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Just how common do you think pedophilia is?


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22 minutes ago, Rachel said:

You voted for a white supremacist a few months ago. You’ve said a lot of fucked up racist shit and clearly have a racist attitude. Just because you don’t treat your coworkers like shit doesn’t mean you aren’t racist. 


Ok. I'm a pedophile and a racist. Anything else lol?

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5 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Meant to post that in here. But I sometimes think of Best as BlueAngel-lite. 


Cause I voted for Trump? I never bring politics into any conversation on these forums. You can think what you want.

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3 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Not just that. Other things you've said, too. Mainly regarding race. It's not as overt as what he says, but there are definite undertones. 


I need proof. Easy to say the things you're saying without anything to back it up.

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Well, the stuff you said very recently about feeling uncomfortable when you voted surrounded by Black people was a little bit awkward. 


It wasn't the black people. It was the environment and being in a big crowd in a creepy place. I'm not good with crowds.

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Ah, I see. You just mentioned the Black people for no reason then. 


I was surrounded and in the minority. It wasn't safe imo and it so happened they were black. That's all I'm saying on this ridiculous topic. I never comment on politics nor even care about it at this point. I have more important things I'm focusing on at the moment. If you guys think I'm racist thats your choice. I can't and won't say it anymore.

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2 minutes ago, Rachel said:

You 100% have an open preference for girls 15-20 years younger than you and that can be proven and while it’s not illegal, again, yellow light. 


That's so extremely untrue and unfair to say on a public forum. On match.com my cut off was 25. I dated 3 women off that which were all 27 yrs old and older. I have no sexual desire for teenage girls so please stop saying that. It's ridiculous and uncalled for.

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4 minutes ago, Rachel said:

You literally just said it yourself 




She's an adult.


3 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I'll be honest, I always find it kind of cringey when a middle aged man has a "sexy girl" pic as his avatar. It seems like a 16 year old boy thing to do.


I don't know how to change my icon. It's been this way for years. 

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

All you do is go to your profile and click on the photo and upload a new one. It's really basic.


I honestly never tried. Let me now.


2 minutes ago, Joe said:

He takes this shit way too seriously.


Believe me, I'm not taking any of this seriously. I'm struggling with life right now and this is just a distraction. 

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5 minutes ago, Rachel said:

LOL omg his icon is a gif of a topless 19 year old Kendall Jenner. But no, he doesn’t like teenage girls. 😂


I think Kendall Jenner is hot. She was a professional model at 19 or so. Also, the 2 other women I dated off of match were in their 30's. 

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1 minute ago, Rachel said:

Cool good job you finally acknowledged that you are attracted to teenagers. 


It doesn't mean I'd date Kendall Jenner. We are speaking about adults, too. Not 18 and below. My ideal woman that I hope to find would be in her lower 30's so that having a child is still on the table. 

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16 minutes ago, Rachel said:

Okay? None of this takes away that you’re openly attracted to teen girls. 


If by attracted by a model who happened to be 19, sure technically you can say I'm attracted to a "teen". Does that make your night? I mean Jesus get over it. Any 30 something dude would admit if a 19 yr old model was hot. 


That isn't my target audience and you van think and say whatever the fuck you want. 

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the final episode of Allen v Farrow is airing tonight. where Woody Allen sexually abused a little girl and also had a sexual relationship with a teenager and hollywood not only didn’t care, but have still continued to embrace and celebrate the piece of garbage. 

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59 minutes ago, best3444 said:


If by attracted by a model who happened to be 19, sure technically you can say I'm attracted to a "teen". Does that make your night? I mean Jesus get over it. Any 30 something dude would admit if a 19 yr old model was hot. 


That isn't my target audience and you van think and say whatever the fuck you want. 

jon favreau car GIF

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