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You won’t believe the 25 faces who just got let go from HuffPost.

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When my last company did their layoffs they bcc'd everyone affected at 8 am to watch a webcast at 9:30 telling them what was going on and that their severance depended on them not fucking up the work (basically) that needed to be transitioned. It was a working layoff so it's different there than a nonworking layoff.


Previous company eliminated one single person's position so they cleared the whole damn office floor and had the rest of us go into a conference room while they let the guy go. I'd be shocked if that company never got in a lawsuit over that because the guy they laid off was one of the few Black folks that worked there.

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In May of last year my company sent out an email one Thursday morning announcing a large layoff and said if you don't hear anything by afternoon you're good.  I didn't do anything that morning and at like noon an email went out that said if you haven't been notified then you're good.  I'm betting no one was working that morning.  There's no nice way to lay people off, but I'm convinced HR orgs figure out the shittiest way possible and go for that.

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The corporate world is all about diluting responsibility/liability, all the way down to having someone else fire people so you don’t need to have that awkward moment. It’s why these guys break into sweat when they get called on to testify in front of congress out of the blue. Bunch of spineless rats.

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Spring Is Here reminds me of that Carlin bit about euphemisms.


Poor people used to live in slums. Now the economically disadvantaged occupy substandard housing in the inner cities. And they’re broke! They’re broke! They don’t have a negative cash-flow position. They’re fucking broke! Cause a lot of them were fired. You know, fired? Management wanted to curtail redundancies in the human resources area, so many people are no longer viable members of the workforce.


Smug, greedy, well-fed white people have invented a language to conceal their sins. It's as simple as that.

  • stepee 1
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Firing is not easy but man I've seen a few bad ways for it to be done. One of the craziest is when a software company I use to work at had to do a mass layoff so they had people sent between two floors and then announced to everybody on one floor that they were fired. No discussions were had with leads or managers on who to let go, they were all only informed the morning of. It pissed off so many senior staff that most left the company within a month. So instead of getting rid of 1/3 of the company they end up losing slightly under 3/4 by the end of it all. I'm impressed the company survived in any meaningful way after that.


With that said, I still find it fascinating how big BuzzFeed has gotten over the years.

  • Guillotine 1
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3 hours ago, finaljedi said:

In May of last year my company sent out an email one Thursday morning announcing a large layoff and said if you don't hear anything by afternoon you're good.  I didn't do anything that morning and at like noon an email went out that said if you haven't been notified then you're good.  I'm betting no one was working that morning.  There's no nice way to lay people off, but I'm convinced HR orgs figure out the shittiest way possible and go for that.

That is how my company did it this past summer.  We all just watched private meeting after private meeting pop up on people’s calendars. Nobody did any work that day and were told if you had not received a call from the VP by 1 pm you were good. It was not the worse.


I worked for ATA when it shut down and I got to hear about us shutting down while eating breakfast and drinking coffee before work. Showed up, got handed a box, walked through a metal detector, and had 10 minutes to grab my stuff. Then they went through our boxes to make sure we were not stealing stuff when we left.

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12 minutes ago, Dawnguard2001 said:

That is how my company did it this past summer.  We all just watched private meeting after private meeting pop up on people’s calendars. Nobody did any work that day and were told if you had not received a call from the VP by 1 pm you were good. It was not the worse.


I worked for ATA when it shut down and I got to hear about us shutting down while eating breakfast and drinking coffee before work. Showed up, got handed a box, walked through a metal detector, and had 10 minutes to grab my stuff. Then they went through our boxes to make sure we were not stealing stuff when we left.


I don't know if telling people in the morning they might not have a job that afternoon is that good.  Because everyone is just sitting there waiting to see if they're up, even if most of the company is fine.


Anthem did quarterly rolling layoffs when I was there.  HR and security would walk a department into a large conference room and then out of the building.  Their cubicle items would be boxed up and sent to their homes.  When I got cut loose there I was working from home so mine was a phone call at 4pm and them telling me to bring my laptop into the office in town.


Funny thing is my current company scheduled a last minute 4pm huddle with me a couple weeks ago with me, the manager and my director, was wondering if history was repeating itself.  But it was them giving me a "please don't quit like the 3 other people on the team did this past month" bonus and raise.

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13 hours ago, finaljedi said:

When I got cut loose there I was working from home so mine was a phone call at 4pm and them telling me to bring my laptop into the office in town

my first thought :


Yea I don’t work for you any more , so feel free to swing by my place and pick it up.

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20 hours ago, sblfilms said:

This is psychotic


When I worked at Yahoo...this is basically how lay offs happened. You know what day it happened. It happened all in one day. If you get a random meeting invite, (usually with your manager and HR but the attendee list is usually hidden), that meant you were getting let go.

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2 hours ago, SimpleG said:

I know , they know they have you by the short hairs and you are at their mercy.


Yeah...  I walked into the building, handed the laptop and whatnot in a bag to the front desk guard, he told me I have to stick around so IT can verify, I told him I'm not doing that and walked back out.

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