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The Whole Goddamned Planet is getting ready for a fucking monster fire/flood/hurricane/typhoon/drought season

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https://www.usnews.com/news/business/articles/2021-04-14/epic-drought-means-water-crisis-on-oregon-california-border#:~:text=Federal officials announced Wednesday that,need amid a severe drought.&text=April 14%2C 2021%2C at 10%3A39 p.m.&text=PORTLAND%2C Ore.




It just hasn't rained. We've been helped so far by the fact that it's been colder than mormal, so the snow pack hasn't melted as fast as it normally does. But we're a full ~5-6 inches of rain below average going into the dry season. Unless we get a monsoon in the next couple months, we're going to get very burny very fast.

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Yeah, in Multnomah County we've already had a burn ban. In April. We normally average about 17 days of rain in April, I think we had, like... 2-3 days of rain? It's hard to find data in terms that I can understand, but it looks like it barely rained the entire month.


Come July, it won't rain again until September. We're kind of running out of time.


I'm not exaggerating when I say we are facing some serious shit. Hot, smoky shit.

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5 hours ago, Littleronin said:

Yep, I am alright prepping for the massive amount of smoke that will be brought into the area by buying extra filters and crap. There has already been a few smaller fires in the area here. 



When we still lived in Oregon, I made it a point to cut down the tall grass behind my house.  It wasn't our property, but the city didn't maintain it (very steep), and it was a huge fire hazard by the time it all dried out in ~June. 

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April saw the least amount of rain on record.


There was a random pop up wildfire in Oregon City about 10-14 days ago. My buddy have to evacuate his house for about 24 hours. It was a similar area that was impacted by the fires in September.

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2 hours ago, osxmatt said:

April saw the least amount of rain on record.


There was a random pop up wildfire in Oregon City about 10-14 days ago. My buddy have to evacuate his house for about 24 hours. It was a similar area that was impacted by the fires in September.

Hope everything goes well for him this year.


It's starting to get to a point where I wake up and immediately look out the window like "please be wet and miserable today, like the Portland I know and love."

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  • 1 month later...

We had the driest April ever recorded, then May was not the driest (.03 inches away from tying the driest). Now summer is 2 weeks away.



I had to explain to someone from out of town today why I was so excited when it briefly rained. I was like because the rate we're going, the sky will be orange for the next few months

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3 minutes ago, johnny said:

the few weeks we had smoke in the air 24/7 was horrible. damn fires 

Last year we had a few days where ashes were falling like snow and the sky was so dark you could look directly at the sun. Everyone is worried that it won't just be a few days this year.

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4 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:




Fuck I was just in Costco today walking right past a pile of air conditioners. Traffic is gonna suck to go back right now but I guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow.

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4 hours ago, Jason said:


Fuck I was just in Costco today walking right past a pile of air conditioners. Traffic is gonna suck to go back right now but I guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow.


Managed to slip into Costco right before they closed tonight and grab one. Online they had one that would be more appropriate for just my bedroom but in store they only had a 700 sq ft one, which should more or less do my whole apartment, and a 500 sq ft one, which is majorly overkill for my bedroom (I know it can be bad to have one that's massively overpowered for the room it's in since then it'll be constantly cycling on and off) but definitely going to be running nonstop trying to do the whole apartment. So got the 700 sq ft one and I'll return it and order one that's reasonable for just the bedroom if the heatwave is a bust, just didn't want a repeat of last summer trying to buy an air conditioner after everyone else has already figured out a major heatwave was coming and being stuck buying whatever piece of shit happens to still be in stock. 

  • stepee 1
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3 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I live in a basement. Even when it's 100 outside, it only ever hits like 75 max in my room:sun:


It gets humid as fuck, though


I can't sleep when it's like that at night. 

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20 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

Just gotta keep the air moving


That helps when it's a little warm but not when it's above 70 and humid. The air conditioner last summer was a life saver for September but it went to shit and I returned it to Home Depot before the 90 days was up. Plus I only have windows on one side of my apartment, I need the front door open to get a cross breeze, which obviously doesn't work overnight. 

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14 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

I live in a basement. Even when it's 100 outside, it only ever hits like 75 max in my room:sun:


It gets humid as fuck, though


My apartment seems to be naturally cool.  It helps that it faces west, so the sun isn't facing it in the morning hours.  The only times I have to run my A/C are in the evenings and at night.


The downside is that winter can be pretty damn cold.

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