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Holy shit the balls on Filip Miucin


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Just check this shit out.




I am blown away by his delusion. He sits here and posts this video essentially saying he didn’t fucking do it (while taking “full responsibility,” so the mental gymnastics there alone are impressive) and challenges one of the best in the business to keep looking for examples, which he willingly provides. 


This is infuriating. Check out the Samus Returns review he copied. It’s absurd. 


I can’t actually tell if he thinks he is a victim here or if he’s a total liar. This is the stuff that makes millennials look like entitled pricks. 


I’m heated.

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Seems like he's been doing it for so long he doesn't realize what he is doing is wrong, hence why he referred to it as "research", like he thinks it's like being back in school, and you're doing your homework and taking the words out of a textbook, but changing them slightly to make them your own.

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1 hour ago, Brick said:

Seems like he's been doing it for so long he doesn't realize what he is doing is wrong, hence why he referred to it as "research", like he thinks it's like being back in school, and you're doing your homework and taking the words out of a textbook, but changing them slightly to make them your own.


That's exactly what it's like. No one told him real life isn't like high school.

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10 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

He came up as a YouTuber so he probably has no formal journalistic training. 


I heard he got a lot of followers prior to working for ign by giving away free switches around launch time lol. 



California State University San Marcos
California State University San Marcos
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Mass Communication/Media Studies
2015 – 2016
Studies on theoretical and practical frameworks for understanding media development, production, distribution, and its multiple social, political, cultural, and cognitive effects domestically and globally. Focusing on a wide range of traditional and alternative media including television, radio, recorded music, journalism, publishing, the world wide web, and new communication technologies within their cultural, social, historical, economic, global, and political contexts


While its not strictly Journalistic training, one could assume it covers Journalistic integrity and plagiarism to some degree. The dudes just a lazy douche .


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57 minutes ago, Hurdyb1 said:

Wow. Maybe it's a dumb question I am stating but why would a gamer want to plagerize? Hell, I love giving my own person reviews of games. Nothing in detail like a gaming journalist but hell, I love providing my own unbiased opinion and thoughts. 

Easy lazy way to get paid and play games for free.  Not much else to say other than the evident lack of moral code.

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1 hour ago, Hurdyb1 said:

Wow. Maybe it's a dumb question I am stating but why would a gamer want to plagerize? Hell, I love giving my own person reviews of games. Nothing in detail like a gaming journalist but hell, I love providing my own unbiased opinion and thoughts. 


Probably because, as I theorized, and as he stated on how he does "research", he finds someone else's words that perfectly put into words what he wants to say, so he just changes enough of the words into his own. A review is an opinion piece though, so he really shouldn't be using anyone else's words at all. The only research he should be doing is making sure he's got his factual information right, like who the developer is, what framerate it's running at, what engine it uses, etc.

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Just now, Keyser_Soze said:


Or maybe he doesn't even play the game and turns in the review. Plays what he wants and gets paid for the review.

Jebait all the things.

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How the fuck do you even wind up in a situation where plagiarism for a goddamn video game review video is even necessary?


I write like 30+ pages of opinion for every game I play, and that's to people who don't even want to read it! The words flow like water! Just say what you think about the game! It's so easy! Although if I were to do videos I'd probably have to hire an entire team of editors to trim down the bullshit I type up so every video wouldn't be 4 hours long.

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I think it’s like anything else: some reviews are very thoughtful and well-written, and most are pretty boilerplate to bad. I think it’s too reductive to say it’s just this cushy job that anyone can do. They don’t just write reviews, after all, so I could see someone getting overwhelmed with stuff to do to the point where they are unable to put in the necessary time to review a game properly. Forming an opinion on a game is easy, but putting it into a succinct summary that isn’t generic, grabbing footage of yourself playing the game, editing it into a video (which he does say this was the first time he had done on his own), all while juggling a full workload of other stuff could get overwhelming and the temptation to take shortcuts is there. 


We’ve all taken shortcuts in our lives,are mistakes. Problem here, though, is he not only broke a rule that is on the list of “rules you absolutely cannot break,” in journalism, he doesn’t seem to think he did anything wrong. A mistake was made, but it wasn’t anything he did that was intentional (in his mind). He says he’s taking responsibility for it, but he’s not. He’s saying I didn’t do the thing you think I did, but I’m sorry, in some strange attempt to save face. And then attacks a credible journalist and talks about what a victim he is. 


I’m pretty empathetic guy. If the dude’s video had come out discussing how sorry he was to the guy whose work he stole followed by a thoughtful discussion of how he has gotten into this bad habit over the years, how he’s gonna do everything he can to break the habit, how he knows he has to work to gain anyone’s trust back in this industry, I’d say hey ok, I’m cool if at some point this guy works his way back. But with the video he posted (which, btw, does he not have one fucking person in his life to tell him that video was a horrible idea?), nah. 


Get him out of here. Too many people out there trying to have these absurd jobs who are doing it the right way. Go buy some more fans and stay on your YouTube channel. 

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The larger problem is that the "language" used to describe/write about gaming appears to be so very limited and unexpansive, both structurally and symbolically, that I'm willing to bet that if you took a representative sample of unquestionably non-plagiarized reviews that there would be a disconcertingly significant amount of similarity among them.


This isn't a failure on the part of the reviewers, mind you.  It's simply the reality of an industry/art form that is still very much "immature" (using that word in the non-pejorative sense) in its development.  This is even further exacerbated by the disproportionate power of the large commercial organizations that dominate the industry/art and their ability to both consciously and unconsciously shape the thoughts of critics.

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1 hour ago, SFLUFAN said:


The larger problem is that the "language" used to describe/write about gaming appears to be so very limited and unexpansive, both structurally and symbolically, that I'm willing to bet that if you took a representative sample of unquestionably non-plagiarized reviews that there would be a disconcertingly significant amount of similarity among them.


This isn't a failure on the part of the reviewers, mind you.  It's simply the reality of an industry/art form that is still very much "immature" (using that word in the non-pejorative sense) in its development.  This is even further exacerbated by the disproportionate power of the large commercial organizations that dominate the industry/art and their ability to both consciously and unconsciously shape the thoughts of critics.


While there's an art to criticism, I'd hardly care to see the language for game reviews 'mature.'  There's a lot more that can be stated objectively compared to other mediums (ie: how is the framerate, how glitchy, etc).  I expect there to be some clinical sounding stuff in there.  It's not a bad thing, IMO.  More direct can be good.


Some outlets, like Edge, have turned me off completely because they write reviews with so much fluff.  I find myself trusting the reviewer much less if that's part of my takeaway.

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1 hour ago, crispy4000 said:

Some outlets, like Edge, have turned me off completely because they write reviews with so much fluff.  I find myself trusting the reviewer much less if that's part of my takeaway.

I wouldn't be surprised if the added fluff is due to word count requirements for the reviews.



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4 minutes ago, darkness35 said:

I wouldn't be surprised if the added fluff is due to word count requirements for the reviews.




When I was to read the EDGE magazine it was a similar story when they were operating on limited space.  It just seems to be the style they go for. 

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