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Sony has entirely lost its grip on Japan, Nintendo ate all their marketshare


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I don't really know how to explain what I mean, but I feel like Sony really has adopted American Values. Like, with the PS4 it didn't even feel like Japanese console at all. The PS4 seemed really American. No clue if that had has anything to do with these numbers, but I wonder if any of the JPN gamers get that feeling. PlayStation's were my consoles to get my JRPG fix, now it is basically PC. 

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31 minutes ago, Bacon said:

I don't really know how to explain what I mean, but I feel like Sony really has adopted American Values. Like, with the PS4 it didn't even feel like Japanese console at all. The PS4 seemed really American. No clue if that had has anything to do with these numbers, but I wonder if any of the JPN gamers get that feeling. PlayStation's were my consoles to get my JRPG fix, now it is basically PC. 


Sony is focusing on the western/rest of the world markets. They have Japan covered with their mobile games.

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The PS2 era was basically the peak of the home console market in Japan, it's been going downhill for 15 years. Sony tried with the PSP and the Vita, but I guess they just decided to focus their resources on western markets and home consoles instead. Nintendo has gone in completely the other direction.

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The truth is that anyone selling consoles right now simply can't make enough units to keep up with demand, so I'm happy to see the industry doing so well. Specific to the OP, my understanding is that japan got on the portable train and its left those without a solution on the side lines. 

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No one wants to buy a PS4 because the PS5 is already out.


Virtually no one can buy a PS5.


The Switch is a mature platform with a large library of popular games, it's very cheap, and it's readily available. Also, with new variations coming out, you get a not-insignificant number of buyers picking up a second console.


Nothing about the incredible disparity of sales over the last two months surprises me.



Now, if the PS5 fails to sell better once it's readily available for purchase and as more next gen titles come out for it, I will be surprised. I don't expect it to outsell the Switch anytime soon, but I expect it to follow a path similar to previous PlayStations eventually.

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I feel like Japan is sort of less relevant than they’ve ever been though in terms of being concerned about hardware sales? 

Like China is the sleeping giant plus the rest of Asia, South America and obviously the USA. 

It’s not that it’s not relevant especially considering all of the game development that occurs there, but I’m not sure they’re thinking oh man we must take back Japan. Maybe I’m wrong. 

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Consoles are a lost for japan. While the PS5 is selling out of what little stock japan gets there still isn't the same demand for it. If sony wanted to do well in japan anymore it would make more sense for them to release a portable PS4 (like an actual portable ps4 that plays all ps4 software digitally). Yet with that said, even japanese developers are more interested in western sales than they are japanese sells.

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