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Just sat down to watch Unbreakable for the first time

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I thought it was all right. I watched it because I watched Split, and then I saw that Glass was coming out so I figured I liked Split and would like to watch Glass so I should also watch Unbreakable. It wasn't bad, but I wanted something more from it. 

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1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:

Movie is a banger.



39 minutes ago, silentbob said:

Unbreakable is one of my all-time fav movies. Got even better upon 2nd and 3rd viewing too, and it has one of my favourite hero themes too.


I actually laughed during the ending of the movie.



Not because it was done poorly. During the movie, I Was into the intrigue, first thought Bruce was a terrible person for hiding his wedding ring, then realized that both of them had marital problems, then saw his realization of what he was, and ended with him becoming a hero and confiding with his son.


So once he was at the exhibit at the end, I kept thinking I don’t get it, I thought all his early movies had a big plot twist in it. There doesn’t seem to be any twist except water, which was the twist in signs. So once he shook his hand, and I started to see all the destruction, I just started laughing and realized why the train crash happen in the first place. It was actually a really cool change that put a lot of the relationship in perspective.


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Unbreakable was actually the first M. Night Shyamalan movie I saw (I didn't see Sixth Sense until much later) I saw it in theaters and it is still probably my favorite movie of his. The twist makes the movie and I think it kind of set him up for failure in his later movies because people eventually wanted to see something mind blowing each time they saw his movies. I just saw Split over the weekend and thought it was pretty good.

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On 4/13/2021 at 3:33 PM, Bacon said:

I thought it was all right. I watched it because I watched Split, and then I saw that Glass was coming out so I figured I liked Split and would like to watch Glass so I should also watch Unbreakable. It wasn't bad, but I wanted something more from it. 


On 4/14/2021 at 2:00 AM, Keyser_Soze said:

Unbreakable was actually the first M. Night Shyamalan movie I saw (I didn't see Sixth Sense until much later) I saw it in theaters and it is still probably my favorite movie of his. The twist makes the movie and I think it kind of set him up for failure in his later movies because people eventually wanted to see something mind blowing each time they saw his movies. I just saw Split over the weekend and thought it was pretty good.


In response to Bacon: I think Keyser's post illustrates how the ending of the movie affects you. If the ending's all right to the viewer, I feel the movie probably will be as well. Until the ending, I was intrigued, I was interested, and I enjoyed it. But that was the extent until the ending. For me, the ending did add another layer and wasn't just a twist for the sake of it, especially considering the themes of the movie. So now it went from intriguing to much more memorable.


How the movie played out is much different than how I thought the movie was going to go. Because I heard it was a superhero film, I thought Samuel L Jackson's character was going to work with Willis on combating super-villainy, probably because I first saw a trailer for this film after I got used to SLJ as Fury. :p It honestly doesn't feel like a typical superhero movie, which is cool in its own way.

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On 4/15/2021 at 10:19 AM, Bloodporne said:

Yeah, this was a great movie, saw it in the theater after loving Sixth Sense and being really psyched for months. Both Bruce Willis and Sam Jackson are so good and fun to watch in this. When Willis nails it, I love watching his acting. Either way, great all around.

What’d you think of Signs?

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43 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

What’d you think of Signs?


I saw that in the theaters and loved it up until the very end 


When you finally get a good look at the alien in the kitchen I believe. It looked like a videogame and I was pissed. Everything up to that point was pretty damn good.


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29 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

Signs is a legit moving film. The slow flashback reveal is really well done.


I think it was another movie started hating on because of the twist. Not only the turning to religion thing but also started picking apart the water thing etc. (Some people like @best3444 paused the screen on the alien and broke down it's characteristics - You're only supposed to catch a glimpse and be freaked out)


But I think it's a fine movie, probably an 8/10 for me. I haven't seen it in a while though.

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5 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


I think it was another movie started hating on because of the twist. Not only the turning to religion thing but also started picking apart the water thing etc. (Some people like @best3444 paused the screen on the alien and broke down it's characteristics - You're only supposed to catch a glimpse and be freaked out)


But I think it's a fine movie, probably an 8/10 for me. I haven't seen it in a while though.


If you meant I literally paused the movie I was in the theaters with that reaction. Plus, yes, the water thing was really stupid. Why would aliens that are obviously smarter than humans because they came to us, travel to a planet that is 71% water 💧 🙄 and that substance can kill them. 


I overall have a good memory with the film. Saw it on release night with good company. Mel Gibson was great, too.


Edit: If I sound like an idiot in this post please tell me. I JUST woke up and have a gigantic turtle head going. I'm rushing my response 😆 

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Just watched The Village.


Not the worst movie I've ever seen, and I don't regret it. I went in knowing its reputation, but all I could think of was the twist wasn't like Sixth Sense's or Unbreakable's. It didn't change the movie as much for me. I could see what they were going for:



A bunch of people in grief want to detach themselves from society and live in innocence, but even detached, human nature still prevails as Noah attempts to kill due to jealousy, probably partly due to the fact that detached from society, he couldn't get help.


Like, the concept isn't bad at all; that's actually a good one. But I think Ebert said on Ebert & Roeper (Roeper loved the movie) that as far as the acting went, "They're all on the same level." And I'd have to agree. It doesn't seem like a ton happened besides basic understanding of what's going on.

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1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:

If you end up watching The Happening, if you keep in mind it's a homage to the old monster movies of the '50s and intentionally bad you might not end up hating it as much as everyone else.


I didn't mind that film. It's been years but I liked it more than the reviews suggested.

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