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Yemen Update: warring parties fail to extend UN-backed truce for a third time, "heavy clashes" reported

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15 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

Awesome to see a resolution to end support. Likelihood of it passing is . . . ?



(should i even point out a disclaimer?)

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U.S. and Britain Seek Yemen Cease-Fire as Relations With Saudis Cool

The calls for a halt to the three-and-a-half-year-old conflict — made by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, his British counterpart, Jeremy Hunt, and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis — came against the backdrop of rising global criticism of Saudi Arabia, which has led a bombing campaign that is a major cause of civilian deaths and destruction in Yemen, the Arab world’s poorest country.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Senators vote to end US backing for Saudi war on Yemen

The US Senate has voted to withdraw US military aid for Saudi Arabia's war on Yemen and to blame the kingdom's crown prince for the murder of a journalist.

Members US President Donald Trump's Republican party joined Democrats by 56-41 to rebuke the longtime US ally over reporter Jamal Khashoggi's death.

Mr Trump has vowed to veto the largely symbolic measure, and it is unlikely to pass the House of Representatives.


  • stepee 1
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2 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

I agree with the Senators here. I mean I get the counter argument, that you have to pick the lesser evil as an ally in the Middle East, but fuck it. I can't support the Saudis and we don't need to. Fuck our weapons deals. Let China or Russia have them.

The Iranians ARE the lesser of two evils when compared to the Saudis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Saudi's are paying mercenaries from Sudan to fight in Yemen, many are children.




Some families are so eager for the money that they bribe militia officers to let their sons go fight. Many are ages 14 to 17. In interviews, five fighters who have returned from Yemen and another about to depart said that children made up at least 20 percent of their units. Two said children were more than 40 percent.

To keep a safe distance from the battle lines, their Saudi or Emirati overseers commanded the Sudanese fighters almost exclusively by remote control, directing them to attack or retreat through radio headsets and GPS systems provided to the Sudanese officers in charge of each unit, the fighters all said.

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20 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:

Saudi's are paying mercenaries from Sudan to fight in Yemen, many are children.




Some families are so eager for the money that they bribe militia officers to let their sons go fight. Many are ages 14 to 17. In interviews, five fighters who have returned from Yemen and another about to depart said that children made up at least 20 percent of their units. Two said children were more than 40 percent.

To keep a safe distance from the battle lines, their Saudi or Emirati overseers commanded the Sudanese fighters almost exclusively by remote control, directing them to attack or retreat through radio headsets and GPS systems provided to the Sudanese officers in charge of each unit, the fighters all said.

Nothing about this surprises me in the least.  Unfortunately.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

'Scores' killed in Yemen as UAE-backed fighters seize parts of Aden



Fighters supported by the UAE are now fighting those supported by Saudi Arabia while they are both supposed to be on the same side in the war against the Houthis.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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