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18 minutes ago, chakoo said:


Nice list organization. I've slowly been doing something like this for some of my systems (but not all) for keeping track of what I have. Yet I realize I probably should do more and also include estimated value like you did (mostly for my wife incase something ever happened to me so she can get fair value for it).


Since DVD AF died I wanted to do something like this for my DVD collection but it takes time to set up.


Personally I have my collection set up through gamespot / giant bomb which is nice until that feature gets axed too I guess. :p

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7 hours ago, DPCyric said:


At the time it was the only MMO I had ever been interested in and there haven't been many since (mainly Neverwinter and Star Citizen).


It was going to utilize voice chat which at the time was fairly new to me. I really wanted that game lol. 

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Assassins Creed Odyssey . . .because the quantity over quality aspect of the game is really sinking in and I need a break from constantly having mercenaries coming after me just for playing the game(yes, I know you can pay the bounty and make them back off for a little while)

  • stepee 1
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Mortal Shell this week, pure hell awaits my gaming skills and pride...


       Beat Cyber Punk 2077, then finished Resident Evil 3 Remake my kid dropped by and so I then went and bought Mortal Shell for PC from CDkeys. 18.98 pretty good price I though! I just do not know why I do this to myseld over and over again. I wanna be in the Souls club, but  just can't frikk'n do it. This game is starting out brutally hard for me, like all the other ones like it before it. I have owned them all, Nioh, DS 1-3, Blood Borne, Sekiro, etc. Only one I have ever beaten is Demon Souls on the Xbox, or was it PS3? I don't know, but I want to be good. I gall myself a gamer, these games kick my ass every which way and it's frustrating. I refuse to give up, and I'll admit I know nothing about the game as I haven't had anything spoiled for me, etc. The parry system is just ridiculously for me to time too. I'm not quitting, I'm tired. Tomorrow's another day, I'll give it my best shot, and maybe look up a beginners guide to Mortal Souls. Couldn't hurt me anymore than my pride gets hurt with these games every time ....lol 

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15 hours ago, crispy4000 said:

Haven’t played games in more than a week.  Texas.


Provided for now thankfully, though still no heat or running water.  Thank goodness for the sun.

Glad you are ok sir. 

Also, you should have a generator. (Not for gaming, for heat in the event this happens again.


We lose power often during storms, but nobody ever really mentions it, because we all have wood stoves and generators. Kind of forget how unprepared much of the world is for these situations until it happens.

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I kept power the whole time.  The issue was that the heater we have was water-based.  So when water went, so did heat.  I think it's day 5 now?  The issue currently is snowmelt for the toilet is low.  We have enough saved for maybe 3 flushes.  And cooking options are limited.  Pasta is useless.  Getting water back gets pushed out further every day.


Lots of donations are happening now though, so that's good.  Got some canned chicken, peanut butter and bottled water.  It should last a week if needs be.  Most fast food is closed, but I don't totally trust those that are open with the boil water notice.


Many people had it much worse.  Water leaks and sub 45-degree temperatures indoors.  Lowest it got for us was 57 inside.  We threw every insulated item we could spare over our windows and doors each day after the sun went down.


Fingers crossed no pipes bust when they turn water back on.  Have most valuables under car tarps at the moment.

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With the Zelda anniversary today, I wanted to play something to mark the occasion. I settled on Link to the Past through Nintendo Online but I don’t know if it’s because I’ve played the opening few dungeons a lot, or that I’ve played ‘better’ versions of the top down Zelda formula in Links Awakening (Switch) and Link Between Worlds, but it just wasn’t happening for me. I’ve never finished the game before so I may just power through at some point - but because it’s so iconic and so has had most of the ideas recycled, it makes the game feel stale weirdly enough.

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I want to play games but I have gotten into this binge only mode where I basically either only play video games and do nothing else or just do anything else. Like, I won't even watch shit on YT or twitch. I won't read anything or just surf the web. All entertainment becomes that game until I am done and I haven't been wanting to get into that mood. 

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9 hours ago, crispy4000 said:

I kept power the whole time.  The issue was that the heater we have was water-based.  So when water went, so did heat.  I think it's day 5 now?  The issue currently is snowmelt for the toilet is low.  We have enough saved for maybe 3 flushes.  And cooking options are limited.  Pasta is useless.  Getting water back gets pushed out further every day.


Lots of donations are happening now though, so that's good.  Got some canned chicken, peanut butter and bottled water.  It should last a week if needs be.  Most fast food is closed, but I don't totally trust those that are open with the boil water notice.


Many people had it much worse.  Water leaks and sub 45-degree temperatures indoors.  Lowest it got for us was 57 inside.  We threw every insulated item we could spare over our windows and doors each day after the sun went down.


Fingers crossed no pipes bust when they turn water back on.  Have most valuables under car tarps at the moment.


Supposedly @sblfilms is making the rounds. Maybe he could drop you off a care package.

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