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Update: Senate shelves the BBB Act

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The Senate gets something like 3 reconciliation bills per year.  If BBB is dead, maybe the Democrats should refocus on singular topics (or at least paired down omnibus type bills) that could pas with the 50 vote threshold.  As long as they are budget related, they can technically be passed via reconciliation. 

  • stepee 1
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He killed it on FOX news too. Of course he did.


"They should be running ads all over the country, 24/7 with a photo of Manchin that says... Hey, you know that money that's been showing up in your bank every single month? You were going to keep getting it for another year, but this one single man, this dumb guy right here says you can't have it. Just one man."


Joe Manchin just cost my family $6,000.

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55 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:

The Senate gets something like 3 reconciliation bills per year.  If BBB is dead, maybe the Democrats should refocus on singular topics (or at least paired down omnibus type bills) that could pas with the 50 vote threshold.  As long as they are budget related, they can technically be passed via reconciliation. 

Child tax credits, paid leave, and climate change third. 

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Just now, chakoo said:

I know it's dirty but I don't get why Biden doesn't put the pressure on Manchin and issue EO that target his special interest. I'm sure he'll be able to find enough cover focusing them on clean energy and the likes. 


The fear is he'll switch parties and fill the Senate, meaning no Judges.

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1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


No one is thinking that - the objective is to get the vote on the official record.

He is in maybe the reddest state in the country. Stopping a big Biden plan makes him more popular, even if many in WV would like the personal benefits of BBB.

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5 minutes ago, Jwheel86 said:


The fear is he'll switch parties and fill the Senate, meaning no Judges.

If he was so easy to do that then why not have done it already. I'm sure the GOP will give him everything he wants and then some to do it. Even if he did he would be under the increased strain from Biden so it would cost him for the remainder of Biden's presidency. 

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Response from WH press secretary Jen Psaki:



Senator Manchin’s comments this morning on FOX are at odds with his discussions this week with the President, with White House staff, and with his own


Senator Manchin’s comments this morning on FOX are at odds with his discussions this week with the President, with White House staff, and with his own public utterances. Weeks ago, Senator Manchin committed to the President, at his home in Wilmington, to support the Build Back Better framework that the President then subsequently announced. Senator Manchin pledged repeatedly to negotiate on finalizing that framework “in good faith.”


On Tuesday of this week, Senator Manchin came to the White House and submitted—to the President, in person, directly—a written outline for a Build Back Better bill that was the same size and scope as the President’s framework, and covered many of the same priorities. While that framework was missing key priorities, we believed it could lead to a compromise acceptable to all. Senator Manchin promised to continue conversations in the days ahead, and to work with us to reach that common ground. If his comments on FOX and written statement indicate an end to that effort, they represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal in his position, and a breach of his commitments to the President and the Senator’s colleagues in the House and Senate.


Senator Manchin claims that this change of position is related to inflation, but the think tank he often cites on Build Back Better—the Penn Wharton Budget Institute—issued a report less than 48 hours ago that noted the Build Back Better Act will have virtually no impact on inflation in the short term, and, in the long run, the policies it includes will ease inflationary pressures. Many leading economists with whom Senator Manchin frequently consults also support Build Back Better.


Build Back Better lowers costs that families pay. It will reduce what families pay for child care. It will reduce what they pay for prescription drugs. It will lower health care premiums. And it puts a tax cut in the pockets of families with kids. If someone is concerned about the impact that higher prices are having on families, this bill gives them a break.


Senator Manchin cited deficit concerns in his statement. But the plan is fully paid for, is the most fiscally responsible major bill that Congress has considered in years, and reduces the deficit in the long run. The Congressional Budget Office report that the Senator cites analyzed an unfunded extension of Build Back Better. That’s not what the President has proposed, not the bill the Senate would vote on, and not what the President would support. Senator Manchin knows that: The President has told him that repeatedly, including this week, face to face.


Likewise, Senator Manchin’s statement about the climate provisions in Build Back Better are wrong. Build Back Better will produce a job-creating clean energy future for this country—including West Virginia.


Just as Senator Manchin reversed his position on Build Back Better this morning, we will continue to press him to see if he will reverse his position yet again, to honor his prior commitments and be true to his word.


In the meantime, Senator Manchin will have to explain to those families paying $1,000 a month for insulin why they need to keep paying that, instead of $35 for that vital medicine. He will have to explain to the nearly two million women who would get the affordable day care they need to return to work why he opposes a plan to get them the help they need. Maybe Senator Manchin can explain to the millions of children who have been lifted out of poverty, in part due to the Child Tax Credit, why he wants to end a program that is helping achieve this milestone—we cannot.


We are proud of what we have gotten done in 2021: the American Rescue Plan, the fastest decrease in unemployment in U.S. history, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, over 200 million Americans vaccinated, schools reopened, the fastest rollout of vaccines to children anywhere in the world, and historic appointments to the Federal judiciary.

But we will not relent in the fight to help Americans with their child care, health care, prescription drug costs, and elder care—and to combat climate change. The fight for Build Back Better is too important to give up. We will find a way to move forward next year.

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