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11 minutes ago, osxmatt said:

Just watched the interview with the dad. I’m not sure what to say. 

“I can’t believe I share the same plane of existence with this person”

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9 minutes ago, ort said:

Fox News (which hasn't said a peep about this story in like 4 days) now has a big story about how he is non-binary and all the commenters are all high-fiving each other over how he's another dangerous violent Dem out for blood.

@Commissar SFLUFANits high time to ban Ort from talking about what Fox News has to say about things 😂

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Every country and culture has shitty parents. 
Every country and culture has abusive parents. 
Every country and culture has violent shitheads that are willing to commit horrible crimes. 
Every country and culture does NOT have access to weapons of mass death, and if you do not see that guns are the issue, then you are willingly lying to yourself. 

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3 hours ago, sblfilms said:

There is *extensive* online history of this claim, though I won’t link to it as the site in question is degenerate filth of the highest order. Way back machine results verify how long ago this went on.


And none of that precludes the perpetrator from being a right wing terrorist, so I don’t k of why you set those up as though they are mutually exclusive. Just as silly as saying Kanye West couldn’t be spouting white supremacist nonsense simply because he is a Black man. 

yeah I don’t see it nor is it worth believing. It’sa plot to avoid hate crime charges or as a defense


 every conservative with some platform is a liar or a troll without exception

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11 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

Every country and culture has shitty parents. 
Every country and culture has abusive parents. 
Every country and culture has violent shitheads that are willing to commit horrible crimes. 
Every country and culture does NOT have access to weapons of mass death, and if you do not see that guns are the issue, then you are willingly lying to yourself. 

This is fine and all, but there is no chance we change this issue; none.

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

yeah I don’t see it nor is it worth believing. It’sa plot to avoid hate crime charges or as a defense


 every conservative with some platform is a liar or a troll without exception

This stuff is not coming from conservatives, it’s posts and videos made by the shooter in 2014-2016 when they were a teenager. Unless they were playing the long game for his eventual mass murder spree when he was 14, it’s legit. They even talked about being upset that they weren’t allowed by their parent to choose both a male and female name when they legally changed it. That’s why they chose Lee for a middle name as it is phonetically the same as a common female name.


But this is the thing: the gender identity of the person is wholly irrelevant to whether or not this was a bias-motivated crime or not. MANY self-loathers commit crimes against the group(s) they belong to. I don’t know why the shooter being non-binary makes any difference to you.

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18 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

This stuff is not coming from conservatives, it’s posts and videos made by the shooter in 2014-2016 when they were a teenager. Unless they were playing the long game for his eventual mass murder spree when he was 14, it’s legit. They even talked about being upset that they weren’t allowed by their parent to choose both a male and female name when they legally changed it. That’s why they chose Lee for a middle name as it is phonetically the same as a common female name.


But this is the thing: the gender identity of the person is wholly irrelevant to whether or not this was a bias-motivated crime or not. MANY self-loathers commit crimes against the group(s) they belong to. I don’t know why the shooter being non-binary makes any difference to you.

I’m not joking but LEE is our family’s middle name(Irish)

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41 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

This stuff is not coming from conservatives, it’s posts and videos made by the shooter in 2014-2016 when they were a teenager. Unless they were playing the long game for his eventual mass murder spree when he was 14, it’s legit. They even talked about being upset that they weren’t allowed by their parent to choose both a male and female name when they legally changed it. That’s why they chose Lee for a middle name as it is phonetically the same as a common female name.


But this is the thing: the gender identity of the person is wholly irrelevant to whether or not this was a bias-motivated crime or not. MANY self-loathers commit crimes against the group(s) they belong to. I don’t know why the shooter being non-binary makes any difference to you.

It’s another troll it’s worth calling out. It’s also a deflection used by the same vile creeps who are ok with this attack and have encouraged it: “it was one of your own” and not their shit. Similar to what happened in 2015 with a planned parenthood shooter was misgendered by a clerical error. 

When this person was arrested last year referred to themselves in a video saying “this is your boy” and while I know it’s slang it doesn’t fit the pattern of someone wanting to go by alternative pronouns for a while. Every trans or non-binary person I know irl is always careful about their pronouns so this just strikes me as suspicious when the only source I’ve credibly seen connected to his identity is from his lawyer. 


(After doing some reading and thinking, they should be referred to by those pronouns especially if it is a troll it’s the decision they made so they should live by it, and as a rule should be respected it’s not something to be made lightly)

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3 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

Every country and culture has shitty parents. 
Every country and culture has abusive parents. 
Every country and culture has violent shitheads that are willing to commit horrible crimes. 
Every country and culture does NOT have access to weapons of mass death, and if you do not see that guns are the issue, then you are willingly lying to yourself. 

I'd add:


Every country has people with mental health issues.

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4 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

Every country and culture has shitty parents. 
Every country and culture has abusive parents. 
Every country and culture has violent shitheads that are willing to commit horrible crimes. 
Every country and culture does NOT have access to weapons of mass death, and if you do not see that guns are the issue, then you are willingly lying to yourself. 


Every culture has access to weapons of mass death. Do your research worldwide there are mass stabbings, bombings, arsons, a fucking bow and arrow killing spree, vehicular rampage, acid attacks and whatever other sick ways crazy fucks come up with. What they don't have is one party who worships gun and encourages hate in their children for people not like them and extreme easy of access to weapons for the youth. If there was a combination of stricter gun laws towards people under the age of 25, better mental health awarness/care and a party that wasn't completely fucking toxic to the other half of the country we wouldn't have these issues. If we banned guns I doubt we would see less mass murders just more creative ones. However I do think if guns were banned we would see a reduction in regular murders. Hell in the small city I grew up in over the past few years there has been a stabbing that left two dead and two critically injured, a hijacking of a construction vehicle used to run over cars and through houses and other dumb non-gun related shit.

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15 hours ago, osxmatt said:

Just watched the interview with the dad. I’m not sure what to say. 



15 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:


sbl's entire schtick is "I grew up with lead toys and I survived, I don't see what the big deal is!"

Nah, his "Schtick" seems to be hard work and tenacity, and yeah, acceptance that life can be hard but you can get through it. 


Im honestly unsure what your problem with him is.

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9 hours ago, DPCyric said:


Every culture has access to weapons of mass death. Do your research worldwide there are mass stabbings, bombings, arsons, a fucking bow and arrow killing spree, vehicular rampage, acid attacks and whatever other sick ways crazy fucks come up with. What they don't have is one party who worships gun and encourages hate in their children for people not like them and extreme easy of access to weapons for the youth. If there was a combination of stricter gun laws towards people under the age of 25, better mental health awarness/care and a party that wasn't completely fucking toxic to the other half of the country we wouldn't have these issues. If we banned guns I doubt we would see less mass murders just more creative ones. However I do think if guns were banned we would see a reduction in regular murders. Hell in the small city I grew up in over the past few years there has been a stabbing that left two dead and two critically injured, a hijacking of a construction vehicle used to run over cars and through houses and other dumb non-gun related shit.


In many of your examples, the described tactics require more effort to plan and execute a mass casualty event than would be the case with "simply" using a high-powered semi-automatic rifle and in some of them, the probability of fatality or life-threatening injury is significantly less than would be the case in a situation involving firearms.


I feel reasonably confident in stating that we would see a reduction in both mass casualty events and regular criminal activity in the absence of firearms.


Also, I utterly despise the phrase "do your research" and therefore please refrain from using it in the future! :hug:

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17 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Everything about this story is fucked up and I think some of the focus should really be on social media and how pervasive harassment is and has been allowed to flourish on these forums.


There is a negative incentive to ban all these antisocial people. I used to work for a public school district way back in '99. I rolled out software for flagging foul language and alerting teachers. It was a simple text filter. I had a lot of fun coming up with alternate spellings for various swears and slurs. This shit ran on 486 IBM desktops running Windows 95.


It's the same with games. These companies can very easily ban everyone being racist over voice chat. It's a choice not to.

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8 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


There is a negative incentive to ban all these antisocial people. I used to work for a public school district way back in '99. I rolled out software for flagging foul language and alerting teachers. It was a simple text filter. I had a lot of fun coming up with alternate spellings for various swears and slurs. This shit ran on 486 IBM desktops running Windows 95.


It's the same with games. These companies can very easily ban everyone being racist over voice chat. It's a choice not to.

It’s fear. 

These companies are all scared that if they purge their hateful whales and regular customers they’ll lose revenue. It’s easier to keep them happy then consider the effort it would take to make their space more inclusive which would, you know, also bring in revenue and potentially more of it. 

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