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Россия invades Україна | UPDATE (27 June 2024) - US/Israel in talks to supply 8 Patriot systems to Ukraine

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3 hours ago, CayceG said:

The National Guard of Ukraine has posted video of Azov Battalion members (who are part of the National Guard command structure) greasing bullets with pig lard to shoot at Kadyrov's troops--who are largely Muslim. 




This is fucking infuriating. The stupid urban legend has progressed to a point to where it's real life now. Racism is everywhere (as we've seen in this conflict), but this is especially heinous. These soldiers should be stripped of their positions and discharged. Azov Battalion should be liquidated from the national guard. The people responsible for this tweet should be sacked. 





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Russian authorities have detained a total of 5,794 people for participating in unsanctioned anti-war protests across the country, since the Kremlin ordered an invasion of Ukraine, independent monitoring site OVD-Info said on Sunday. 


Brave people.

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After the supposed directive to take Kyiv at any cost I went to bed last night kind of expecting to wake up and see that, despite reports of failures, the Russians had gotten their shit together and rammed it through.



Now, I am wondering with the looming financial bomb going off tomorrow for Russia and them looking as hapless a ever what is that goal really looking like?


I mean, that report of Kyiv being totally encircled sounds bad, but it also doesn't sound like their defenses are under imminent threat of collapse.



Edit: Whoops, I made this post right as Wade was making the post about that being a fake account. So even better, doesn't sound too good for that by Monday takeover timetable.... 

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‘It is obvious that we Africans are regarded as lower beings,’ says Nze, forced to walk several hours to Polish border

migrants were told to disembark a bus about to cross the border on Saturday and told, “No blacks”. Despite challenging the driver and military officers’ orders, they were ejected from the vehicle“


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