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The White Nationalists Are Winning

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5 minutes ago, Scape Zero said:



Right sure, the problem is the definition of Nazi has become "Any one right of Marx"


Remember the free speech rally in Boston about a year ago? I remember everyone all in an uproar about Nazis being allowed to spread hate in our own city. Yeah... Most of the speakers there where leftists, and minority speakers, speaking out against the right. Those damn Nazis...


People are quick to pair all conservatives as Nazis. Ben Shapiro is being called a Nazi. He's so Jewish he wears a yamaka full time and cries about the crimes against the Jews whenever he can. It would be like calling DVD a Nazi. It's just fucking insane.


The people waving Nazi flags, yeah, fuck them. The people actually saying pro white nationalist shit, yeah, fuck them. My issue is people are taking all conservatives and calling them Nazis.


This divide isn't going to help anything. I'm not saying that the right is any better here. The people who aren't neo-nazis are just as deluded. They are becoming more extreme in their own ways, and defending and making excuses for neo-nazis, just as the left is doing with the anarchists and communists. This eagerness to destroy the other is making each side more extreme. Moderates who would otherwise have no problem saying what their side is doing is wrong any other day, are now making excuses and defending them.


"Oh it's just waving a Nazi flag, oh it's just a couple of burning cars, it's just no big deal, the real problem is those other people."


That's how civil wars start. This shits fucking retarded. We are letting a bunch of LARPing assholes define politics in this country. This will lead to nothing good, as long as we keep making excuses for extremists. It will lead to real fighting which will lead to a real war, which will lead to one of these groups actually getting into power and fucking everything up for everyone.

These people are actual Nazis, waiving Nazi flags. We're not talking about people just saying "bush/Trump is a Nazi" crap (though Trump does find common cause with white supremacists, and was rightly castigated for drawing false equivalence between the nazis in Charlottesville and the counter protestors,one of whom was killed) we're talking about having actual, factual Nazis waiving swastikas around like they're going out of style. That's who antifa opposes.

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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


You said that the US didn't want to enter WWII because it didn't like both sides. But for much of the war one side were Nazis while the others were just Western capitalist countries. Your opinion didn't jive with actual accepted wisdom that it was a "let Europe solve their own problems" attitude that kept the US out of the war, not some belief that the side holding the UK, France, and Holland was detested by the US.

Not to mention, many prominent Americans (like Henry Ford) were a-ok with the Nazis and their anti semitism.

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Just now, CitizenVectron said:


That's a separate issue, why do you keep going back to it? You were correct, that doesn't mean you can't face criticism in other areas.


No I can.


This conversation is fine. You are saying I'm wrong, but not pulling a Jason, I'm cool with this.


The problem here is everyone keeps telling me I'm wrong, because I'm dumb. The other problem is...I was fucking right. I'm not letting sides and what I want blind me. I'm seeing the escalation happen right in front of me.


The only logical outcome of this is more violence, more extremism. People can't see that antifa is violent, and can't see that the conservatives they hate aren't all the ones waving Nazi flags. This right here is making more of the right extreme, which is making the left more extreme. We are turning moderates into extremists. Tell me how does that end well for us? How does it end well when far right and far left figures become the leading forces in this fight, how does everyone else win?

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I don't get whats so hard about this, Antifa = sucky, White Nationalists/Nazis = EXTREMELY SUCKY.  One group is asking for permission to march around denouncing minorities, even calling for their extermination, while actively running people for congress and even getting members of congress to support their views even the President, on the other side you have a group who shows up and punches them in the face and when they don't have any of them to punch in the face they have lashed out at others.  When the Nazis go away they'll go from antifa to anarchists again with no one paying attention to them instead of the right acting like they're some lefty boogeymen.

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3 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

These people are actual Nazis, waiving Nazi flags. We're not talking about people just saying "bush/Trump is a Nazi" crap (though Trump does find common cause with white supremacists, and was rightly castigated for drawing false equivalence between the nazis in Charlottesville and the counter protestors,one of whom was killed) we're talking about having actual, factual Nazis waiving swastikas around like they're going out of style. That's who antifa opposes.


How many Nazi flags did you see at the second unite the right rally?


I must admit, I didn't bother watching all that much coverage of it, but I didn't see a single one. So maybe it's just cause I didn't watch enough, or maybe it's because not all of them are "FUCK YEAH HITLER" types of people. Perhaps that's just what you want them to be.


Don't get me wrong, there is totally those types of people there, but that's not all of them. This resistance of grouping them all in the same group is not helping though. That's encouraging them to find allies with each other, which... Is not fucking good.

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2 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

I don't get whats so hard about this, Antifa = sucky, White Nationalists/Nazis = EXTREMELY SUCKY.  One group is asking for permission to march around denouncing minorities, even calling for their extermination, while actively running people for congress and even getting members of congress to support their views even the President, on the other side you have a group who shows up and punches them in the face and when they don't have any of them to punch in the face they have lashed out at others.  When the Nazis go away they'll go from antifa to anarchists again with no one paying attention to them instead of the right acting like they're some lefty boogeymen.


Cause antifa attacks the right, making them more extreme, making them vote for alt right types and defend Nazis.


Down playing them as just peaceful protestors only makes shit worse. It makes it more possible that Trump gets another 8 years. It makes the right more extreme. It makes it so the Nazis don't go away, they grow bigger.

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Just now, Scape Zero said:


Cause antifa attacks the right, making them more extreme, making them vote for alt right types and defend Nazis.


Down playing them as just peaceful protestors only makes shit worse. It makes it more possible that Trump gets another 8 years. It makes the right more extreme. It makes it so the Nazis don't go away, they grow bigger.

I think we're done here.

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Just now, Scape Zero said:


Cause antifa attacks the right, making them more extreme, making them vote for alt right types and defend Nazis.


Down playing them as just peaceful protestors only makes shit worse. It makes it more possible that Trump gets another 8 years. It makes the right more extreme. It makes it so the Nazis don't go away, they grow bigger.


That explains why the second unite the right rally was so big

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3 minutes ago, Scape Zero said:

I must admit, I didn't bother watching all that much coverage of it, but I didn't see a single one. So maybe it's just cause I didn't watch enough, or maybe it's because not all of them are "FUCK YEAH HITLER" types of people. Perhaps that's just what you want them to be.


Proof that centrism is a mental disorder. 



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1 minute ago, Scape Zero said:


So no Nazis, yet still lots of antifa.


Hmm... It's almost like no Nazi no antifa doesn't play out.


Coming from literally anyone else I'd be surprised by such a willfully obtuse misinterpretion of what happened. 

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3 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


That explains why the second unite the right rally was so big

Exactly. Because the first one was counter protested, and the white supremacists killed a woman, it was a fucking disaster for those people. Their public profile and solidarity was broken, and that's a fucking good thing. 

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Exactly. Because the first one was counter protested, and the white supremacists killed a woman, it was a fucking disaster for those people. Their public profile and solidarity was broken, and that's a fucking good thing. 


No it's not why are you taking sides supporting triggering people into voting for Nazis ? 

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Just now, Jose said:


Guarantee he has no idea who that is.


Scape thinks Unite the Right is just another gathering of CPAC apparently lol.


1 minute ago, Scape Zero said:


I don't know who he is, so maybe?


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1 minute ago, Jose said:


Guarantee he has no idea who that is.


Scape thinks Unite the Right is just another gathering of CPAC apparently lol.


Edit: Called it, what a dumbass.


Don't know most of the people on the left either. Don't care who they are.


If you are an extremists with bad ideas, I don't like you.

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