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Arkansas gov.: New abortion law is 'direct challenge' to Roe

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This is the one whose only exception is life of the mother.



The lawmaker denounced rape and incest but stood by the law's lack of exceptions for the two crimes, saying, "How could we look at any human baby and say that they are not worthy of life simply because their birth was a result of a violent act."



If ever there were someone worthy of having an intimate encounter with a face hugger....



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1 hour ago, Chairslinger said:



"How could we look at any human baby and say that they are not worthy of life simply because their birth was a result of a violent act."


I'll say it right to the babies face. That's how. Won't even know what I am saying. And hell, if they are never born then I don't have to say it! Won't even know what hit 'em. 

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To be fair, I've always found that if you're going to be pro life, you should go all the way. If you believe abortion is murder, then someone getting raped doesn't change that. Two wrongs don't make a right, as it were.


Of course, I think being pro life is fucking stupid, but saying fetuses are humans so we can't kill them unless its mother was raped doesn't really make much sense to me.

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50 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

If the rape wasn't traumatizing enough being forced to have his baby is even worse.

Probably true in most cases, but having an attitude of "murdering babies is always wrong, except for when their mother is raped, then it's okay" is contradictory. Either abortion is murder or it isn't, and last I checked we generally don't let rape victims kill innocent people.


I just wish more of these pro life fuck sticks came out and said what they really meant.

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7 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I just wish more of these pro life fuck sticks came out and said what they really meant.


"Women can't get uppity if they're constantly pregnant and/or chasing little kids around." 

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9 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

Probably true in most cases, but having an attitude of "murdering babies is always wrong, except for when their mother is raped, then it's okay" is contradictory. Either abortion is murder or it isn't, and last I checked we generally don't let rape victims kill innocent people.


I just wish more of these pro life fuck sticks came out and said what they really meant.

One of my biggest issues with “pro life” people is the are half-assed about it. To them there is no valid “murder” an undeveloped baby, but they’re fine with state sanctioned murder. And they’re almost never among the people demanding action to keep

children safe in schools after a school shooting. And most of them are also against government support programs to assist struggling moms and their children. 

No. They are very very selective about what “life” is worth protecting. Even if they holistically want to prevent all abortions, they’re still hypocrites.



as for the topic of in the event of a rape, it’s not just forcing a woman to raise the child. Even if she gives the child up for adoption she had to bring the child to term. There is a physical toll on her body. Some women’s bodies never get close to going back to the way it was. For 9 months they’re constantly reminded of what happened to them, and they have to pay physically and monetarily. 

I’m for whatever helps them heal. If they want to carry the child and keep it, because to them at least some “good” came out of it. Fine. But if they want to try as best they can to undo it immediately and begin healing mentally/emotionally. Fine. 

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