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@chris I'm currently driving your way!


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@Chris- I'm driving right now towards Pittsburgh for a 3 hour drive from Harrisburg. I'm camping with my 2 older brother's, dad, and two other friend's of my brother's. So we have a good group of people with booze and weed.


I no longer drink or smoke so it will be a sober trip for me. We are camping at a remote wooded area further west of Buchanan State park. We will be south east of Pittsburgh. I didn't check how close we are to Pitt but if you want to join us you're more than welcome too! According to the map I glanced at we are relatively close to Pittsburgh and I obviously don't know where you live. Or do I !!?


Come get high and drunk with us with some great food. :)

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44 minutes ago, Rachel said:

Don’t piss yourself this time!


Lol. I drank so many beers that day plus I was taking the marijuana pills you gave me. The marijuana off set my drinking in that I wasn't feeling drunk from all the beer I was drinking. Then in the middle of the night I pissed so much the cabin bed and my entire jeans were completely soaked. That sucked bad! But no drinking this trip so no worries. 


18 minutes ago, Chris- said:

Ha that sounds like a good time, but I won’t be able to get away this weekend. Enjoy the woods for me though. 


Will do, thanks.

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Wow. We arrived at the location but a gate is blocking our way to the site. The key the owner of the land gave us isn't working. So currently I'm sitting in the SUV with my thumb up my ass. We have no idea what to do. :(

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Woke up to a beautiful sunrise and I got amazing sleep last night. It was low 40's and my sleeping bag is built for sub zero conditions so I was warm as toast. 5 people in one big ass tent so it was fun. 


Now coffee is being made along with breakfast. This is the break I truly needed. 


@blessed 🙌 

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14 minutes ago, Rachel said:

Why does this actually sound kind of nice? Damn. Maybe I should take up camping again. 


It's extremely peaceful and I'm away from all stresses in my life. Smoking cigars mellows me out so that is my vice now. I just ate bacon, eggs, and hash browns for breakfast and now I'm sitting in the sun trying to get a tan. I've been to basically every state park in PA so that is my vacations. 


I remember you going camping with your friends back at your home. I guess it's a bit different for you now. You and your fiancé could always go for a small weekend trip. It's great for your mental health, too. 

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3 minutes ago, Rachel said:

I camped a lot when I was younger but between 2009 and 2018 I never went. Then I did once, you were probably thinking of that. It was fine but I did a lot of cocaine and alcohol. It’d be a lot better sober I think. I’ve thought about camping with my fiancé, we considered it last year. Maybe we still could sometime. 


Yea, it must be that one trip you did that I'm thinking about. Being sober on this trip has been nice and you enjoy the little things. My last trip I was miserable and it's because all I was concerned about was drinking and taking marijuana pills. I didn't appreciate anything else and that's lame. 


I'd say you guys should go for a small trip. Unless he isn't into that. 

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Woke up at sunrise again with another beautiful morning. Coffee made for me, sausage, eggs, and more hash browns. I just sit in my camping chair and get served. My older brother insists that I just relax and he does the cooking etc. All made on a cool ass camping table that folds up etc. 


The coffee is imported from Ethiopia 🇪🇹 and it might be the best coffee I've ever had. It's made through a percolator so it's a great way to make coffee. Fire is rockin and my 81 yr old dad is having a great time. 


I cherish each moment with him because he's slowly declining in all ways. The boxer that's in my icon is here, too. He's a sweet boy and makes things fun. 


Ok, my diary entry is complete for now. 

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Well, woke up to my dad being extremely dizzy and sick. I had to carry him out of the tent to a chair. We are concerned because we are in the middle of nowhere. He's talking but can't do anything. It's about to rain too so we are gathering all our shit up as fast as possible.


I will update later what happens. I'm a little scared. 

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He's talking but can't really move. As I type this his eyes are closed. We have everything packed up except breakfast food and coffee. I gave my dad water and he managed to take this pill he takes in the morning for acid reflux. He's just not doing well so I'm sitting next to him making sure nothing bad happens. It really is sad and scary guys. 


Edit: He's talking and shivering so I gave him hot coffee. He still can't get out of his chair but things seem to be getting a little better.

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:

He's talking but can't really move. As I type this his eyes are closed. We have everything packed up except breakfast food and coffee. I gave my dad water and he managed to take this pill he takes in the morning for acid reflux. He's just not doing well so I'm sitting next to him making sure nothing bad happens. It really is sad and scary guys. 


Edit: He's talking and shivering so I gave him hot coffee. He still can't get out of his chair but things seem to be getting a little better.

Maybe a UTI or food poisoning? Has been vaccinated recently? I wouldn’t take him home. Stop by the emergency room or atleast a out patient type clinic. Also you are camping so maybe check him for a tick. 

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He's coming around. We think his blood pressure was really low so we forced him to down two bottles of water. He ate salty bacon and drank two cups of coffee. He just got up on his own so we are feeling pretty good now. Thanks guys for the advice and concern. We are leaving soon for a 3 hour drive home. Overall, we all had a great time and I really got some mental and physical relaxation. 

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30 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

If his blood sugar was low, drinking water is basically the last thing you want to do.


Source: my best friend of 25 years is diabetic


We don't know what the hell happened. We are currently home and he is doing really well. We thought his blood pressure was low so when I looked up what to do, drinking water was one thing they recommended. 

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:

Well my dad is still dizzy and not well at all. I literally just told my mom to get him to the hospital. She's not taking this seriously enough. Pisses me off. 


Should have done it yesterday when you had the chance. Well, you still do have a chance if you drive over there. :p

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32 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Should have done it yesterday when you had the chance. Well, you still do have a chance if you drive over there. :p


Well, to put it bluntly, my mom is currently being a bitch about the entire thing. She's said she's not his mommy and he can take of himself. I'm about an hour away and not feeling well myself. I just hope everything turns out ok. I'll tell you what, my dad was in exceptional health all the way up to about 76 years old. Since then, his health has declined significantly which really breaks my heart. Him tearing his rotator cuff falling in the shower was the nail in the coffin recently. Ugh...

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10 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Well, to put it bluntly, my mom is currently being a bitch about the entire thing. She's said she's not his mommy and he can take of himself. I'm about an hour away and not feeling well myself. I just hope everything turns out ok. I'll tell you what, my dad was in exceptional health all the way up to about 76 years old. Since then, his health has declined significantly which really breaks my heart. Him tearing his rotator cuff falling in the shower was the nail in the coffin recently. Ugh...


Yep watching your parents get older is kind of a bummer. Seeing them mentally or physically deteriorate isn't very fun. :(

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2 hours ago, best3444 said:


Well, to put it bluntly, my mom is currently being a bitch about the entire thing. She's said she's not his mommy and he can take of himself. I'm about an hour away and not feeling well myself. I just hope everything turns out ok. I'll tell you what, my dad was in exceptional health all the way up to about 76 years old. Since then, his health has declined significantly which really breaks my heart. Him tearing his rotator cuff falling in the shower was the nail in the coffin recently. Ugh...

you know what to do. 

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5 hours ago, best3444 said:

Well my dad is still dizzy and not well at all. I literally just told my mom to get him to the hospital. She's not taking this seriously enough. Pisses me off. 

Bruh its been a few days. Take him to the hospital.

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32 minutes ago, Rachel said:

Also your mom is being a huge bitch about this wow


I know. Like you mentioned, I have 2 brothers, 2 sisters, and grown nephew's and nieces that could easily help out and take him to the hospital. My mom just texted he is "ok" and I said what does that mean? She never responded so I'm going to let it go today. I texted everyone just now with no responses. I will call home soon to talk to my dad. He isn't dying (I don't think) so I'm thinking he's hanging in there. 


My mom can be a bitch like this when it comes to my dad. But she has her reasons, too. My dad treated her pretty poorly throughout their marriage with drinking and mental abuse. He still is a dick to her now but it's at a much lesser degree as he aged. Still no excuse to not take care of your husband in a time like this. 

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