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Starfield - Information Thread, update (09/30): "Shattered Space" expansion launch trailer


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8 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


There is plenty of lore in an Elder Scrolls game, they're all in books you find in the world and some are quite lengthy.


While that's true... IMHO, not a great way to implement it. Going to compare it to ME. The lore is a big part of not only the settings but also the motivations of the characters. Wrex and the Krogans dealing with the genophage. Mordin and his guilt about it. 


Conversely, Skyrim had interesting looking ruins throughout that you'd wander upon... but little explanations of what they were before. So they (to me) feel hollow. Compare that to Elden Ring, which had similar but most places felt like they had a purpose in the world vs just being there. Ruins weren't just a random castle in the wilderness but the ruins of whole towns....


Which brings me back to Starfield. One of the things that stuck with me in IGNs review were the copy/pasted sections of the MAIN plotline. Inch deep/mile wide. I know I'll eventually play it but when I read/hear stuff like that it just reminds me of the many things I dislike about your typical Ubi game. Lots of stuff to do but not a lot of narrative reason to do them beyond checking boxes.

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Alex Hay died from lung cancer in March this year.



I suspect players are going to be finding little references and additions in Starfield for some time to come, but they've already found the one most likely to make me cry. Bethesda has slipped in a tribute to Alex Hay, a long-time fan of games like Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and the Fallouts who died of cancer several months ago, and whose disappointment at not being able to make it to Starfield's release date was preserved in his viral Reddit thread from earlier this year.


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31 minutes ago, Firewithin said:

so I have a few quests to join certain groups. am I able to join multiple or do I get locked out of others?



Learn how to join all factions in Starfield to explore this massive galaxy -- fight aliens, solve crimes or become a pirate.



NOTE: You can join all factions in a single playthrough. Joining one faction will not preclude you from joining another faction. All factions are viable and can be joined — or fought against — at any time in the story. You are not limited to joining just one.


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Played over an hour and it's great so far. It starts out extremely slow but it's now picking up. The space combat was cool. I'm sticking with the fp view even though 3rd person isn't bad. So far so good. 


The graphics are great and the framerate is extremely solid. I'm very pleased right now. 

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7/10 IGN

7/10 GameStop

75 PC Gamer


Lets face it X-babies Phil Howard lied again. While you fanboys play 200 hours for your 7/10 experience, I'm going to play through God of War and God of War Ragnaroog four times each. Those are both 10/10 IGN games and in that time I'll have an 80/10 experience to your 7/10. You can all cope and seethe all you want, when I saw that Starshit was going to be a bad game I turned 360 degrees around and walked away.

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2 minutes ago, Moa said:

7/10 IGN

7/10 GameStop

75 PC Gamer


Lets face it X-babies Phil Howard lied again. While you fanboys play 200 hours for your 7/10 experience, I'm going to play through God of War and God of War Ragnaroog four times each. Those are both 10/10 IGN games and in that time I'll have an 80/10 experience to your 7/10. You can all cope and seethe all you want, when I saw that Starshit was going to be a bad game I turned 360 degrees around and walked away.


Wtf? You being serious?

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4 minutes ago, Moa said:

7/10 IGN

7/10 GameStop

75 PC Gamer


Lets face it X-babies Phil Howard lied again. While you fanboys play 200 hours for your 7/10 experience, I'm going to play through God of War and God of War Ragnaroog four times each. Those are both 10/10 IGN games and in that time I'll have an 80/10 experience to your 7/10. You can all cope and seethe all you want, when I saw that Starshit was going to be a bad game I turned 360 degrees around and walked away.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:




:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



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48 minutes ago, stepee said:

Game is absolute DOG SHIT


It's very good but it's not blowing me away. I played 4 hours straight and it's deserving of the scores it is getting. 


The main city New Atlantis looks so fucking bad. As in a PS4 game could look better. Especially with me playing RDR2 these visuals are average. The indoor environments are nice looking though. But I reached a forest area and it looked like complete ass. Like a hi res N64 game. I'm not exaggerating at all. 


The combat is serviceable but not super tight. The characters actually look pretty good and they are not crossed eyed like that presentation showed. The ship is fun to have combat in and this really just reminds me of Mass Effect. 


I'm pleased but I am disappointed overall so far. Maybe it will pick up but right now this is no classic or GOTY contender in the slightest. Again, I'm only 4 hours in so things could change. I haven't experienced everything this game offers so I'm being patient.


Oh, one great thing is you can auto save at any point in time which is so nice. 



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OK, 7 hours in and a few thoughts:


* I am enjoying the game

* The game introduces systems/fundamental features at the pace of a book, rather than a traditonal video game, slow burn

* Bethesda hasn't had to play arcitech/civil planner on this scale before and it shows. New Atlantis is...a throw back compared to say Novagrad in the Witcher 3

* Combat is the best its ever been for a BGS game, but such a low bar can be hoped over

* PC players should immediately install the FOV mod 

* Picking skills has me hesitating as most of them seem pretty useful, I hope there is an ability to respec

* Most of the things you can do from piloting to combat "open up" as you develop your skills so, as per my second point, the game is shallow at the start, but I'm feeling it building now

* Some of the UI choices, even for a BGS game, have left me scratching my head. Who thought this was a good approach? 

* To save others annoyance - Docking with stations and ships in local space is acheived by first highlighting your target with the A button and then holding X button to dock

* I enjoy wondering arounbd planets alot, but I can see how that isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea

* The story telling in this game is relaxed to the point of being odd. Its like everyone, regardless of motive or emotinal disposition is sstill somehow super chill 

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13 minutes ago, stepee said:

I think it’s not the kind of game that will wow right away. I believe the opening hours was the main complaint reviewers had, so i wouldn’t worry.


You're correct. I've been watching video reviews now that I've played it and they absolutely say it starts out slow. So that makes me feel better. The reviews I'm watching are saying it's an incredible game and the very best Bethesda game released. Most reviewers on YouTube are blown away with this so I'm going to be patient and just enjoy the ride.


Visuals though are disappointing. I'm so surprised they didn't utilize the Series X better here. 

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Just now, best3444 said:


You're correct. I've been watching video reviews now that I've played it and they absolutely say it starts out slow. So that makes me feel better. The reviews I'm watching are saying it's an incredible game and the very best Bethesda game released. Most reviewers on YouTube are blown away with this so I'm going to be patient and just enjoy the ride.


Visuals though are disappointing. I'm so surprised they didn't utilize the Series X better here. 

To be fair, its a BGS game, they aren't know for their visuals. "Serviceable" comes to mind first when I think of BGS games. 

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1 minute ago, Moa said:

I thought both Skyrim and Oblivion were pretty boundary pushing visually. I remember being impressed by the armor reflections in oblivion and the textures in Skyrim. 


Exactly so that's why I'm disappointed in this area. They had plenty of time to use the power of the Series X. 

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27 minutes ago, best3444 said:

@Mr.Vic20 did your jaw drop in disappointment when you first visited New Atlantis? 


What do you think about the visuals overall? Your post makes me feel better about this. 

New Atlantis is a lot of space poorly used, with a lot of indirect pathing to make it seem like its a more complex environment then it actually is. The density of activities in the enviroment is low and the layout is that of an MMO from 10 years ago. The population of this "city" is also shockingly low. I think the game is at its best visually when you are wondering an alien world or moving through bases and space stations. I find the level of detail in all of the "Dungeons" to be quite dense and fairly detailed. Cockpit views are pretty good too, and space combat is dumb but acceptable, maybe that too changes with enhanced ships, skills, and later scenarios. I see the potential everywhere, but I don't want to speculate on how the game changes based on the story as you know, spoilers. 

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