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so u vaxed yet


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2 hours ago, Joe said:

Who do you go to when you feel sick? A mechanic?

Wait u suckers go to mechanics for your cars?!?!  I go to Jimmy. The guy who lives with his mom in an abandoned strip club. Like me, he doesn’t believe in that bullshit engine oil. Y’all are sheep to the engine oil people 

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4 minutes ago, Captain Pickle said:

Wait u suckers go to mechanics for your cars?!?!  I go to Jimmy. The guy who lives with his mom in an abandoned strip club. Like me, he doesn’t believe in that bullshit engine oil. Y’all are sheep to the engine oil people 

Do your own research bro.

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3 hours ago, Captain Pickle said:

Wait u suckers go to mechanics for your cars?!?!  I go to Jimmy. The guy who lives with his mom in an abandoned strip club. Like me, he doesn’t believe in that bullshit engine oil. Y’all are sheep to the engine oil people 


You drive a car? Don't you realize that sitting in a car can give you radioactive poisoning? It's better to just walk everywhere, plus you'll know that big oil hasn't planted microchip vapors into your lungs.

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I'm a mix of heartened and disheartened by the number of people who have gotten the vaccine in the USA. I think if you'd asked me last summer if we'd be where we're at now, I might not have believed it. Unfortunately the misinformation campaigns are strong for right leaning people, especially in the south. Read a really disheartening article about a doctor and preacher trying to gently coax skeptics in the deep south to get the vaccine, and it's not very effective even with people they have personal relationships with. It's scary that things that are so easily proven to be false get their grips into people - not that that's a revelation, since we've seen it in spades the last four years. 


The number one reason I think people claim they don't want it (other than if they're young and don't think it matters if they get covid) is that "we don't know the long term effects." Yet they're willing to roll the dice on a disease's long term effects that we're already seeing can be dangerous in young, healthy people. It's a puzzling one to me. I think the medical community and even people like Fauci have done a poor job at messaging in a range of issues, not entirely their own fault, but these vaccines are frankly fucking MIRACLE drugs, and the amount of skepticism they're met with is just like...man... we're never going to be able to unify around anything in this country. 

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6 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

The number one reason I think people claim they don't want it (other than if they're young and don't think it matters if they get covid) is that "we don't know the long term effects." Yet they're willing to roll the dice on a disease's long term effects that we're already seeing can be dangerous in young, healthy people. It's a puzzling one to me. I think the medical community and even people like Fauci have done a poor job at messaging in a range of issues, not entirely their own fault, but these vaccines are frankly fucking MIRACLE drugs, and the amount of skepticism they're met with is just like...man... we're never going to be able to unify around anything in this country. 


They should roll some propaganda video of all those people strung out on Krokodil and just say "This is what happens when you get covid" and I'm sure more people would be willing to get the vaccine. :p

  • stepee 1
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Just now, Keyser_Soze said:


They should roll some propaganda video of all those people strung out on Krokodil and just say "This is what happens when you get covid" and I'm sure more people would be willing to get the vaccine. :p

It's an interesting thought experiment to think about, say, what if this virus was killing children at the rate it was killing 80+ adults (especially at the beginning of the outbreak). I think the partisan lines would all but disappear, which tells you a lot about how we value the elderly. I think COVID is in a way almost the worst level of deadly - it spreads so damn fast and kills enough people (or at the very least causes them to be hospitalized) that if left unchecked we get what we had in Italy at the beginning or India (fucking tragic) now. But if you take the proper precautions it makes it seem like it's NOT a big deal, we shut down for no reason, blah blah. Like the things that are effective in stopping its spread make people MORE suspicious BECAUSE they're effective and people are, well, not that smart on the whole. 


The thing that gets me heated is that those are the people calling everyone else "sheep" and whatnot. I've had to not think about it too much because it truly makes me upset, and look at it in a more productive way, nonchalantly point skeptics in the right direction or kind of shrug off their concerns with haha yeah anyway I was vaccinated and I got to hug my grandparents without fear for the first time in over a year sort of thing, maybe it works maybe it doesn't. But shaming these people into it won't work. 

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It was really great being able to give both my grandmothers a proper hug this past weekend when I visited. Really got me in my emotions. Did them, too.


Then really disheartening hearing my brother and cousin poo poo the vaccine, acting like they don't need it and are afraid of it. I don't even know what to say to get through to them anymore.


Seeing people downplaying covid and still passing it off like a hoax just enrages me when I've worked through all of this the past 15 months or so and seen the damaging effects to people of all ages, watched families lose loved ones, etc. I no longer have patience for this type of sheer stupidity. Like the quote goes, I don't know how to convince you to care about other people.


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The "My body my choice" line only works when it's a choice about your body you make that harms no one else not when you decide to become a disease vector.


Want to get a septum piercing? Go for it. Chop off your own arm, don't let me stop you.

Put a time bomb on yourself and go to wal-mart? No because now you've extended your body to everyone else's body.

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31 minutes ago, Rachel said:

Yeah “my body my choice” is pretty hypocritical when you’re using that to also make choices for other people’s bodies and not just your own. 

It’s no different than abortion. Choices made for another persons body who has no say in the matter. 

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45 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


So you're saying you support abortion because you support not getting vaccinated? Very progressive of you!

I don’t support not getting vaccinated. I’m not out in the streets campaigning. It’s just my personal choice. 

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3 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


So by not getting it you support not getting it.

It’s not complicated. I suppose you could say I support myself not getting it. Personal choice? It’s not like I would try and talk anyone out of getting vaccinated. You do you. 

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7 minutes ago, Rachel said:

Huh? How is there a choice made for another person’s body with abortion? It’s one person’s body and that same person makes the decision what to do with it. 

What about the person who is aborted?

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Fully vaccinated. 


Understanding why stopping the virus from spreading to stop mutations by continuing mask wearing for now since no vaccine is 100% effective is simple science.


16 hours ago, BlueAngel said:

See that is the problem.


The problem isn't that she's in the medical field.


The problem is people who aren't who seem to think that somehow makes them more qualified. 

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I could see the argument that like just being in the medical field doesn’t make you significantly more knowledgeable about certain topics, but that falls flat when there is scientific consensus from experts in the specific medical field we’re dealing with here. 

It’s just the Asimov quote coming back time and time again. 

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Looking at data on sources of infection, there is pretty low risk of infection for unvaccinated people if they live with vaccinated people and almost no risk for vaccinated people regardless of whether they live with vaccinated people or not. Homes are the chief source of viral spread, followed by work places that involved prolonged indoor contact with coworkers. After that there is nothing even in the same ballpark.


But get vaccinated, it is free and gets us one step closer to being done with this terrible thing.

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

Looking at data on sources of infection, there is pretty low risk of infection for unvaccinated people if they live with vaccinated people and almost no risk for vaccinated people regardless of whether they live with vaccinated people or not. Homes are the chief source of viral spread, followed by work places that involved prolonged indoor contact with coworkers. After that there is nothing even in the same ballpark.


But get vaccinated, it is free and gets us one step closer to being done with this terrible thing.

As of the 21st, we will finally be allowing guests into our home again.:sun:


Gonna throw a little shindig with only vaxd folks, I think. It feels like both yesterday and 10 years ago the last time we had a house party.

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