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There's a meat market across the street from my house that advertises "wild caught" something or other every day. It baffles me that wild caught fish can still be advertised as a good thing. At least farmed fish can be done responsibly, especially shellfish, but when I see "wild caught" I immediately assume fishing trawlers with huge nets raping the ocean. Which is what it is the vast majority of the time.


If you take the total environmental impact into account, it's like hunting for deer by dropping bombs on the forest.

  • Guillotine 1
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20 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Can we eat insects? I've never seen a vegan defend killing roaches or ants or eating them.

a typical vegan would not eat insects. as far as killing them, it depends on the person. people are vegans for different reasons so some are okay with killing any fly that is in their home and some won’t hurt an insect unless it poses some kind of danger to them. 

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2 hours ago, johnny said:

a typical vegan would not eat insects. as far as killing them, it depends on the person. people are vegans for different reasons so some are okay with killing any fly that is in their home and some won’t hurt an insect unless it poses some kind of danger to them. 


What about termites?

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I've definitely cut down on the amount of meat I eat, but I don't have any interest in giving it up completely. Kinda like how I've made a conscious effort to drive less due to the environmental impact, but I'm not going to give up my car completely. 

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8 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

There's a meat market across the street from my house that advertises "wild caught" something or other every day. It baffles me that wild caught fish can still be advertised as a good thing. At least farmed fish can be done responsibly, especially shellfish, but when I see "wild caught" I immediately assume fishing trawlers with huge nets raping the ocean. Which is what it is the vast majority of the time.


If you take the total environmental impact into account, it's like hunting for deer by dropping bombs on the forest.

It’s because wild caught fish is often far healthier.

  • stepee 1
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1 hour ago, best3444 said:

Some animals are on this earth for humans to eat. It's the way of life and how God intended it to be. If you're vegan, fine, but leave the rest of us out of it with your views.


It’s always funny to me how if you eat meat you get to bag on vegans/vegetarians all day and if you find out that they are then ask them 500 questions about it trying to make some point that they should eat meat, forcing your views into them, but if a vegan mentions that we are killing our ocean with fishing all of the sudden everyone has delicate snowflake ears and can’t stand to hear such things and their views need to be kept to themselves.


Not saying that to you specifically, but that’s the general rule for this sorta thing. I ate meat growing up, went vegetarian for about 8 years then pescatarian for another 7ish years. Being on both sides for an extended period of time, the whole “forcing your views”  in regards to meat/non meat dietary choices thing is definitely more so on the pro meat eating side.


That said, I’m eating meat now and quite enjoy it. It was getting difficult for me to eat at least somewhat decent and enjoy what I was eating so I was just eating less and brought it back.


It’s expensive and time consuming to eat well without meat, at least for me. I’ll probably go back at some point being able to afford it better now and with improvements made to plant based meat substitutes. But I put in some good time and shit tastes so good. 

I’ll probably go back some day though, and we do need to protect the environment, I know meat is going to be the hardest battle there probably, but people should at least cut down (and cuz health), you can’t deny the negative environmental impact due to our high meat consumption.


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I've gone through plenty of vegan/vegetarian stretches. Right now I'm not, really. But each time I go back to eating meat, I find that I eat a little less of it. Right now I probably eat meat about twice a week.


If everyone at least decided "hey, maybe I shouldn't eat meat every meal of every day" (which a lot of people do in the developed world), it would do wonders for the planet. The oceans could get restored, less demand for cattle would mean more arable land for production of crops that don't require nearly as much resources to produce, the outrageous price of chicken wings might finally go down, etc. But alas, people generally don't want to hear it.

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16 minutes ago, stepee said:


It’s always funny to me how if you eat meat you get to bag on vegans/vegetarians all day and if you find out that they are then ask them 500 questions about it trying to make some point that they should eat meat, forcing your views into them, but if a vegan mentions that we are killing our ocean with fishing all of the sudden everyone has delicate snowflake ears and can’t stand to hear such things and their views need to be kept to themselves.


Not saying that to you specifically, but that’s the general rule for this sorta thing. I ate meat growing up, went vegetarian for about 8 years then pescatarian for another 7ish years. Being on both sides for an extended period of time, the whole “forcing your views”  in regards to meat/non meat dietary choices thing is definitely more so on the pro meat eating side.


That said, I’m eating meat now and quite enjoy it. It was getting difficult for me to eat at least somewhat decent and enjoy what I was eating so I was just eating less and brought it back.


It’s expensive and time consuming to eat well without meat, at least for me. I’ll probably go back at some point being able to afford it better now and with improvements made to plant based meat substitutes. But I put in some good time and shit tastes so good. 

I’ll probably go back some day though, and we do need to protect the environment, I know meat is going to be the hardest battle there probably, but people should at least cut down (and cuz health), you can’t deny the negative environmental impact due to our high meat consumption.



Yea, I understand your view points on this and that was a very good post. I shouldn't have said "leave the rest of us out of it with your views".


I didn't know you were on both sides of the spectrum with being a vegetarian and meat eater. I don't eat much meat at all so I'm helping the environment some what. Overall, I respect the vegetarian lifestyle and understand the benefits from it as well.


I just think humans were meant to eat meat and some animals were put on this earth for us to consume. For instance a cow. They provide us with dairy and meat. I truly believe that is their purpose for being here.


Anyway, eat whatever the hell you want and there shouldn't be any negative judgment on either side. 


I appreciate Johnny's concern for the environment. 

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11 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

At what cost, though?

Most fish farms have absolutely abysmal conditions and are not good for the environment. There’s a recent push to make them sustainable, which is great, but those farms are not the majority yet.

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47 minutes ago, Joe said:

Most fish farms have absolutely abysmal conditions and are not good for the environment. There’s a recent push to make them sustainable, which is great, but those farms are not the majority yet.

the documentary talks about fish farms as well!!

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1 hour ago, stepee said:


It’s always funny to me how if you eat meat you get to bag on vegans/vegetarians all day and if you find out that they are then ask them 500 questions about it trying to make some point that they should eat meat, forcing your views into them, but if a vegan mentions that we are killing our ocean with fishing all of the sudden everyone has delicate snowflake ears and can’t stand to hear such things and their views need to be kept to themselves.


Not saying that to you specifically, but that’s the general rule for this sorta thing. I ate meat growing up, went vegetarian for about 8 years then pescatarian for another 7ish years. Being on both sides for an extended period of time, the whole “forcing your views”  in regards to meat/non meat dietary choices thing is definitely more so on the pro meat eating side.


That said, I’m eating meat now and quite enjoy it. It was getting difficult for me to eat at least somewhat decent and enjoy what I was eating so I was just eating less and brought it back.


It’s expensive and time consuming to eat well without meat, at least for me. I’ll probably go back at some point being able to afford it better now and with improvements made to plant based meat substitutes. But I put in some good time and shit tastes so good. 

I’ll probably go back some day though, and we do need to protect the environment, I know meat is going to be the hardest battle there probably, but people should at least cut down (and cuz health), you can’t deny the negative environmental impact due to our high meat consumption.


Not true. I simply do not give a fuck about animals and I want to eat them.

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I know there are a lot of crap fish farms, but they absolutely can be done sustainably, and can even be a positive for the environment and fish populations.


There's this one, which is probably the best example:


After being decimated by disease, pollution, and overharvesting, the Chesapeake Bay’s renowned oysters are thriving once again, thanks largely to a selectively bred oyster that grows rapidly and is more resistant to pathogens. 



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I'll use japan as an example. Granted, I haven't been there in over 10 years, so I don't know if it's changed, but back then you ate meat every. Meal. Of. Every. Day. 


Surprisingly, it was mostly not fish. Sushi in japan costs probably more than it does here (at least it did when I lived there), if anything. Most of the meat consumption comes from beef/pork rice bowls and burgers. Or bento boxes.


That level of meat consumption is wholly unnecessary. You can eat meat once every few days and I guarantee you aren't missing out on any nutrients. Even if you're a body builder, the whole "1g of protein per pound of body weight per day" myth that goes around is ridiculous. It's way overkill, and you're fucking over your liver in the process. Or maybe it's your kidneys, I can't remember.

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2 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

Even if you're a body builder, the whole "1g of protein per pound of body weight per day" myth that goes around is ridiculous. It's way overkill, and you're fucking over your liver in the process. Or maybe it's your kidneys, I can't remember.

Its kidneys but you are right, maybe the top 1 percent of lifters need a 1/3 of the protein they are putting away.

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