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Starfield - Information Thread, update (09/30): "Shattered Space" expansion launch trailer


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1 minute ago, best3444 said:


I highly doubt this game is a 7/10. Seems like click bait. I'm really excited for tomorrow. 

To some people, I don't doubt it is. There are plenty of folks that straight out dislike BGS RPGs, and others that are just not very taken with them. The good news is that even the lower scored reviews basically say these points:


* If you like BGS games, you'll likely like this game

* runs stable with less bugs


And that's all folks like you and I need to have  great time! 

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11 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

To some people, I don't doubt it is. There are plenty of folks that straight out dislike BGS RPGs, and others that are just not very taken with them. The good news is that even the lower scored reviews basically say these points:


* If you like BGS games, you'll likely like this game

* runs stable with less bugs


And that's all folks like you and I need to have  great time! 


True. I'm a big Bethesda fan so I have no doubt I'll love this. 

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3 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

This is not an indictment of anyone in this thread. 

Just wanted to say people freaking out over a numbered score to a game they have not played is some of the most loser shit ever to me. 

I would definitely NOT read the Reseta era threads then! :lol:

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Having read the middling reviews from IGN, Gamespot, and Polygon, there does seem to be a consensus on a few things that seem to really bring down their overall impressions. The menus are probably the single biggest complaint. Menus interrupt or replace otherwise exciting moments, the menus themselves are clunky, too much time is spent in inventory management, and really too much time being spent in menus overall. They also generally didn't like the presence, and really the requirement of fast travel. The other big issue is how slow the opening 10-15 hours is. You have so few abilities, so few choices, so few options on what to do. While other, more positive reviews also mention the opening is much slower than other Bethesda games, the negative reviews really linger on just how much they disliked the beginning of the game and how heavily that affected their feelings.


The other complaint that is consistent between them, but is also more vague, is a shallowness to the RPG aspect. It seems like the reviewers were annoyed by the limited options you have in small choices, like how specific quest lines play out or even individual interactions, even while acknowledging that you can make very significant choices in your overall play style or allegiances. The positive reviews seem to take the opposite view while acknowledging the same basic facts. Yes, many of the quest lines offer little real choice, but the overall experience is rich with opportunities to define your character and how you spend your time.


The surprises to me were in how nearly everyone encountered very few bugs and the overall consensus on the combat was positive. I had no expectations that the game would be less buggy than previous BSG games and I had hopes but no expectations that the combat would be solid. The AI gets pretty low marks all around, but as long as combat feels good that can be overlooked.


After reading these reviews I think I'm more excited than I was prior. I can't predict where I'll fall on the spectrum, but my biggest fears about combat and bugs have greatly diminished. I also don't expect to have the same issues with fast travel as many reviewers. Yeah, flying seamlessly around in NMS is pretty cool, but after 100 hours I would gladly have traded that for the ability to more quickly jump around. I do tend to be unforgiving when it comes to bad menus though, so we'll see how that goes.


For now I'll just sit and be tempted by that nice green "PLAY" button in the Xbox app.

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11 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

This is not an indictment of anyone in this thread. 

Just wanted to say people freaking out over a numbered score to a game they have not played is some of the most loser shit ever to me. 


Agreed, and it's wild to me how far back this goes.  Browsing reviews from 20 years ago will give you the same exact kind of comments and arguments, with the difference being that they're even more vitriolic and higher in volume now.

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47 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

I wonder if @Xbob42, considering his previous complaints about Bethesda RPGs, will end up falling on the side of Gamespot or not:


"When you strip Starfield down to its essentials, it relies on a tried-and-true, but very well-tread formula. It is missing the depth of the games that came before it. Starfield is more concerned with quantity over quality, and leaves that experience at the surface level."

The previous games had depth?!

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2 minutes ago, Firewithin said:

PC perf seems to be all over the place right now.  some said they barely got 60fps/1080 on a 3080 while some have had benchmarks looking OK?  more 2023 gaming fuckery lol


im hoping i get lucky like i did with jedi knight and no problems


edit:  DF please save us


Likely to be a cpu bottleneck lurking with this one, people are still struggling with identifying and reporting that.

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I understand the complaints about the minute-to-minute gameplay systems in Bethesda's games, but the sum of these parts has always (for me) resulted in some of the most immersive and fun experiences across all of games.  It's easy to pick apart Skyrim in a granular way, but much harder to articulate how epic and fun the experience of playing the game is once you sink into it.


This game looks incredible.  I won't be playing it, but I'm happy for people who love big, meaty RPG games.  These seem rarer now, and between this and BG3, it's an amazing year for the genre.

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4 minutes ago, ShreddieMercury said:

I understand the complaints about the minute-to-minute gameplay systems in Bethesda's games, but the sum of these parts has always (for me) resulted in some of the most immersive and fun experiences across all of games.  It's easy to pick apart Skyrim in a granular way, but much harder to articulate how epic and fun the experience of playing the game is once you sink into it.


This game looks incredible.  I won't be playing it, but I'm happy for people who love big, meaty RPG games.  These seem rarer now, and between this and BG3, it's an amazing year for the genre.

Why don’t you want to play it?

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4 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

Why don’t you want to play it?


I have more limited time for games now with a young daughter, and find myself gravitating towards simpler games and stuff that I can hop quickly in and out of (lots of racing games at the moment).  I also find my patience and energy dwindle when I'm presented with extensive menus, stats, and skill trees, so these big RPG's are tough for me at this point :p

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29 minutes ago, ShreddieMercury said:

I understand the complaints about the minute-to-minute gameplay systems in Bethesda's games, but the sum of these parts has always (for me) resulted in some of the most immersive and fun experiences across all of games.  It's easy to pick apart Skyrim in a granular way, but much harder to articulate how epic and fun the experience of playing the game is once you sink into it.


This game looks incredible.  I won't be playing it, but I'm happy for people who love big, meaty RPG games.  These seem rarer now, and between this and BG3, it's an amazing year for the genre.

To me, the moment-to-moment gameplay is what builds the big epic moments and overall experience, so it always feels like Bethesda games are stuck in neutral and I'm just hoping to push the game far enough to hit the top of a hill and start coasting for a little while, but it never seems to happen. Maybe this time will be different. It does sound like the gameplay itself is better even if other areas sound lacking.

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1 hour ago, Firewithin said:

i rely on review scores to guide me in life 

9/10. Would read again. 

45 minutes ago, Firewithin said:

PC perf seems to be all over the place right now.  some said they barely got 60fps/1080 on a 3080 while some have had benchmarks looking OK?  more 2023 gaming fuckery lol


im hoping i get lucky like i did with jedi knight and no problems


edit:  DF please save us


if it’s CPU limited, they may have a 3080, but could have a relatively weaker CPU bottlenecking. 

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6 minutes ago, best3444 said:




Here are all the launch times for Starfield around the globe for August 31-September 1 early access.
  • Los Angeles – August 31 – 5 PM
  • Ciudad de Mexico – August 31 – 6 PM
  • Chicago – August 31 – 7 PM
  • New York – August 31 – 8 PM


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