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Россия invades Україна | UPDATE (18 Oct 2024) - North Korea sending 12,000 troops to Ukraine

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Thread on one person's analysis so far:




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Some very early impressions of the last two days. It's an operation with maximalist war aims, and Moscow's thinking on this war seems to have been colored by war optimism. It looked as though Russian forces were expecting a quicker UKR military collapse and easier gains. 1/


Early campaign to knock out Ukrainian air defenses and air force had mixed results, Russian aerospace forces aren't particularly practiced at SEAD or DEAD. Most of the strikes in the opening phase were via cruise missiles. UKR air force still has some aircraft up. 2/


A brazen heliborne assault to take Hostomel airport with a small airborne element was a puzzling move. I doubt the goal was to land more airborne at a contested airport easily covered by artillery and MLRS. Likely they expected to hold out for ground reinforcements. 3/


So far we've seen only a fraction of the Russian force arrayed for the operation. Unclear if Russian forces reached initial objectives, but best estimate is they expected more rapid gains & less resistance. 4/


Russian forces seem to be avoiding use of massed fires, except maybe around Kharkiv, focusing on trying to make a speedy advance. Expect they will revert to much larger use of fires when frustrated. Not seeing much in the way of cyber and less EW effects than many anticipated. 5/


Russian forces are mainly sticking to the road network (as in 2014-2015). Early advances made by recon troops, but driving along roads left support units open to ambushes. Already signs of urban warfare and firefights in cities. 6/


There has been heavy fighting around Kharkiv and in Symi. Russian forces tried to advance past Okhtyrka, and it looks like they're attempting to go around Kharkiv. There is also an advance west of Symi to Konotop. This is a very incomplete picture. 7/


Russian forces entered from Belarus and went through Chernobyl exclusion zone to Dymer. Early signs of fighting on outskirts of Kyiv in Obolonskyi distict today. They're clearly going for the capital. 8/


Main breakout appears to be in the south from Crimea. Russian forces pushed to Kherson, and Melitopol. There's sustained fighting for Kherson still and around Antonovsky bridge. Some early signs they may have entered Mykolaiv, but probably just a recon element. 9/

Russian forces retain significant quantitative and qualitative superiority. UKR forces have demonstrated resolve & resilience. Russian conventional overmatch, such as it is, may not translate into attaining their maximalist political aims. This is just the opening of the war. End

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:

Russia threatening retaliation against Sweden and Finland if they attempt to join NATO:




Putin really is off his fucking rocker if he's seriously considering hitting EU countries, even if they're not in NATO.

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:


US intel: "Russia's entire army is surrounding Ukraine and Putin says he wants to take the country back."

Entire rest of the world: "What do you think that means?"


1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Of all people US intelligence looks good for a change. Maybe they shouldn’t have squandered their reputation on fiascos and straight up bullshit like the Iraq war!


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