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Black Panther 2 = BP: Wakanda Forever. Captain Marvel 2 = The Marvels. And more!

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Because now Google thinks I care about this website, I decided to read their new article about Amber Heard...



Is Amber Heard being investigated by the police and facing possible jail time for something surrounding her troubles with Johnny Depp?



This is the dumbest article ever. It's source is a German right wing tabloid with contacts in the LAPD that says Heard is being investigated by the LAPD for perjury she committed in London in regards to whether or not her house was messy.

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45 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I wouldn't place too much stock in these fansites... They claim Brie Larson is pretty much fired at this point.


Of course, this one was just hilariously egregious. I just had to check it out before I told Google to never let me see their site pop up in my recommendeds again.

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15 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


Of course, this one was just hilariously egregious. I just had to check it out before I told Google to never let me see their site pop up in my recommendeds again.

Yeah them and a couple of other sites have been doubling down on the Brie Larson hate since the Marvels title was announced.

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On 5/8/2021 at 4:46 PM, Ghost_MH said:


Because Avatar is actually more popular than you might think it is. Disney spent hundreds of millions of dollars building Pandora...before they bought Fox. There are four sequels currently in production. Do you think the Avatar sequels are going to flops at the box office? I doubt they'll do as well as the original, but you can't be arguing that nobody is interested in watching these because there aren't enough memes for them out there or something, right?

I mean that’s cool, but how come nobody defends Avatar on here then? Literally every thread about the sequels is filled with users trashing the original and the common complaint (not just here but on the internet as a whole) for having no cultural impact. I mean, I would argue that Avatar has more of a cultural impact than Captain Marvel. It’s hard to imagine Captain Marvel getting her own theme park ride based around her, much less and entire theme-land. Or a Cirque du Soleil type live show.


If y’all were being objective about defending this equally then there would be much more disagreement in the Avatar threads. I’ll post just the first three I found when I ran a search.




All I did was make an objective observation that these movies haven’t made as big of an impact in the circles that I hang around, and these are people who are primed for more women in superhero flicks. It was just an observation, not a criticism - I’ll save my criticism for my following post. But there is something about Marvel that rallies fans to defend it in a way that Avatar doesn’t.

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Let me give some context. I recently came out as a trans woman. I’m probably more invested in seeing proper female representation in big budget genre movies than the average user on here for that very reason. I identify with women so much more. I also love Brie Larson. I even changed my first name to Brie because I think it’s a pretty name. I hang around a lot of queer and female led spaces that rabidly go hard on characters that simply aren’t discussed to the same degree as they are on here. My girls still can’t stop talking about Birds of Prey and Harley Quinn in general. They love Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie. They were in general less harsh toward WW84 in general than this board was (a movie I thought had its moments - we queens love our camp!)


These are fans that are very forgiving of flawed movies as long as they give us female and queer characters that we can connect with. We are primed to snap our fingers and scream YASSS QUEEN at the drop of that hat. These are enthusiastic genre fans that Marvel aims to please. And mostly they’ve been doing better in recent years. You may have a knee jerk defense to say I’m wrong, and that the support of these communities matters less and what’s more important is if casual fans turn out, but lemme just say that from my perspective - Captain Marvel as a character failing to connect with female and queer communities is a huge missed opportunity. I think Marvel knows that. We are the base and they need our enthusiasm just like they needed the enthusiasm of black communities to turn Black Panther into more that just a cash cow, but a honest to goodness phenomenon. They see how my circles are much more interested in Monica Rambeau and Ms Marvel’s future than they are in Captain Marvel. And the new title reflects that. If Captain Marvel’s impact was as great as her box office numbers I don’t know think we’d see a rebranding so soon.


It’s not like they can’t turn it around. It took Marvel a handful of movies before they knew how get Thor to better connect with fans. They can still turn her around. Again, I LOVE my girl Brie and I’m rooting for her probably more than most on here. But I think Marvel can do more in her future films, and if I were to guess I would say that Feige is hoping they can too.

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9 minutes ago, Komusha said:

I mean that’s cool, but how come nobody defends Avatar on here then? Literally every thread about the sequels is filled with users trashing the original and the common complaint (not just here but on the internet as a whole) for having no cultural impact. I mean, I would argue that Avatar has more of a cultural impact than Captain Marvel. It’s hard to imagine Captain Marvel getting her own theme park ride based around her, much less and entire theme-land. Or a Cirque du Soleil type live show.


If y’all were being objective about defending this equally then there would be much more disagreement in the Avatar threads. I’ll post just the first three I found when I ran a search.




All I did was make an objective observation that these movies haven’t made as big of an impact in the circles that I hang around, and these are people who are primed for more women in superhero flicks. It was just an observation, not a criticism - I’ll save my criticism for my following post. But there is something about Marvel that rallies fans to defend it in a way that Avatar doesn’t.


Exposure bias is just that real. If you hung around more right-wing circles you'd be exposed to a ton more DC fans than Marvel ones, but then DC movies aren't pulling in as much money and aren't rating as highly as Marvel's. Like how there was "massive" fan outcry for the Snyder Cut and the vast majority of people watching never finished it and even then it did worse numbers than like Godzilla.


This site is very much not representative of the greater film watching world. We have an eclectic collection of weirdos around here. We're also a bunch of self aggrandizing hypocrites. I don't know how many folks around here liked Avatar, but I'm fairly certain a plurality of us will still watch the sequels, all four of them. I thought the movie was very pretty, but mostly OK. It was the best live action adaptation of FernGully ever made. I'll probably still watch all of them, and very likely in theaters in spite of how difficult that is for me with so many kids.

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“What’s popular?”


”Avengers Endgame”


”What’s that?”


”The climax of a 20 movie series. Have you seen the other ones like Captain America or Iron man?”


“No. Does it have a lot of action though”




”Give me two tickets, a large popcorn and a large soda”





only a sliiiight paraphrase of an actual conversation

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2 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

“What’s popular?”


”Avengers Endgame”


”What’s that?”


”The climax of a 20 movie series. Have you seen the other ones like Captain America or Iron man?”


“No. Does it have a lot of action though”




”Give me two tickets, a large popcorn and a large soda”





only a sliiiight paraphrase of an actual conversation



Will Ferrell Reaction GIF



(I mean, I do... but I'd rather not :p )

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7 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

“What’s popular?”


”Avengers Endgame”


”What’s that?”


”The climax of a 20 movie series. Have you seen the other ones like Captain America or Iron man?”


“No. Does it have a lot of action though”




”Give me two tickets, a large popcorn and a large soda”





only a sliiiight paraphrase of an actual conversation


Ugh giving them false information. It had only been 11 years :talkhand:

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

“What’s popular?”


”Avengers Endgame”


”What’s that?”


”The climax of a 20 movie series. Have you seen the other ones like Captain America or Iron man?”


“No. Does it have a lot of action though”




”Give me two tickets, a large popcorn and a large soda”





only a sliiiight paraphrase of an actual conversation


As a deep film buff and film nerd, this is very true but also severely depressing. :p 


"No. Does it have a lot of action though?" is soul killing for me.

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While this this is true and also somewhat disturbing... some of the best cinematic experiences I've ever had have been the result of knowing NOTHING at all about the movie I was about to see and picking one randomly and just going for it.


There's some real fun in just seeing some random movie... and letting it just be what it is, as it is in that moment with zero expectations or baggage going in.

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An interesting phenomenon of boards like this (and it happens all over) is that you notice that there is so much more discussion of a movie BEFORE the movie comes out. Typically there is months of build up and discussion and leaks and hypothesis... and then it comes out and the whole conversation just dies.


We're in it for the anticipation and the build up. We're all just chasing that dragon.

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59 minutes ago, ort said:

An interesting phenomenon of boards like this (and it happens all over) is that you notice that there is so much more discussion of a movie BEFORE the movie comes out. Typically there is months of build up and discussion and leaks and hypothesis... and then it comes out and the whole conversation just dies.


We're in it for the anticipation and the build up. We're all just chasing that dragon.


I dunno. There are some movies where the discussion seems to carry on so much that it leaks into completely unrelated threads too. *cough* Last Jedi *cough* :p 

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I've found that most self proclaimed "film buffs" are pretentious wannabes and largely full of shit. Learned that in film school. I get the best impressions about movies, especially ones I haven't seen from regular old folks who just love a good movie now and then. My siblings and nieces and nephews have all recommended movies to me that I haven't heard of that turned out to be really good. Train to Busan was a movie that wasn't on my radar at ALL but my teen niece who is into all things Korean recommended it to me and it was one of the best movies I saw that year. General audiences who don't take themselves too seriously are pretty much who I trust for the most part. It's why the Oscars are so irrelevant nowadays. The members of the academy have completely lost touch with the viewing public and it wasn't always like that. 


That said, I don't know if the name change of the Captain Marvel has anything to do with Marvel losing faith in her... did calling the Ant Man sequel "Ant Man and The Wasp" illustrate that Marvel had lost faith in Paul Rudd? Lack of internet discussion means next to nothing to these companies as long as they perform at the box office and Captain Marvel is still the second highest grossing solo Marvel debut movie after Black Panther. The movie made a BILLION DOLLARS worldwide. With a B. You don't classify that as a failure on ANY level especially with a character that was unknown. Dollars are what make sense in studio land. Its why despite all of the chatter around the Snyderverse on the internet, WB apparently has little to no desire to ressurect his plans for the DC extended Universe especially when their last two films didn't top Godzilla vs Kong OR Mortal Kombat on HBO MAX. The internet really overestimates it's importance in the grand scheme of things... I'm not saying internet buzz doesn't matter. I'm just saying it doesn't matter nearly as much as it thinks it does Season 5 Whatever GIF by Paramount+

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With the stuff about Disney "firing" Brie Larson or distancing themselves from her brand or whatever the fuck, it's nonsense. The next movie with her in it is called "The Marvels" because it's not just her, it's also Monica Rambeau from WandaVision and Kamala Khan from the upcoming Ms. Marvel series. The movie comes out after all of that.


I can see why they would want to call it "The Marvels" rather than call it "The Pretty White Girl and the Other Two People of Color," which is essentially what they'd be doing.

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29 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

With the stuff about Disney "firing" Brie Larson or distancing themselves from her brand or whatever the fuck, it's nonsense. The next movie with her in it is called "The Marvels" because it's not just her, it's also Monica Rambeau from WandaVision and Kamala Khan from the upcoming Ms. Marvel series. The movie comes out after all of that.


I can see why they would want to call it "The Marvels" rather than call it "The Pretty White Girl and the Other Two People of Color," which is essentially what they'd be doing.

Right... and another things I don't think the internet trolls realize is that in comic book land, Monica Rambaeu was the second Marvel character and first female Character to be called "Captain Marvel" and NOT Carol Danvers. She didn't take the name until 20 years after the fact. Once again the trolls have no idea what they are talking about.

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3 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Right... and another things I don't think the internet trolls realize is that in comic book land, Monica Rambaeu was the second Marvel character and first female Character to be called "Captain Marvel" and NOT Carol Danvers. She didn't take the name until 20 years after the fact. Once again the trolls have no idea what they are talking about.


Oh some of them know, but they disingenuously use it as a weapon against Brie Larson, i.e., "Brie Larson is taking a role that should be going to a POC!". 

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lol I think anyone who read my posts, which were admittedly too long, would know that I was in no way attacking my girl Brie. I just haven’t seen any evidence that the character made much of a cultural impact, and I travel in circles where minor character like Valkalyrie are adored. I’m sure Marvel is figuring out a way to make the character resonate better. No tea, no shade. I love Brie but feel like her character is at a similar point that Thor was earlier in the MCU. The character has a cool power set but hasn’t fully connected with audiences yet. I haven’t seen any evidence she has besides the box office numbers. Which cool, Avatar made much more but who gives a flip about Jake Sully lol

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On 5/15/2021 at 3:27 PM, skillzdadirecta said:

I've found that most self proclaimed "film buffs" are pretentious wannabes and largely full of shit. Learned that in film school. I get the best impressions about movies, especially ones I haven't seen from regular old folks who just love a good movie now and then. My siblings and nieces and nephews have all recommended movies to me that I haven't heard of that turned out to be really good. Train to Busan was a movie that wasn't on my radar at ALL but my teen niece who is into all things Korean recommended it to me and it was one of the best movies I saw that year. General audiences who don't take themselves too seriously are pretty much who I trust for the most part. It's why the Oscars are so irrelevant nowadays. The members of the academy have completely lost touch with the viewing public and it wasn't always like that. 


That said, I don't know if the name change of the Captain Marvel has anything to do with Marvel losing faith in her... did calling the Ant Man sequel "Ant Man and The Wasp" illustrate that Marvel had lost faith in Paul Rudd? Lack of internet discussion means next to nothing to these companies as long as they perform at the box office and Captain Marvel is still the second highest grossing solo Marvel debut movie after Black Panther. The movie made a BILLION DOLLARS worldwide. With a B. You don't classify that as a failure on ANY level especially with a character that was unknown. Dollars are what make sense in studio land. Its why despite all of the chatter around the Snyderverse on the internet, WB apparently has little to no desire to ressurect his plans for the DC extended Universe especially when their last two films didn't top Godzilla vs Kong OR Mortal Kombat on HBO MAX. The internet really overestimates it's importance in the grand scheme of things... I'm not saying internet buzz doesn't matter. I'm just saying it doesn't matter nearly as much as it thinks it does Season 5 Whatever GIF by Paramount+

Actually Ant Man did decent but not as much as the normal Marvel movie made. So they added The Wasp to the title hoping a female co-lead would drive up attention to the movie.


It’s not about losing faith in Brie, it’s just a concern that they haven’t figured out the movie yet. Again, I’m arguably the biggest Brie fan on this board but feel like the Marvel movie underutilize her. It has nothing to do against her. I have fair the writers will find a way to make her connect. She’s just in a weird growing period just like Hemsworth was with Thor initially. And look how well he ended up doing. I have faith in Brie and the writers.

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29 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

I’m glad that I literally never think about what internet doofuses think. I mean, besides all of you.

I don’t care about what the average person thinks but I will ride or die for my online queer community. It’s hard to find a queer community where I currently am, so my online community to me is very much real. And if they aren’t yasss queeening for Captain Marvel, girl, there is something wrong. 

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On 5/14/2021 at 2:39 PM, Ghost_MH said:


Exposure bias is just that real. If you hung around more right-wing circles you'd be exposed to a ton more DC fans than Marvel ones, but then DC movies aren't pulling in as much money and aren't rating as highly as Marvel's. Like how there was "massive" fan outcry for the Snyder Cut and the vast majority of people watching never finished it and even then it did worse numbers than like Godzilla.


This site is very much not representative of the greater film watching world. We have an eclectic collection of weirdos around here. We're also a bunch of self aggrandizing hypocrites. I don't know how many folks around here liked Avatar, but I'm fairly certain a plurality of us will still watch the sequels, all four of them. I thought the movie was very pretty, but mostly OK. It was the best live action adaptation of FernGully ever made. I'll probably still watch all of them, and very likely in theaters in spite of how difficult that is for me with so many kids.

I hang around queer and feminist circles that are still discussing Birds of Prey :lol:. If these queens aren’t the type that Captain Marvel is made for then I don’t know who is tbh.

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4 minutes ago, Komusha said:

Actually Ant Man did decent but not as much as the normal Marvel movie made. So they added The Wasp to the title hoping a female co-lead would drive up attention to the movie.

Ant Man did ok... but it didn't do anywhere NEAR as well as Captain Marvel did. Captain Marvel's ONE movie made almost as much as BOTH Ant Man movies combined.

2 minutes ago, Komusha said:

I don’t care about what the average person thinks but I will ride or die for my online queer community. It’s hard to find a queer community where I currently am, so my online community to me is very much real. And if they aren’t yasss queeening for Captain Marvel, girl, there is something wrong. 

Why? I'm sure your online community is real to you but you have to realize it's still a very small sampling size of the overall public right? Even for the queer public. Like I'm part of several black film groups that express some pretty consistent view points within the groups themselves. but I don't think for a second that those groups are representtative of what black people as whole think in the public. Just what folks in those particular groups think.  I know black people in real life who disagree vehemently with some of the points of view I tell them are going on in those groups.

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4 minutes ago, Komusha said:

I hang around queer and feminist circles that are still discussing Birds of Prey :lol:. If these queens aren’t the type that Captain Marvel is made for then I don’t know who is tbh.


Younger girls, like the kind that walk into the Disney Store, see the Captain Marvel onsie pajamas and beg their parents to buy one. The marketing featured her growing up to be a super hero, from her younger days while also introducing us to another young girl (Monica) that also wants to grow up to become a super hero...and does. Add to this that the next entry in the series will also feature a teenage Miss Marvel who literally names herself after the super hero she wants to grow up to be.

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