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Holy shit the balls on Filip Miucin


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17 hours ago, sblfilms said:

I’m decidedly in the “not even mad” camp. I’m impressed by his dedication to his craft.


It becomes a little more upsetting about how he got a job. Look at his Breath of the Wild review on his Youtube channel (this is before he was hired):



The impressions are only about a minute and a half of this video, but he says nothing specific, nothing in-depth, nothing that really gives you an idea of how the game plays. It's barely surface-level analysis, and as someone on Reset said, he delivered nothing of value during the entire video and then transitioned into a giveaway.


I don't know if he wrote anything on his own considering the level of his impressions in this video. And if this is the quality that IGN hires, then that's a terrible indictment of their organization. I know IGN is an easy target here, but this is the kind of thing that bothers me about a percentage of video game criticism that I don't see in most of film criticism. And as someone in the journalism field, it makes me wonder if I'd have an easy time getting a job at a publication assuming the pay was decent because if that's my competition... Jesus Christ.

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Also, the tweets were deleted, but for Octopath Traveler, this discussion was had:



filip: "hey i haven't been following octopath traveler and my interview with the devs is coming up, got any good questions i could ask?"

spawnwave (a youtuber I don't know of): "sure *lists a bunch of good questions to ask during the interview*"

filip: "thanks i'm gonna use all of those, you just saved me a ton of work"



The Nintendo editor didn't follow one of the biggest Switch releases (and exclusives) of the summer and needed someone to tell him what questions to ask since he wasn't paying attention to it. >_____________>


Maybe if he was told to do a God of War interview and he said, "Hey, I mostly cover Nintendo, so I'm not up to speed," then at least that's in the ballpark.

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I'll be honest...I felt bad for this dude getting meme'd and attacked on a personal level on Twitter and shit after the initial Dead Cells thing came out. I thought hey you know, he's already getting fired and we have no idea what his last few weeks looked like personally so maybe he just made a stupid ass decision like one can easily make when in a tough spot in life. 


Several days later:








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17 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:





He's been thinking about it all wrong? He didn't think about the portability or new characters? What was he thinking about then? I don't think this guy has had a single original thought.

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44 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

I'll be honest...I felt bad for this dude getting meme'd and attacked on a personal level on Twitter and shit after the initial Dead Cells thing came out. I thought hey you know, he's already getting fired and we have no idea what his last few weeks looked like personally so maybe he just made a stupid ass decision like one can easily make when in a tough spot in life. 


Several days later:




It’s tough, because this stuff needs to be disclosed and he needs to lose his job and probably never work in this industry in that capacity again BUT


he still doesn’t deserve to be harassed. And I’m talking true harassment, not people making jokes at his expense. 

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11 minutes ago, mo1518 said:


Fake Steal it till you make it. And then after you make it, too. 


But his videos contain NO INTERESTING INFORMATION! Seriously, watch that Breath of the Wild video.


9 minutes ago, Bjomesphat said:


He's been thinking about it all wrong? He didn't think about the portability or new characters? What was he thinking about then? I don't think this guy has had a single original thought.


You'd think someone who's hired as a NINTENDO EDITOR would know just a LITTLE about one of Nintendo's biggest franchises.


The best case scenario is he was flirting with her and wanted to ask an obvious question so he could compliment her answer or something. Otherwise, I have no idea what's going on.

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1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:


But his videos contain NO INTERESTING INFORMATION! Seriously, watch that Breath of the Wild video.



You'd think someone who's hired as a NINTENDO EDITOR would know just a LITTLE about one of Nintendo's biggest franchises.


The best case scenario is he was flirting with her and wanted to ask an obvious question so he could compliment her answer or something. Otherwise, I have no idea what's going on.


Simplest answer tends to be the correct one - it appears like Filip doesn't really know much about video games or Nintendo. Or ethics. 

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4 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


It becomes a little more upsetting about how he got a job. Look at his Breath of the Wild review on his Youtube channel (this is before he was hired):



The impressions are only about a minute and a half of this video, but he says nothing specific, nothing in-depth, nothing that really gives you an idea of how the game plays. It's barely surface-level analysis, and as someone on Reset said, he delivered nothing of value during the entire video and then transitioned into a giveaway.


I don't know if he wrote anything on his own considering the level of his impressions in this video. And if this is the quality that IGN hires, then that's a terrible indictment of their organization. I know IGN is an easy target here, but this is the kind of thing that bothers me about a percentage of video game criticism that I don't see in most of film criticism. And as someone in the journalism field, it makes me wonder if I'd have an easy time getting a job at a publication assuming the pay was decent because if that's my competition... Jesus Christ.

Video game criticism has always been a joke and film criticism isn't much better.

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26 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Video game criticism has always been a joke and film criticism isn't much better.


Uhh what film critics do you follow? There's a ton of good film critics out there. I'm not talking about the talking heads on YouTube either (although there are some good ones), but actual critics from well regarded publication. 

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Just now, Brick said:


Uhh what film critics do you follow? There's a ton of good film critics out there. I'm not talking about the talking heads on YouTube either (although there are some good ones), but actual critics from well regarded publication. 


None. I haven't read a movie review since college. True film criticism died a LOOONG time ago.  

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After FCH started typing with proper grammar and with caps lock off his work became infinitely better. He is definitely a more classically trained critic as opposed to the post-Ebert era film reviewer.

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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

None. I haven't read a movie review since college. True film criticism died a LOOONG time ago.  

If you haven't ready a movie review since college, how in the world can you feel qualified to comment on and disregard the entire field?


Certainly film criticism has grown wider, and in doing so now incorporates a good deal of the inane and the pointless. Where there used to be a small number of critics doing quality work, now there are a million voices to filter through. I don't have much use for recaps and almost everything on Youtube is worthless, but there is a lot of worthwhile stuff that gets put out on a regular basis. It's a shame The Dissolve is gone, because for a while that was an easy place to point to for actual insight.

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4 hours ago, Paperclyp said:

It’s tough, because this stuff needs to be disclosed and he needs to lose his job and probably never work in this industry in that capacity again BUT


he still doesn’t deserve to be harassed. And I’m talking true harassment, not people making jokes at his expense. 

I completely agree on that much. I meant memes and shit, not go on Twitter and threaten to firebomb his home. I even felt bad for people just kind of mocking him since I assumed that wow, you must be in a pretty shitty spot in life potentially to even consider that Dead Cells move. 


Never fucking mind, turns out his entire career was plagiarized. 


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10 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


None. I haven't read a movie review since college. True film criticism died a LOOONG time ago.  


OK now I'm curious; why do you think that? There are tons of great critics out there. Obviously the late, great Roger Ebert, Richard Roeper, Michael Phillips, A. O. Scott, and online critics like Bob Chipman, and Film Crit Hulk like Wade mentioned. 

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On 8/15/2018 at 6:36 AM, SaysWho? said:

I haven't done this yet, but I saw that if you read this article while watching the following video, it's a mind fuck. I'll try to confirm this later unless someone does it first.



EDIT: One paragraph in. Holy fucking shit, I'm trippin'


Hahaha, OMG.  I hope you finished it.  Literally the whole video is copy-pasta from the article.  Everything is in the same order, the same odd phrases are used ("attack, attack attack!"), and he doesn't even add any new information to his video.  Aside from his resume, this is the most convincing evidence.  It's not just a few lines or paragraphs like the other examples, and to be honest we can all overlook technical descriptions about the games because there is only one way to say if a game is running at 60 fps, but this example is scary accurate.

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34 minutes ago, cusideabelincoln said:


Hahaha, OMG.  I hope you finished it.  Literally the whole video is copy-pasta from the article.  Everything is in the same order, the same odd phrases are used ("attack, attack attack!"), and he doesn't even add any new information to his video.  Aside from his resume, this is the most convincing evidence.  It's not just a few lines or paragraphs like the other examples, and to be honest we can all overlook technical descriptions about the games because there is only one way to say if a game is running at 60 fps, but this example is scary accurate.


Yes, I finished it. :epilepsy: 


Based off of his BOTW video that told us nothing interesting about the game, I'm going to assume anything he ever wrote is plagiarized.

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13 hours ago, Brick said:


OK now I'm curious; why do you think that? There are tons of great critics out there. Obviously the late, great Roger Ebert, Richard Roeper, Michael Phillips, A. O. Scott, and online critics like Bob Chipman, and Film Crit Hulk like Wade mentioned. 


I've explained it in other threads but basically I don't find much use for a lot of critics and what passes for "criticism" these days. I'd rather see a film myself and then discuss it with friends then read what some dude I don't know thinks about it. A good friend of mine used to review films for Slash film, now he's at Io9.... I'd rather meet up with him and talk about films in person then actually read his reviews :shrug: I could go into more detail about why I feel this way... but I don't want to to derail the topic anymore. Needless to say, I have little use for modern "criticism" of any art form.

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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I've explained it in other threads but basically I don't find much use for a lot of critics and what passes for "criticism" these days.


But how can you know what passes for criticism these days when it's been over a decade since you last read any of it?

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Generally i think it’s good to see something or consume something, think critically about it, and then read a variety of other opinions on it. 


Hard to do this with games for me because I tend to immerse myself in news and opinions about a thing before I touch it (partly to inform purchasing decisions, partly because I think it’s fun), but I think critics in all mediums are very important and generally help improve their respective medium. 

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2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I could go into more detail about why I feel this way... but I don't want to to derail the topic anymore. Needless to say, I have little use for modern "criticism" of any art form.

I actually think it's a completely worthwhile discussion to be had because I think it may get at why this bozo could go on for even as long as he did without it all blowing up. I think a big reason for this is that there is such a limited number of ways to describe whether you liked or disliked a movie, which is what reviews generally are. Actual criticism of art should go deeper than your personal feelings towards the film. One of the reasons I actually find Armond White to be an interesting critic to read (despite his obvious trolling of stuff like the Tomatometer) is that he actually discuses meaningful aspects of the film beyond his like or dislike.

I don't have an issue with the discussion of like/dislike, but is is very different from criticism. I think games do lend themselves more to simple review than criticism relative to other mediums like books or film.

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