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Starfield - Information Thread, update (09/30): "Shattered Space" expansion launch trailer


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12 hours ago, Paperclyp said:


I just did this mission as well… 


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I had to choose between my girl Andreja or Sam. And while I wasn’t super broken up about Sam, Cora blames you. I like Cora and the delivery from her just had me gutted.


I’m not as big a fan of Barrett, but I didn’t really have much of a choice this play through. I would’ve been ok if it was Sarah this play through. I need to get those back story quests out of the way before I hit this point when I do NG+.

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2 hours ago, best3444 said:

Lol Sam got

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that happened to me very early into the game with Andreja.

A ship landed, some people got out, I didn’t get red healthbars indicating enemy, but scanner wasn’t telling me anything either so I just crouched to go invisible and shot to the head. She was pissed. I loaded a save and ran over and sure enough they were just colonists or something needing ship parts or something.

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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Starfield - Information Thread, update: 2022 delay was a "disaster situation" for Game Pass according to leaked documens

If Starfield missing 2022 was a disaster for Game Pass it means Game Pass has a bigger issue with a significant lack of big games. MS needs more than 1 big game a year. It’s why many people, myself included, say that Starfield hasn’t “saved Xbox”, because there needs to be a steady stream of big games. At least 1 per quarter. 

just look at the muted response to Sony this year and after the State of Play. Not enough big games releasing. Which for Sony isn’t as bad to have a slower year. Some people could have a backlog they’re still going through. But for Xbox, there isn’t as big a backlog of big exclusives. 

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29 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

that happened to me very early into the game with Andreja.


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I didn't reload because I don't care about Sam at all. I persuaded him to forgive me and join me again so he is in my good graces. I want in Andreja's pants. 

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3 hours ago, best3444 said:

Lol Sam got

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So fuckun pissed I killed a innocent that he chewed me out and left my party. It was ridiculous. 


Shit I kill everyone. When I did the quest where you had to talk one of the 


Ambassadors to get access to the archives I killed her and her staff lol


  • Haha 1
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15 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

If Starfield missing 2022 was a disaster for Game Pass it means Game Pass has a bigger issue with a significant lack of big games. MS needs more than 1 big game a year. It’s why many people, myself included, say that Starfield hasn’t “saved Xbox”, because there needs to be a steady stream of big games. At least 1 per quarter.


Isn't that kind of the gist of the email? He's literally saying after Halo Infinite, they have nothing and it's a disaster (which it was) and they need to create a great lineup of games, which they are working on but yes they need this as well.

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Yeah I’m just saying, the game being delayed wasn’t the disaster. The disaster was without SF they had nothing. Even if SF releases in 2022, it would have been dead all this time with the high profile failure of a game that never should have had a high profile release. 

worse even would be how unfinished or unpolished SF would have felt a year ago. Compounding the disaster even more. 

  • True 1
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8 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Where did you get it? Sounds badass.

Planet Polvo and then the town Hope Town. There's a shop where they sell guns. On one of the shelves is a Magshear, which you can steal.


And then you have to save and then load, and voila, an Advanced Magshear appears there that you can steal again.


  • Shocked 1
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8 minutes ago, brucoe said:

Planet Polvo and then the town Hope Town. There's a shop where they sell guns. On one of the shelves is a Magshear, which you can steal.

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And then you have to save and then load, and voila, an Advanced Magshear appears there that you can steal again.



Thank you good sir.

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7 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

my favorite weapon. Ammo is a bit rare and it eats ammo, but it’s a great gun. I also like the idea of it being my character’s “signature weapon”. 

honestly i just cheese the ammo shop in new atlantis.  they have sold the most rounds out of the shops ive been to.  2-3 24r "waits" and ammo is stocked up good

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I'm curious what people have specced into and what they feel has been worthwhile. I didn't put a single point into combat and never really felt the need to. I also feel like I probably underutilized some of the social skills.


Things I happily maxed out:
Weightlifting - Always need to carry more stuff
Boost pack training - I waited on this one, but it's really useful for increased mobility. One point is mandatory.
Security - If you're not interested in opening locks, why are you playing? Also, the last rank is great. Using the extra pick to eliminate unused options and then auto-filling the first choice made even master locks take no more than a few moments.
Piloting / Starship Design - I wanted to build and fly the best ships, so these were necessary. Everyone should do piloting, design is less required if you're not into ship building.


Things you really should put at least one point in:
Targeting - Really useful in space combat.
Stealth - You can't sneak at all without it, but I hated the stealth so I didn't invest more.
Persuasion / Negotiation - open up a lot of dialog options
Theft - Pickpoketing can be a real shortcut at times, so it's nice to have.


Things I found valuable, but maybe aren't for everyone:
Weapon Engineering / Spacesuit Engineering / Special Projects- You can definitely get by without these, but I really liked being able to put a better sight on a gun or carry more weight with a suit. I don't think the crafting in general is sufficiently rewarding for the effort required, but if you're going to do it, may as well go all the way.
Scanning / Surveying - I think some will tire quickly of scanning things, and you can ignore it for the most part, but if you're crafting then the added info is really helpful, especially Scanning.

Things I invested in but don't recommend:
Outpost Engineering / Planetary habitation - These were the skills I rushed so I could do more with my outposts, but in their current state I don't recommend it. If an update or mod comes along that allows way more storage, better remote storage access, and filtering of output, then maybe it would be worth it. If they added some stuff that you have to craft or other bonuses for having outposts, then great. Until there's more to it, I don't reccomend it unless you're just looking to build some well decorated places to hang out.

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Question about the security 



I was doing a quest on Neon and had to take a package that caused a gun fight. Now the security is after me at every corner of the planet. I flew off and I'm waiting to see if they calm down after a few days. Is that how it works? I even surrendered and they kept shooting at me. 


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Just now, Paperclyp said:

@TwinIon I find any perk to allow you to carry more weight a little useless actually. The gains are so incremental. 

I have been doing like persuasion stuff and making my ballistic guns, pistols and rifles better. Then like a few others here and there.

I don't really blame you on the weight thing, but I did find that the cumulative effect was enough to make a difference. Especially since late game guns were often so heavy, those perk points were noticeable.


I think the other reason that I threw those in was just how inconsequential so much of the skill tree felt to me.

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25 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

@TwinIon I find any perk to allow you to carry more weight a little useless actually. The gains are so incremental. 

I have been doing like persuasion stuff and making my ballistic guns, pistols and rifles better. Then like a few others here and there.

Same here. I don't need to hoard even though the emcumbrance is a pain in the ass.

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3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Same here. I don't need to hoard even though the emcumbrance is a pain in the ass.


Encumbrance is out of control in this. I got rid of everything that I didn't need and I  absolutely was still too heavy. 


Then my co2 issue I have trouble getting around lol. 

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Just now, best3444 said:


Encumbrance is out of control in this. I got rid of everything that I didn't need and I  absolutely was still too heavy. 


Then my co2 issue I have trouble getting around lol. 

Yeah it's so annoying when you're still heavy and you're not sure why. Usually it's miscellanious resources or some shit

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11 hours ago, best3444 said:

Question about the security 


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@Mr.Vic20 @Xbob42 @Spawn_of_Apathy 

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