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How in god's name could you sit fully armed in that hallway and hear those kids and not do anything?! I always said I didn't become a cop for a REASON because I knew myself well enough to know that I wouldn't have made for a good cop but I'd like to think if I WAS a cop in that hallway I would have felt compelled to do my fucking job.

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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

How in god's name could you sit fully armed in that hallway and hear those kids and not do anything?! I always said I didn't become a cop for a REASON because I knew myself well enough to know that I wouldn't have made for a good cop but I'd like to think if I WAS a cop in that hallway I would have felt compelled to do my fucking job.


The important thing is that these brave boys in blue got home safely at the end of the day.


EDIT - also I hope that whatever sound was cut is the only thing these fucking officers hear playing in their heads in any otherwise peaceful moment for the rest of their lives. And I hope every 2A supporting, "need my guns to protect myself and my home" ball fondler never knows a good night's sleep until they get rid of their shit.

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4 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I just watched it... it's fucking infuriating. One of these hero cops took the time to put hand sanitizer on his hands instead of going into the fucking classroom. ALL of these Cops should be fucking fired.

“They do say elementary schools are germ factories” he thought to himself as a bunch of 4 graders bleed out

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2 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

“They do say elementary schools are germ factories” he thought to himself as a bunch of 4 graders bleed out

I mean the number one cop killer since covid has been covid, so he just wanted to go home at the end of the day.

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11 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:


Here’s the thing, if a mayor actually did speak out against how incompetent the police are, what’s going to prevent a cop from shooting him at a “routine” traffic stop, and claiming he was belligerent and resisting? Oh, and the body-camera malfunctioned of course. 

Gangs with badges. 

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I’ve been thinking about it since I’ve posted it. Honestly, they shouldn’t have edited out the children.


I want all the second amendment lovers to have to hear the terrified screams of the children who are dead, injured, or mentally terrorized simply because they live in a country with ridiculous gun laws BECAUSE of the 2A people. 

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8 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

I e been thinking about since I’ve posted it. Honestly, they shouldn’t have edited out the children.


I want all the second amendment lovers to have to hear the terrified screams of the children who are dead, injured, or mentally terrorized simply because they live in a country with ridiculous gun laws BECAUSE of the 2A people. 


Yes I've come to the same conclusion. The gall of these clowns calling journalists chickenshit. The absolute fucking gall. They should be on their knees at every single town hall, washing the feet of the parents of children who died because their police force couldn't be bothered to protect them.



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2 minutes ago, chakoo said:

It amazes me these cops haven't put in a transfer to lay low in another state or have been murdered by the parents already. Fucking disgusting worthless trash.



I cannot count the number of times I've been on conference calls or presenting training to crowds and I've taken worse beatings than the city reps in that clip. Again, the absolute fucking hubris involved to get bent out of shape at the people asking them questions is completely incomprehensible to me.


The handwringing over shit like journalists posting clips of these events drives me insane. I'm typically even keeled, calm, and not particularly prone to IRL anger. Shit like this has me seeing red almost immediately. I have no idea how any of them feel comfortable showing their face in public or talking down to the people they've failed, lied to, etc.

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I don't consider myself a particularly brave person, and there are any number of fight-or-flight type of situations where I genuinely don't know what I would do. I am 100.0000000% certain that if I was armed with a weapon that I was reasonably confident I knew how to use and I was within earshot of the screams of grade school children that I would not stand around in a hallway. My god.

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6 minutes ago, Ricofoley said:

I don't consider myself a particularly brave person, and there are any number of fight-or-flight type of situations where I genuinely don't know what I would do. I am 100.0000000% certain that if I was armed with a weapon that I was reasonably confident I knew how to use and I was within earshot of the screams of grade school children that I would not stand around in a hallway. My god.

We don’t even have to imagine whether or not there are people who would have gone in


THERE WERE PEOPLE WILLING TO GO IN! Parents, neighbors, business owners. Basically everybody except the police. And the police were barring those people from doing anything.


It turns out that many people are willing to put themselves in the most dire of situations when 10 year olds are being brutally murdered. 

Really, the anger I feel every time I think about this is unparalleled in my life. I think having a 10 year old daughter myself has given a context to this that other massacres haven’t quite had for me. I am a practitioner of non-violence, but I would convict a single person of murder for ending any of these useless officer’s lives. It is bad enough to do nothing, it is unconscionable to prevent others from doing something.

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This type of attitude from the cops and the mayor is how you basically invite violence upon yourself if you’re one of these people. And they’d have it coming. I don’t know what I’d do if I was the parent of one of these children, but I’d sure as hell be mad, depressed, and broken enough to do something rash and irrational where I’d be suffering greater consequences than the cowards who stood by playing on their goddamn phones while little fucking kids were murdered within earshot. 

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26 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

We don’t even have to imagine whether or not there are people who would have gone in


THERE WERE PEOPLE WILLING TO GO IN! Parents, neighbors, business owners. Basically everybody except the police. And the police were barring those people from doing anything.


It turns out that many people are willing to put themselves in the most dire of situations when 10 year olds are being brutally murdered. 

Really, the anger I feel every time I think about this is unparalleled in my life. I think having a 10 year old daughter myself has given a context to this that other massacres haven’t quite had for me. I am a practitioner of non-violence, but I would convict a single person of murder for ending any of these useless officer’s lives. It is bad enough to do nothing, it is unconscionable to prevent others from doing something.


Who would have thought that police are from the worst in society? Practically no job requirements, protection if you kill someone for almost any reason, and job security for life.

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These the type of fucks who love to pretend that they’re us. Their punisher imagery, that entire faux operator look. But then they get to a two-way gun range and freeze. Condition black is basically where LE lives anymore.


a buddy team would’ve been more than enough to end the threat. I know as I had to clear a house with just a fire team  in my before life, so we split up to do it. Aka two buddy teams to clear a house. The more that comes out the more enraged I get, damn cowards. Especially when I consider that just two years ago I was going into Covid rooms without adequate PPE, I don’t understand this mindset.

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3 hours ago, sblfilms said:

I’ve been thinking about it since I’ve posted it. Honestly, they shouldn’t have edited out the children.


I want all the second amendment lovers to have to hear the terrified screams of the children who are dead, injured, or mentally terrorized simply because they live in a country with ridiculous gun laws BECAUSE of the 2A people. 


I said something similar earlier in this thread. As much as I'm loath to see or hear any of this stuff, the media has gone far out of its way sanitize and PG anything related to gun violence. It's all pictures of sobbing parents and sometimes a survivor with a bloody wound or a baby with bloody socks. I very vividly remember seeing the newspapers from Puerto Rico front paging the extremely graphic nature of the gang violence that took the island along with many mainland ghettos by storm in the 80s and 90s.


We're at the point where we need to go there again, because stats and pictures of grieving parents aren't enough. It's never been enough in this country. The original Civil Rights movement likely doesn't kick off in such fervor were it not for pictures of Emmity Till's open casket funeral making their way across the world.

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