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2 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

Sandy Hook has already shown nothing will be done about this no matter how many kids are kills. They got their Supreme Court justices. Texas gun laws are about to go national. 


This. Nothing will be done. Shrug and move on. Eventually the world will end.

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5 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

Sandy Hook has already shown nothing will be done about this no matter how many kids are kills. They got their Supreme Court justices. Texas gun laws are about to go national. 

I've had this bookmarked since Sandy Hook and have posted it probably at least 10 times:


The gun is our Moloch. We sacrifice children to him daily—sometimes, as at Sandy Hook, by directly throwing them into the fire-hose of bullets from our protected private killing machines, sometimes by blighting our children’s lives by the death of a parent, a schoolmate, a teacher, a protector. The gun is not a mere tool, a bit of technology, a political issue, a point of debate. It is an object of reverence.

Ancient Romans justified the destruction of Carthage by noting that children were sacrificed to Moloch there. Milton represented Moloch as the first pagan god who joined Satan’s war on humankind:


First Moloch, horrid king, besmear’d with blood
Of human sacrifice, and parents’ tears,
Though for the noise of Drums and Timbrels loud
Their children’s cries unheard, that pass’d through fire
To his grim idol. (Paradise Lost 1.392-96)


Read again those lines, with recent images seared into our brains—“besmeared with blood” and “parents’ tears.” They give the real meaning of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School Friday morning. That horror cannot be blamed just on one unhinged person. It was the sacrifice we as a culture made, and continually make, to our demonic god. We guarantee that crazed man after crazed man will have a flood of killing power readily supplied him. We have to make that offering, out of devotion to our Moloch, our god. The gun is our Moloch. We sacrifice children to him daily—sometimes, as at Sandy Hook, by directly throwing them into the fire-hose of bullets from our protected private killing machines, sometimes by blighting our children’s lives by the death of a parent, a schoolmate, a teacher, a protector. Sometimes this is done by mass killings (eight this year), sometimes by private offerings to the god (thousands this year).


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WIth the Supreme Court justices the US have in essence become Iran. The Federal government will become toothless. They already know what goals they want to acheive and will use whatever logic they want to justify it. Abortion is just the first on the list.


Conservative justices are going to overturn the 20th century and go back to a pre Plessy vs Ferguson world. 

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13 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

WIth their Supreme Court justices the US have in essence become Iran. The Federal government will become toothless. They already know what goals they want to acheive and will use whatever logic they want to justify it. Abortion is just the first on the list.


Conservative justices are going to overturn the 20th century and go back to a pre Plessy vs Ferguson world. 

Undercutting and reversing Roe is the first step to simply ignoring (even further!) substantive due process as guaranteed by the 14th amendment. 

this is also unkind to the Islamic republic.

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4 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Undercutting and reversing Roe is the first step to simply ignoring substantive due process as guaranteed by the 14th amendment. 

this is also unkind to the Islamic republic.

Yes the they are basically saying the states can define "due process" or really anything else as whatever they want it to be. As long as you call it the words in the constitution its all good. Of course religion is the exception to all of this. They will get special rights that are protected federally that supercede everything else. 

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2 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

Yes the they are basically saying the states can define "due process" or really anything else as whatever they want it to be. As long as you call it the words in the constitution its all good.

There’s simply nothing more radicalizing than learning the last 20 years of conservative jurisprudence and now seeing them throwing the dumbest shit at the walls to see what sticks. It’s very bleak. 

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13 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Undercutting and reversing Roe is the first step to simply ignoring (even further!) substantive due process as guaranteed by the 14th amendment. 

this is also unkind to the Islamic republic.

There is not one Muslim majority country that has banned abortion if it will save the life of the mother, so, you know… we’re the real shithole country. 

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13 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Here’s the mental health issue: misogyny and (as evidenced by Tops) racism. 

Very interesting. The more I try to think about what can be done to make society better just ends up making my brain hurt though. What could be done to identify these people sooner before they snap? Do schools need mandatory therapy classes? The problem comes from so many angles. Bad parents, bad home life, bullying, cyber bullying, mental illness, etc... It's all too much. 

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My daughters school district is having enhanced screening at school entryways with more cops at school for some reason. “Doing something” I guess. I’m just broken. I didn’t have any kids during sandy hook but now just thinking of being those parents it fucking broke me. It just hurts different now than 8 years ago. 

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

My daughters school district is having enhanced screening at school entryways with more cops at school for some reason. “Doing something” I guess. I’m just broken. I didn’t have any kids during sandy hook but now just thinking of being those parents it fucking broke me. It just hurts different now than 8 years ago. 

I remember I was working at a Cabela's for a seasonal job when Sandy Hook happened.  As sad as this is, the only thing I could think was that we were going to get a lot more customers the next day from bozos who were convinced the big bad gubmint was coming to take their guns.

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15 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

My daughters school district is having enhanced screening at school entryways with more cops at school for some reason. “Doing something” I guess. I’m just broken. I didn’t have any kids during sandy hook but now just thinking of being those parents it fucking broke me. It just hurts different now than 8 years ago. 


Hey @mclumber1 - take a long, hard look at this and realize that this is where your goddamned "rights" gets us.


Don't bother replying to this because I'll probably just delete it anyway.  Your opinion on this particular subject isn't welcome in this thread anymore.  You can post anywhere else on this board but never again in this thread until you utterly renounce your beliefs on this.


I've reached my limit and this is the line that I'm drawing.

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12 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

My daughters school district is having enhanced screening at school entryways with more cops at school for some reason. “Doing something” I guess. I’m just broken. I didn’t have any kids during sandy hook but now just thinking of being those parents it fucking broke me. It just hurts different now than 8 years ago. 

There is a particular sort of pain knowing that were your child murdered, nobody would actually do anything. 

One of the things I’ve been thinking about today, about how we actually got to where we are with the courts. The GOP since the 80s at the state level has been intentionally passing laws they knew would get overturned by the courts. This was for the purpose of riling up their voters. It helped win them more state houses and governors races. That helped win them the ability to gerrymander congressional maps. It also made ideological purity in SCOTUS nominees an absolute must. It is part of what made people who were anti-Trump during the 216 primary be willing to still vote for him in the general.


No matter how you feel about the GOP governance, their strategy has been a roaring success. They had the courage of their convictions to push the boundaries. They won. The Dems need to have that kind of fire about KIDS BEING MURDERED WITH GUNS!

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The idea is that the shooter became a patsy for the Deep State so that the gov’t has the leverage necessary to take everyones guns.. he was used..


the crime here is not the murder of innocent kids, its the disgusting hit job perpetrated to demonize guns

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3 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

My wife wants to move to America someday, and the biggest reason I'm iffy on it is I'm terrified to put my daughter into an American school. Korea has a billion problems of its own, but guess what? Children come home from school alive.


Tell her that the majority of this board is looking for the exit door from the United States because it's a doomed society 

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15 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

There is a particular sort of pain knowing that were your child murdered, nobody would actually do anything. 

One of the things I’ve been thinking about today, about how we actually got to where we are with the courts. The GOP since the 80s at the state level has been intentionally passing laws they knew would get overturned by the courts. This was for the purpose of riling up their voters. It helped win them more state houses and governors races. That helped win them the ability to gerrymander congressional maps. It also made ideological purity in SCOTUS nominees an absolute must. It is part of what made people who were anti-Trump during the 216 primary be willing to still vote for him in the general.


No matter how you feel about the GOP governance, their strategy has been a roaring success. They had the courage of their convictions to push the boundaries. They won. The Dems need to have that kind of fire about KIDS BEING MURDERED WITH GUNS!


The problem is Dems dont know what they really want… or they dont want the exact same thing…. at least the GOP has a very specific Kool Aid they can all drink from….. plus judging by the way the “bully/bullied” generation is heading it appears the GOP has planted very toxic seeds that will take root soon…. its a bunch of low self-esteem little idiots with no resiliency that only find “strength” and release from a firearm..


I hate to wish ill on anyone, but I honestly wonder how these lobbyists and politicians would react if an absolute tragedy of this nature happened under their roof…. Hate and racism is generational, at times we get lulled into thinking we have progressed but its an easily shattered illusion.. Trumps presidency let them know that they arent too far from getting their way… next election they may come for it all and they will be damn near impossible to dislodge

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12 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

My daughters school district is having enhanced screening at school entryways with more cops at school for some reason. “Doing something” I guess. I’m just broken. I didn’t have any kids during sandy hook but now just thinking of being those parents it fucking broke me. It just hurts different now than 8 years ago. 

My kids are both elementary age. When we were kids I remember the biggest fear was "don't talk to strangers", like a stranger is just going to grab you and take you. Or "don't do drugs", your life will fall apart.

My kids have the very real possibility that a gunman in full body armor with an assault rifle could come into the school and blow them away. The best they have are the active shooter drills they take part in a few times a year. 

The best I can do is tell myself it won't happen here and block it from my mind. 

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