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Epic Games Store - Feb 11th Presentation, doubling down on storefront exclusives


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I've long since given up on caring which of these "services" a given game comes to, but the lack of features in non steam clients is a shit condition. I take special umbrage with Epic, because they claim to be fighting for better rights but clearly the customer is the last on their list of people they care about. Epic games store has been out for far too long to lack the amount of features it does. I gave it a pass in its first year, but now, what is the excuse? 

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9 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

I've long since given up on caring which of these "services" a given game comes to, but the lack of features in non steam clients is a shit condition. I take special umbrage with Epic, because they claim to be fighting for better rights but clearly the customer is the last on their list of people they care about. Epic games store has been out for far too long to lack the amount of features it does. I gave it a pass in its first year, but now, what is the excuse? 


"Look at all the free games we give you every week."


And to be totally honest... I'm kind of okay with that.  They got cloud saves in there. I don't really care about much more other than the launcher not shuttering for good.



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On 2/8/2021 at 10:59 AM, Fizzzzle said:



I understand why certain publishers want to publish there, and Epic is free to throw their money around however they wish. It just sucks for the consumer. 


I kind of wish they focused less on exclusives and more on making EGS not suck ass.

the way I see it, from Epic’s point of view anyone that boycotts buying the game because it exclusive to EGS wasn’t going to buy it on EGS anyways. They lose nothing there.

But they do gain sales from people who don’t care enough. Who if they had a choice would buy it elsewhere, but won’t NOT buy it because they have to get it through EGS. 


the publisher/developer doesn’t feel a crunch either, because they get to keep more of the money from each game sale, and get some sweet sweet exclusive cash from Epic. 

you can be mad at Epic all you want, but it’s not like Steam is fighting to compete for developers to NOT go exclusive by allowing devs/pubs to keep more of the money. 

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Hey if they can fix up the store to actually compete on more than just "lol we paid for games to not be elsewhere" then I'll be a lot happier to use the client. Still not excited about my fragmented fucking library but whatever, that huge benefit that I love has been fraying for years anyway.

I expect nothing from them, because history shows they don't give a shit, but maybe we'll get lucky. The free games have been nice, but haven't got me to buy shit. Make a better store already, because it's not just a store, it's a launcher.

I do really wonder what their plan is in the event that Fortnite starts to seriously get its lunch eaten by another game. They haven't really built up a foundation that would remain sustainable in the event that they're no longer making no-fucks-to-give money. Their primary attractions: Time-limited exclusives that they pay millions of dollars for, and free games, would likely dry up completely if they had to tighten their belts. Would be a really good time for them to have a really attractive client, both visually and functionally. And services no one else offers.

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On 2/8/2021 at 1:51 PM, Mr.Vic20 said:

I've long since given up on caring which of these "services" a given game comes to, but the lack of features in non steam clients is a shit condition. I take special umbrage with Epic, because they claim to be fighting for better rights but clearly the customer is the last on their list of people they care about. Epic games store has been out for far too long to lack the amount of features it does. I gave it a pass in its first year, but now, what is the excuse? 


Hey, it used to be when I claimed a game in app it would take a while to get the confirmation email but claiming it through the website it generally wouldn't come through until the following day. It still isn't essentially instant like anywhere else but the emails have been coming in relatively quickly recently so it seems they might be making progress. It would be nice if when they have more than one give away you could claim all the free games at once instead of one at a time, maybe in a few years we'll be able to do that.

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I understand people’s complaints about Epic Store and get it but man talk about the biggest first world problem in the history of humanity. I can go to the store, buy the game, double click on an icon and the game loads up, then play it. That’s the extent of what I need in order to play whatever games it has that I want. 


Everything else is all minor shit because everything besides just playing the game I want is just minor shit in regards to the storefront. But still I get it, I still can’t believe switch doesn’t have folders myself.


But go to a thread on resetera and fuck what a bunch of cry babies. It’s a pet peeve I guess, it’s a lot of grandstanding over something really inconsequential and it makes me take the actual complaints less seriously.

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8 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

Make a better store already, because it's not just a store, it's a launcher.

Its not gonna happen,

8 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

I do really wonder what their plan is in the event that Fortnite starts to seriously get its lunch eaten by another game. They haven't really built up a foundation that would remain sustainable in the event that they're no longer making no-fucks-to-give money. Their primary attractions: Time-limited exclusives that they pay millions of dollars for, and free games, would likely dry up completely if they had to tighten their belts. Would be a really good time for them to have a really attractive client, both visually and functionally. And services no one else offers.

UE will keep them a float for a time but they made 265 million off the store front from 3rd party sales not counting what ever they spend in deals, coupons, and free games. I would "assume" they would be in the negative if you remove all the other income. 



I know everyone likes to shit on Steams forums but they can be helpful, so helpful in fact that The Division 2 Devs got caught using the forum for LFG post when the game is currently an Epic exclusive



The Division 2 isn't on Steam yet but it does have an unlisted store page on the platform. Now, it's been discovered that Ubisoft Support made "Looking For Group" posts on the Steam Community forums — a platform that doesn't have the game.



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