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Россия invades Україна | UPDATE (18 Oct 2024) - North Korea sending 12,000 troops to Ukraine

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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Zelenskyy: If UN Security Council won't do anything about anything, then it's time to abolish it





The UNSC long ago outlived its relevance and usefulness.


It should either be expanded to include nations like India, Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria, Indonesia, etc. or it should be dissolved.

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On a two-day visit, the Guardian found evidence of summary executions, torture and looting




The tanks rolled into Trostianets, a sleepy town 20 miles from the Russia-Ukraine border, in the first hours of the invasion. Russian troops fanned out across the town, occupying a number of buildings: the forestry agency headquarters, the railway station and a chocolate factory.


Their top general set up his office in room 23 at the local administration building, where the council’s accountants used to sit. His bottle of single malt is still on the desk, the butts of his slim cigarettes perched on the edge of an ashtray. He slept on a single bed stolen from a nearby hotel.


His men lived one floor below. They appear to have slept, eaten and defecated in the same rooms, and some of them may have died there too, judging by the bloodied Russian uniforms littering the floor.


Thirty days after they arrived, amid a fierce Ukrainian counteroffensive, the Russians left Trostianets in a convoy of tanks, other armour, trucks full of loot and numerous stolen vehicles they had daubed with Z signs, the symbol of their invading force.


The carnage they left behind will be remembered by the residents of this quaint, historical spa town of 20,000 residents for the rest of their lives, and is yet another indictment of the results of Russia’s unwanted “liberation” mission in Ukraine.



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1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


The UNSC long ago outlived its relevance and usefulness.


It should either be expanded to include nations like India, Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria, Indonesia, etc. or it should be dissolved.

Forcing the UNSC to maintain membership so that it represents about 50% of the world population would be interesting. If you go by the most populated counties you get China, India, US, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, and Nigeria, leaving Bangladesh next. 

oops darn that means Russia, UK, and France don’t make the cut. Shame! (Though they could act in concert with other states to get a 50% majority if they could manage it)


not that it would happen but I like the thought

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8 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Forcing the UNSC to maintain membership so that it represents about 50% of the world population would be interesting. If you go by the most populated counties you get China, India, US, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, and Nigeria, leaving Bangladesh next. 

oops darn that means Russia, UK, and France don’t make the cut. Shame! (Though they could act in concert with other states to get a 50% majority if they could manage it)


not that it would happen but I like the thought


That's pretty much where I was going with the countries that I mentioned for the expanded UNSC in order to reflect both the overall global population as well as significant regional powers (Egypt should be there as well to reflect the interests of the Arab world).


There's no good reason why the UK, France, and Russia should be on the UNSC - we're nearly 80 years away from the end of WWII so who gives a rip?


But you know what country would fight tooth and nail for that NOT to happen because they'd be out-voted every single time?  The United States of America.

  • True 1
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5 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:

Even if a motion was brought up for that wouodn't Russia and/or China just veto it?





The process of removing a country from the Security Council begins with a recommendation to do so from the council itself, which must then be approved by two-thirds of the General Assembly.


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On 3/19/2022 at 8:32 AM, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


Probably not, but hypersonics are really just an impressive-sounding buzzword at this point.


On 3/19/2022 at 9:50 AM, CayceG said:


Not necessarily. 


On 3/19/2022 at 9:35 PM, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Let me put it this way: hypersonic weapons are very much "yesterday's news".


And thay's all I'm gonna say :p


On 3/19/2022 at 9:53 PM, Comet said:

Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers


On 3/19/2022 at 10:02 PM, silentbob said:

Is it something New and/or Clear? Should we be adjusting our clocks closer to midnight? God damn I had to read this so close to bed and high 


On 3/19/2022 at 10:02 PM, CitizenVectron said:


Rods from God?


On 3/19/2022 at 10:08 PM, skillzdadirecta said:

Rail guns and sub speed of light weapons???


On 3/19/2022 at 10:21 PM, Comet said:

I love that this has become a speculation thread 


On 3/20/2022 at 9:46 AM, Chris- said:

We're only like a week removed from Russia proving the importance of discretion and y'all are trying to get Wade to spill DARPA secrets on here.


On 3/21/2022 at 8:19 PM, Commissar SFLUFAN said:



Consider this a WARNORD for a post from me tomorrow :p






The US successfully tested a hypersonic missile in mid-March but kept it quiet for two weeks to avoid escalating tensions with Russia as President Joe Biden was about to travel to Europe, according to a defense official familiar with the matter.


  • Sicko 4
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ISW analysis for 05 April 2022:



Russian forces continued to reposition to continue their invasion in eastern and southern Ukraine, having abandoned the attack on Kyiv. They have largely completed their withdrawal from the Kyiv area and are reportedly redeploying some of the withdrawn





Russian forces continued to reposition to continue their invasion in eastern and southern Ukraine, having abandoned the attack on Kyiv.  They have largely completed their withdrawal from the Kyiv area and are reportedly redeploying some of the withdrawn combat forces from Belarus to Russia.  Ukrainian forces are moving to regain control over segments of the state border in Chernihiv, having already done so in Kyiv and Zhytomyr Oblasts.  Russian troops are pulling back toward Russia along the Sumy axis as well, but it is not yet clear if they intend to retreat all the way back to the border or will try to hold some forward positions on the Sumy axis.


Russia has not yet committed forces withdrawn from the Battle of Kyiv back into the fighting in eastern Ukraine.  Russian reinforcements continuing the drive southeast from Izyum toward Slovyansk are from elements of 1st Guards Tank Army units that had been in the Kharkiv-Sumy area.  Russian units that retreated from Kyiv will not likely regain combat effectiveness for some time, and it is not clear that the Russians intend to return them to the fight soon. That said, an unconfirmed Ukrainian military intelligence report suggests that Moscow could soon send the 64th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 35th Combined Arms Army, a unit that reportedly committed war crimes in Bucha, into the fight in eastern Ukraine in the hopes that guilty members of that brigade and witnesses of its war crimes are killed in combat with Ukrainian forces.[1]


Belgorod continues to emerge as the primary concentration area for Russian forces regrouping and refitting after their retreat from Kyiv and in preparation for onward movement to their home stations or to join the fighting in the east.  Elements of the Central Military District pulling back from Chernihiv Oblast are reportedly on their way to Belgorod.[2]  Their final destination is not yet known.


The Battle of Mariupol continues, with Russian forces continuing to pound the city using artillery and airpower.  The constrained information environment in Mariupol prevents us from assessing concrete changes in control of terrain, but Ukrainian forces appear to be sustaining organized resistance in parts of the city.


Russian offensive operations southeast from Izyum toward Slovyansk continued on a small scale and made limited progress.  Russia has not yet attempted to mass large concentrations of forces on this axis but continues instead to send individual battalion tactical groups to advance on their own.


Key Takeaways

  • The withdrawal of Russian forces from around Kyiv is nearing completion.
  • Russia has not yet introduced forces withdrawn from western Ukraine into the fight in the east.
  • Ukrainian forces continued to put up organized resistance in parts of Mariupol.
  • Russian forces conducted limited offensive operations on the Izyum-Slovyansk axis.




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    I don't think redeploying is gonna do much. They already got shredded, morale is low and they are exausted. I expect Ukraine to be able to consolidate its fronts and morale isn't a problem expecially after the news of the atrocities and support from the local populous. Don't underestimate the babushka support battalion. 


    Unless Russia goes into full war mobilization I see this going worse for them over time especially with the new western weapons hitting the battlefield. 

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    2 minutes ago, Chris- said:

    There’s a video going around of what appears to be a group of Ukrainian soldiers committing war crimes (killing an injured soldier, body with its hands tied behind its back). War makes bastards of everyone. 


    Make no mistake—that video (or any singular one like it) will be used by the right-wing to equalize Russia and Ukraine so they can say "both sides are the same!"

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    7 hours ago, Jason said:


    Every weapon is a sub speed of light weapon.


    You are forgetting the most powerful weapon of all: information. 


    This reminded me of one of my most favourite Scifi books: Blindsight. It's about an alien ship slowly coming into the solar system (just passing through) and humans investigating. What they find, they cannot describe. Aliens based on radial symmetry, but also without any central nervous system/brain, and which communicate along the magnetic spectrum (along with high-intensity radiation). All efforts to communicate fail, and the aliens slowly defeat the humans. It's revealed by the end, effectively, that the ship was sent to investigate humanity after our signals were discovered in the stars...and that all of our signals (TV, radio, etc) were considered attacks. The reason they were considered so was because humanity was the only species with sapience, and that this consciousness was considered a kind of disease. Effectively, all other species that have evolved in the galaxy were incredibly intelligent, but were not self-aware. More like drones operating on subconscious information. They considered our consciousness to be a kind of virus which sat on top of the human unconscious, and that it seeped away vital resources. Us sending them non-important information was considered an attack since they had to use processing power to determine what it was (and energy is a finite resource).


    It's a really interesting book that deals with the morality of being, consciousness, etc. It's told through the viewpoint of a high-functioning psychopath (chosen for that purpose) amongst a crew of other specialists. I highly recommend it.

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    A shortage of fertilizer has added to growing concerns about the price and scarcity of food because of disruptions in Russia and Ukraine.




    A fertilizer shortage has added to growing concerns about the Ukraine war’s impact on the price and scarcity of certain basic foods.


    Combined, Russia and Belarus had provided about 40% of the world’s exports of potash, according to Morgan Stanley. Russia’s exports were hit by sanctions. Further, in February, a major Belarus producer declared force majeure — a statement that it wouldn’t be able to uphold its contracts due to forces beyond its control.


    Russia also exported 11% of the world’s urea, and 48% of the ammonium nitrate. Russia and Ukraine together export 28% of fertilizers made from nitrogen and phosphorous, as well as potassium, according to Morgan Stanley.


    Disruptions of those shipments due to sanctions and war has sent fertilizer prices skyrocketing. High grain prices are rising even more. 



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    1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

    A shortage of fertilizer has added to growing concerns about the price and scarcity of food because of disruptions in Russia and Ukraine.




    Canada is going to benefit massively from this war in a few ways:

    • World's largest supplier of potash (and now will have to make up even more demand)
    • Huge supplier of oil (and will be increasing production)
    • Huge supplier of wheat and pulse crops (and will be increasing production)


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    35 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


    Canada is going to benefit massively from this war in a few ways:

    • World's largest supplier of potash (and now will have to make up even more demand)
    • Huge supplier of oil (and will be increasing production)
    • Huge supplier of wheat and pulse crops (and will be increasing production)


    Tighter grasp on hockey hegemony 

    • Haha 1
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