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Marvel's Spider-Man (Be Greater) and Miles Morales (Be Yourself) OT - update: Miles Morales PC release on 18 November 2022


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2 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


Aaaaaaaaand I want the DLC NOW:sadsun:


Seriously, though...

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F Insomniac for killing off Aunt May


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F Insomniac for making my eyes tear up 

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“Take off that mask... I want to see my nephew.”

“You knew...?”





Yup for everything you said.

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8 hours ago, Sajua's Sacrifice said:

As the friend you just told, can confirm I said this. also I created an account just to tell you in front of everyone here, you're a damn fucking fuck, you fuck. Fuck you. #friendship




6 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

It's so fucking good. I wish you could play the whole game in that effect.


Possible future patch? :mthinking:

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8 hours ago, Sajua's Sacrifice said:

As the friend you just told, can confirm I said this. also I created an account just to tell you in front of everyone here, you're a damn fucking fuck, you fuck. Fuck you. #friendship


Welcome! It's good that you're here, we need someone to keep @SaysWho? in line. :p 


Also, fuck. 

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:



Some people lose their minds if they are told anything about a video game. I’m not one of them. :shrug:


Besides I kinda figured that 


Aunt Mae would die since she was coughing up blood earlier.


Now Best let me ask you how much further do I have before I finish. I am at 


Cleared all military and prisoner camps and defeated Electro and Vulture.


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A few more thoughts.


The combat “pacing” overall is really solid. I felt like I was unlocking enough stuff that had a meaningful impact on fighting for most of the game. Handling mobs before and after the bomb webs (or whatever they’re called) feels different, being able to toss people around after they’re webbed makes a big change in combat, etc. There are probably a couple trashy or less impactful abilities in the mix which is kind of inevitable given the sheer number of suits, gadgets, upgrades, etc., but that’s a problem of riches and not a bad one to have.


One of the things that the game does best other than traversal is setting the right tone at the right moments. This is hard for Spidey especially since he’s a wise cracking guy partially just to keep himself sane, but they handled that really well. Honestly the only thing that I thought that they could have done better in this regard is the ending, since the events that happen didn’t really have enough time to land, but that’s a really small complaint for something that does an otherwise great job throughout the whole affair.


For a game and brand that have so many familiar characters, they do really well building the tension to the final confrontation and establishing everyone’s motivations along the way. Pete and Otto specifically shine, but Li, MJ, Miles, and Norman get their licks in, too, and it’s a treat to see.


Honestly this is a really good example of a game that’s better than the sum of its parts, almost all of which are still really good individually. There are a couple derps (combat objectives tell me to do X for the tokens, but they really mean Y which is thematically similar to X), and there’s almost nothing NEW in the game at all, it’s all really standard open world stuff. But it’s just presented in such a compelling package that it’s hard to care all that much, I’m too busy dive bombing off buildings to care.

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I was playing Far Cry 5 before this game and thought “man what a slog. Open world fatigue is finally hitting me.”  I almost didn’t bother playing Spider-Man because of it. Really happy I did. Traversal systems make and break an open world game for me. If you don’t make it either fun (Spider-Man) or painless (DQ XI not a true open world game but the sprint makes it very easy to traverse the world), I am not sure I can stomach it any longer. I spent all night activating towers and collecting backpacks and had a ton of fun.  My wife even said “why are you smiling? You aren’t doing anything.” 



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3 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

I was playing Far Cry 5 before this game and thought “man what a slog. Open world fatigue is finally hitting me.”  I almost didn’t bother playing Spider-Man because of it. Really happy I did. Traversal systems make and break an open world game for me. If you don’t make it either fun (Spider-Man) or painless (DQ XI not a true open world game but the sprint makes it very easy to traverse the world), I am not sure I can stomach it any longer. I spent all night activating towers and collecting backpacks and had a ton of fun.  My wife even said “why are you smiling? You aren’t doing anything.” 



I never complete games. I always grow bored and move on to the next flavor of the week. 


Not this one.  

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Just now, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I dunno, maybe a couple hours. I'm just struggling to want to play it for very long. I played some last night. Leaning towards skipping it tonight and playing Tomb Raider instead.

The more Spidey suits, abilities, skills, gadgets, and moves you unlock the more fun the game gets. But play Tomb Raider and then go back to Spider-Man when you’re feeling it. 

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8 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

I was playing Far Cry 5 before this game and thought “man what a slog. Open world fatigue is finally hitting me.”  I almost didn’t bother playing Spider-Man because of it. Really happy I did. Traversal systems make and break an open world game for me. If you don’t make it either fun (Spider-Man) or painless (DQ XI not a true open world game but the sprint makes it very easy to traverse the world), I am not sure I can stomach it any longer. I spent all night activating towers and collecting backpacks and had a ton of fun.  My wife even said “why are you smiling? You aren’t doing anything.” 




Interesting you say this. I haven't beaten many open world games considering how many games I finish. If I pop it in my console, games probably get finished between 75% -80% of the time. Open world games on the other hand will lose me quick if they don't have a hook somehow for me. As I think, I that hook is super heroes (Batman & Spider-Man) or something just clicks and I am so engaged like Metal Gear Solid 5. 

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9 hours ago, Hurdyb1 said:


Interesting you say this. I haven't beaten many open world games considering how many games I finish. If I pop it in my console, games probably get finished between 75% -80% of the time. Open world games on the other hand will lose me quick if they don't have a hook somehow for me. As I think, I that hook is super heroes (Batman & Spider-Man) or something just clicks and I am so engaged like Metal Gear Solid 5. 

Maybe I should give MGS 5 another go around. 

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10 hours ago, Hurdyb1 said:


Interesting you say this. I haven't beaten many open world games considering how many games I finish. If I pop it in my console, games probably get finished between 75% -80% of the time. Open world games on the other hand will lose me quick if they don't have a hook somehow for me. As I think, I that hook is super heroes (Batman & Spider-Man) or something just clicks and I am so engaged like Metal Gear Solid 5. 

A well crafted world is another thing that gets me through an open world. Horizon Zero Dawn is a game that comes to mind that didn’t have a great traversal system but the world itself I found interesting that I played all of it.

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20 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

One of the things that the game does best other than traversal is setting the right tone at the right moments. This is hard for Spidey especially since he’s a wise cracking guy partially just to keep himself sane, but they handled that really well. Honestly the only thing that I thought that they could have done better in this regard is the ending, since the events that happen didn’t really have enough time to land, but that’s a really small complaint for something that does an otherwise great job throughout the whole affair.

I agree that this was, by and large, very well done throughout the game.


As far as the ending goes:


I kind of wish there was more time between when Otto went crazy and when everything else went down. There isn't a great sense of time throughout the game, so it's hard to say what the timeline is in general, but it seemed like Otto went mad and within days had setup a secret lair, come up with his plan, recruited all the villains, and set everything in motion. Still, I was very impressed how well everything came together in the end. A very well told story.


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3 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

I agree that this was, by and large, very well done throughout the game.


As far as the ending goes:

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I kind of wish there was more time between when Otto went crazy and when everything else went down. There isn't a great sense of time throughout the game, so it's hard to say what the timeline is in general, but it seemed like Otto went mad and within days had setup a secret lair, come up with his plan, recruited all the villains, and set everything in motion. Still, I was very impressed how well everything came together in the end. A very well told story.



It was over the course of 3-days since there’s a day/night-cycle


It seemed that Octavius planned this for months in advance, prior to the game even starting.


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I initially did not like MGS5. I actually played a few initial missions and put it down for months. Then people kept speaking it up and I had to find out if I was missing something. I'm so glad I went back in because something clicked for me and I enjoyed the world that was created for us players. There was a thread created a few months ago that talked about it with another D1Per and we all felt the same. Initially did not care for the game but then we learned to play it. 


It's definitely one of the best experiences I have had on my PS4. If not for a few choices designs on Kojima's part, I'd easily put this in that MGS3 and Spider-Man type pedestal but it is a very good expereince. I put over 100 hours into this game. Game play wise, you can seriously do what you want and there are a number of ways to approach a mission that's seriously only limited by your imagination. 


I'd recommend giving it another go.

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Just now, Hurdyb1 said:




I initially did not like MGS5. I actually played a few initial missions and put it down for months. Then people kept speaking it up and I had to find out if I was missing something. I'm so glad I went back in because something clicked for me and I enjoyed the world that was created for us players. There was a thread created a few months ago that talked about it with another D1Per and we all felt the same. Initially did not care for the game but then we learned to play it. 


It's definitely one of the best experiences I have had on my PS4. If not for a few choices designs on Kojima's part, I'd easily put this in that MGS3 and Spider-Man type pedestal but it is a very good expereince. I put over 100 hours into this game. Game play wise, you can seriously do what you want and there are a number of ways to approach a mission that's seriously only limited by your imagination. 


I'd recommend giving it another go.


Shit, i need to go back and beat 4 AND 5 :p MGS3 was amazing though.

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Just now, skillzdadirecta said:


Shit, i need to go back and beat 4 AND 5 :p MGS3 was amazing though.

Truth be told, MGS3 is the perfect mix between game play and story. MGS5 was too much story and not enough game play and MGS5 was too much game play and not enough of the storytelling we have come to expect from Kojima. Word among fans was that he listened to the complaints about too much story in MGS4  and went to an extreme opposite with MGS5. Don't know how true it is but I can easily agree with that with what we have seen in the games.


I need to run thru MGS4 again.

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1 hour ago, TwinIon said:

I agree that this was, by and large, very well done throughout the game.


As far as the ending goes:

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I kind of wish there was more time between when Otto went crazy and when everything else went down. There isn't a great sense of time throughout the game, so it's hard to say what the timeline is in general, but it seemed like Otto went mad and within days had setup a secret lair, come up with his plan, recruited all the villains, and set everything in motion. Still, I was very impressed how well everything came together in the end. A very well told story.



Yeah that was a little weird, though I’d say the game did enough to establish that...



Otto is brilliant enough that if he put his mind to it, he COULD do it quickly. Also there’s enough in the lab at various points in the game to establish that he was taking contract work to improve the Raft, so presumably he knew the place inside and out. What was a little rushed to me was that he knew enough about the villains to be able to get leverage on them... though I guess again... there are clippings in his office to show that he’s been thinking about them for a while.


My comment about the ending not letting the moment land was about (SERIOUS ENDGAME SPOILERS DO NOT CLICK UNLESS YOU WANT THE END RUINED)...



We’re at May’s funeral, and then we’re seeing Miles as Spidey, and then Pete is talking to the cop about cleaning up the city and we’re swinging around Manhattan again. I don’t feel like we got enough time between May dying and getting back to being a friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man to let that moment land. Which is a bummer because I didn’t see the death coming at all and I thought the game did a lovely job of earning that last conversation between May and Peter. It let us know how hard doing the right thing was for him even though Peter was always going to make that choice. It was really touching and that’s not something I expected from the game until it happened, but it still felt totally earned.


Again, another super high class “problem,” and it’s not even really one at that. Maybe I was still just riding the moment that Peter had with May and didn’t want to be kicked back to farming tokens.


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You know a game is good when you're sad you beat it. :cry:


So a few thoughts:



First, I haven't gotten to the post-credits scene yet.

Aunt May's death was still sad, but it was surprising that she knew! Otto, he knew, but I guess I SHOULD have known that because the guy's not an idiot to have seen all of that shit at the beginning and not put two and two together. That also explains why he let Spidey live at the prison, which is normally a, "Villain should have ended it there," trope but actually works with the story.

Spider-Man has always had many sympathetic villains, and I felt so so bad for Otto when Parker turned his back on him despite having every good reason to do so. Oh Otto. =( 


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