people forget his numbers crashed after Access Hollywood for weeks), long-term consequences of anything that happens now cannot be foreseen.

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19 minutes ago, osxmatt said:


To an audio tape of Trump saying the n word.


It used to just be internet rumblings, and then random celebs saying they’ve heard it, then White House staff saying he said it. Now we have audio of White House and campaign staff saying Trump is embarrassed for saying it.


It was pretty clear from what I've heard that the tape exists. It could drop tomorrow and his approval numbers would probably go UP with his base and Republicans :shrug:

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10 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


I hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighly doubt that, but it comes with caveats. For example, Obama remained popular among Democrats in 2012 and had a high approval rating his last year in office. At the same time, I'm pretty sure his not showing up at any Occupy Wall Street events in the upper midwest and helping labor protests there hurt his and Democrats' standing among the Rust Belt states, which had ramifications years later in 2016. So even if Trump's approval ratings didn't crater (I would assume they would at least for some time and would be an albatross in a midterm election as people forget his numbers crashed after Access Hollywood for weeks), long-term consequences of anything that happens now cannot be foreseen.


I would never had made a connection between Obama/OWS and the 2016 election. That seems a tough sell.

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20 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


I hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighly doubt that, but it comes with caveats. For example, Obama remained popular among Democrats in 2012 and had a high approval rating his last year in office. At the same time, I'm pretty sure his not showing up at any Occupy Wall Street events in the upper midwest and helping labor protests there hurt his and Democrats' standing among the Rust Belt states, which had ramifications years later in 2016. So even if Trump's approval ratings didn't crater (I would assume they would at least for some time and would be an albatross in a midterm election as people forget his numbers crashed after Access Hollywood for weeks), long-term consequences of anything that happens now cannot be foreseen.


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32 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


I hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighly doubt that, but it comes with caveats. For example, Obama remained popular among Democrats in 2012 and had a high approval rating his last year in office. At the same time, I'm pretty sure his not showing up at any Occupy Wall Street events in the upper midwest and helping labor protests there hurt his and Democrats' standing among the Rust Belt states, which had ramifications years later in 2016. So even if Trump's approval ratings didn't crater (I would assume they would at least for some time and would be an albatross in a midterm election as people forget his numbers crashed after Access Hollywood for weeks), long-term consequences of anything that happens now cannot be foreseen.

I take back what I said. It will change the mind of the Jeff flakes of the world for a few days, before the news cycle changes again and then they're back on the Trump train, so long as it means tax cuts for the wealthy

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32 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


I would never had made a connection between Obama/OWS and the 2016 election. That seems a tough sell.


23 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:



Not really much of a sell as it's an easy connection. Wisconsin labor felt on their own during the Walker recall; that kind of feeling doesn't go away. I listened to something in-depth on 1A or On-Point on labor and the 2016 election where they went into the nitty-gritty of the labor movement and it may have been about the changing political landscape in Wisconsin. It's pretty eye-opening.


We just saw the Rust Belt decide the presidency; this is the simplest connection that could be made.

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1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:



Not really much of a sell. Wisconsin labor felt on their own during the Walker recall; that kind of feeling doesn't go away.


We just saw the Rust Belt decide the presidency; this is the simplest connection that could be made.


So... because the previous President didn't support a disjointed and pointless movement that accomplished absolutely nothing and didn't sustain itself (OWS), Blue Collar Democrats who typically belong to organized labor in the midwest decided to vote for an openly racist, mysogynistic reality TV "billionaire" who belongs to a party whose main tenant is to destroy organized labor effectively voting AGAINST their own interests? We're still going with that?

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:


So... because the previous President didn't support a disjointed and pointless movement that accomplished absolutely nothing and didn't sustain itself (OWS), Blue Collar Democrats who typically belong to organized labor in the midwest decided to vote for an openly racist, mysogynistic reality TV "billionaire" who belongs to a party whose main tenant is to destroy organized labor effectively voting AGAINST their own interests? We're still going with that?


If you think it was uniformly a racist vote and the Rust Belt, a hotbed of labor movements and, in Wisconsin's case, progressive policies historically, weren't at all moved by Trump's protectionist anti-NAFTA rhetoric, then I don't know what to tell you.


Labor was involved in the Occupy movement. Trump was one of the most anti-NAFTA voices running in either party.



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7 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:

Obama claimed to be on OWS’s side but he didn’t prosecute bankers and this is how OWS was treated.  


It’s easy to easy to see how people would be disillusioned with Democrats. 


Meanwhile Trump and The Republicans are going about the business of deregulating those same bankers... Getting rid of a lot of the regulations that Obama and the Dems put in place. EXACTLY what they said they would do. This makes sense to you guys?

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1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:

Not really much of a sell. Wisconsin labor felt on their own during the Walker recall; that kind of feeling doesn't go away.


We just saw the Rust Belt decide the presidency; this is the simplest connection that could be made.

How is this anything other than speculative  correlation without causation? 60K fewer people voted Democrat in 2016 compared to 2012, and 2M more people voted Republican, assuming I’m remembering things right. Where is the causal relationship between Obama not making an appearance in Rust Belt OWS protests and the 2016 Presedential election?

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:


Meanwhile Trump and The Republicans are going about the business of deregulating those same bankers... Getting rid of a lot of the regulations that Obama and the Dems put in place. EXACTLY what they said they would do. This makes sense to you guys?


If neither party does anything positive, why vote?

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Just now, Kal-El814 said:

How is this anything other than speculative  correlation without causation? 60K fewer people voted Democrat in 2016 compared to 2012, and 2M more people voted Republican, assuming I’m remembering things right. Where is the causal relationship between Obama not making an appearance in Rust Belt OWS protests and the 2016 Presedential election?


Whoa, dude, you're getting close.

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3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


He commits unforced errors every day.

Mostly meaningless ones though, saying the n word on tape and your team trying to figure how to cover it up when it comes out then calling a black woman a dog isnt on the level of calling Bhutan, button. 

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2 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

I eagerly await Kanye West and Ben Carson collaborating an apologist rap video to defend Trump’s use of the n-word. Future number 1 song, guys.


It's not just possible, this is likely. I'm sure they'll throw shade Omarosa's way in the song too. Just for good sexist measure against women of their own race. To be clear, I think Omarosa deserves tons of criticism, just not from Kanye West and Ben Carson. 

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