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How much truth do you think there is there to the idea that...


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...someone's name can play a role in their destiny? If so, how/why do you think this is? It seems dumb to think so but how often do you encounter someone named Cletus who isn't a Cletus, read a news story about someone with the three part serial killer name (John Harvey Adams, Ron Wayne Darcy, etc) who doesn't match the profile of a psycho, or meet someone named Natasha who isn't hot? Why does this seem like such a pattern sometimes?

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  • heydude93 changed the title to How much truth do you think there is there to the idea that...

Because it’s a gruesome trap to try to coordinate a valid effort in defining these bounds for you. Thinking about this from the outside, as someone with no cat hair in this volley, it would have to involve a very targeted online investigation in order to find the exact specifications of which you qualified. Nobody is going to want to decode such a riddle as doing so would be a hateful act and it’s cruelty would serve no purpose but to entertain the idea of an idea bringing out a truth based on the existence of negative evidence. So no, I’m not going to fb search a bunch of pictures of ugly women named Natasha and post their picture in this thread, you monster.

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22 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

Tl;dr he's going to post a bunch of pictures of ugly natashas


it's possible, but would some anecdotal examples disprove there's a larger pattern of women named Natasha mostly being hot?


And more interestingly, how many pictures will be posted of men named Cletus that don't look like the stereotype? 



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Just now, heydude93 said:


it's possible, but would some anecdotal examples disprove the pattern?


And will anyone be able to post pictures of men named cletus that don't look like the stereotype? 



I mean, if you're the kind of person naming your kid cletus, you're probably the kind of person that thinks that name is acceptable to begin with, and therefore a bit of a cletus yourself. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.

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Just now, Bacon said:

Destiny is as real as god :dab2:

I, if I believed in God, would say that the puritans and calvinists had it right. If God is omnipotent and omnipresent, then God already knows what you're going to do before you do it, so why bother (that's not their interpretation but it was their logic). 

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13 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I mean, if you're the kind of person naming your kid cletus, you're probably the kind of person that thinks that name is acceptable to begin with, and therefore a bit of a cletus yourself. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.


There are plenty of examples of folks raised in families like that stereotype who don't become the stereotype.  But the question is, how many of them are also named Cletus?


Notice how nobody can disprove that this is a thing that happens.  It IS one hundred percent absurd that it's such a consistent thing, but it still frequently happens.  Why?


13 minutes ago, Bacon said:

Destiny is as real as god :dab2:


Indeed, but sometimes certain names like those mentioned in OP do seem to result in pre-determined paths in life.  It makes absolutely NO sense, so why does it happen?

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3 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I mean, if you're the kind of person naming your kid cletus, you're probably the kind of person that thinks that name is acceptable to begin with, and therefore a bit of a cletus yourself. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.


Its also just such a rare name in general, it’s more known as a stereotypical joke name than any actual people with that name. Since so few people have the name to begin with, it makes sense that you could notice any similarities and put them together.

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15 minutes ago, stepee said:

The amount of time it would take to legitimately disprove a coincidence would be a bigger waste of energy than crypto.

You can't prove a negative. that's not how science works. That's what leads to shit like ancient aliens. "CAN YOU PROVE IT WASN'T ALIENS?!"

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Here is the things with names, you can just asked to be something else. Even teachers will listen to kids if they wish to be called by a nickname or a middle name. Even then, once you are an adult you can get it change. Like, if your name was Cletus you could be called Klee or something. 

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13 hours ago, stepee said:

Because it’s a gruesome trap to try to coordinate a valid effort in defining these bounds for you. Thinking about this from the outside, as someone with no cat hair in this volley, it would have to involve a very targeted online investigation in order to find the exact specifications of which you qualified. Nobody is going to want to decode such a riddle as doing so would be a hateful act and it’s cruelty would serve no purpose but to entertain the idea of an idea bringing out a truth based on the existence of negative evidence. So no, I’m not going to fb search a bunch of pictures of ugly women named Natasha and post their picture in this thread, you monster.


I have absolutely no idea what is going on in this thread but this particular post is down right excellent.  👌 

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3 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

Fuck *what* exactly? Fuck this thread? What even is this thread? Fuck names? What even are names? Why do we even have them? What even is a thread?


You need to open your mind, brother

Exactly. This is why names defer to their entering of the mindset. If you are open to interpretation of the host referrals then you are closed to the secondary definition of its meaning.


open your heart, sister

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Just now, Captain Pickle said:

Exactly. This is why names defer to their entering of the mindset. If you are open to interpretation of the host referrals then you are closed to the secondary definition of its meaning.

I don't know what the fuck you just said, but I like it brother

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5 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I don't know what the fuck you just said, but I like it brother


He’s just passing the data in a concise mechanism designed to evaporate such undetermined paths that one may lead themselves into if not paying attention to the root cause. He’s showing that by having zero value the added sums only greaten the equation making it sufficiently difficult for the passage of any actual antidote beyond one lacking in substance.

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1 minute ago, stepee said:


He’s just passing the data in a concise mechanism designed to evaporate such undetermined paths that one may lead themselves into if not paying attention to the root cause. He’s showing that by having zero value the added sums only greaten the equation making it sufficiently difficult for the passage of any actual antidote beyond one lacking in substance.

If you sell crystals on etsy, I would buy one

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Watched a documentary a while back about a white supremacist family that named their son Adolf.  I'd guess such a kid probably wouldn't benefit from white privilege very much to say the least.


Being named Cletus might have a negative effect too unless they were from a progressive family in a progressive community with a good sense of humor.  Kind of a dick move from the parents though.


Natasha's a weird one, I've noticed it correlating w/ hotness too but there's no way it couldn't be a coincidence, so not sure why that's a thing.

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33 minutes ago, gamer.tv said:

So the idea of a self fulfilling prophecy...


...would be easier to accept if there were more examples of guys named Cletus who didn't end up embodying the class/culture stereotype, so I get what OP's saying.  Though oddly enough there are some people of color with that name but a different reaction would probably be curated compared to a white guy having it, for better or worse.  But yeah, its ridiculous that a person's name should have so much power over their life, it's just odd how there seems to be little quantitative proof that it doesn't have some measurable effect. A weird but true coincidental and difficult (and pointless) to explain occurrence that happens I suppose.

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2 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Let's just say that being named "Wade Steel" hasn't exactly had a negative impact on my existence.

Can you hurry up and unlock your superpowers already. That or when are you doing porn?

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