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Official "Look How Insane and Shitty ALL GOP Officials Are" Thread

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21 hours ago, stepee said:

Did fox news get even more batshit recently? I clicked on a story and then accidentally went to the main page which I haven’t seen in a few years and it’s pretty wild. Like it’s all liberal city this, blue state that, like it’s all just throwing the buzz words in the headlines and not pretending to be any kind of news organization. I would think people would find that like almost offensively pandering.


One of the major headlines was an update on that video a month ago of the kid who beat up the teacher over a switch and it’s like it’s just so obvious why that’s a big story for them, it’s just all very on the nose.


Maybe. Probably not. Their audience is comprised of right wing reactionaries so those headlines check out.


No lies detected.

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2 hours ago, ort said:


I don't know about lately, but I make a point to check the Fox News homepage daily and it's downright shocking just how blatantly manipulative and deceptive they are. It's really beyond comprehension how they can get away with calling themselves a news source when it's immediately clear to any person who hasn't been slow boiled for 20 years by their endless stream of nonsensical anger porn that they are not an actual news source. Every story. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Is designed with one purpose and one purpose only. To enrage and anger their audience. That's really it.


They don't report on stories, they report on reaction to stories. They didn't have a single fucking actual story about the state reps who were removed from their seats... but they had about 2-3 talking about various people's reactions to the story.


If Biden makes an executive order or something, they don't write a story on it and slant it to the right. The story will be "Biden Slammed from all sides for controversial decision" with a photo of Biden looking confused photoshopped in front of a storm of money... and then in the story they will quote 3 or 4 Ted Cruz types and Fox News hosts outrage and then some lukewarm mild statement from a democrat congressperson from Idaho that you've never heard of... and then the comments will be an endless stream vile hate and lies and racists advocating for death in the streets. That's how about half the country gets their news of the world.


Don't believe me? Go check it out. I don't care what day it is, what is happening or when... ANY TIME you click on Fox News, you will be shocked by what they are presenting as the most important news of the day.


It's like you are watching news from a different alternate universe.

My brother in Christ, I’m begging you, stop doing this to yourself.


Every time you feel the need to visit a Fox News page, watch a Harrison Ford movie instead.

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8 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

Should we start a GoFundMe so CNut can move and be free from their backwater hellhole?


I'm gonna work off the idea she lives there because she likes it so only in the event of like a 2nd Civil War or something terrible like that.


@MarSolo I don't think I ever hated myself enough to want to go there. I applaud ort for taking one for the team. I know enough of what to expect out of Fox News. 


Also it feels like an alternate universe because it is. Fox News wants you to think America sucks because of minorities gaining more rights as opposed to favoring the few over everyone else. Fascism job is to take the heat off of capital and vent anti-capitalist sentiment to minorities. An other.

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1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I don’t like it, but it’s cheap and I have a nice life. And I live in the Blue capital. 


Ok so ideas then would be affordable nice life areas that hopefully won't be islands in a sea of fascism. Got it. Probably gonna be an island in a sea of fascism due to the actual Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Hopefully.

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So discussing teacher pay raises in Texas, Dem proposed bill $5000 lower than GOP representative hoping a lower offer would entice the bill to pass… instead Jared P used the opportunity to grand stand and got called on his bluff.. poor attendees cheering thinking something might actually get done


Its weird that theres not enough money to pay raise teachers but there is money to invest about $3000 per to get them firearms training



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22 hours ago, Jason said:


From Reddit:


ChatGPT for the win on this one:

“As the former White House Press Secretary and later Governor of Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders has truly made a mark in American politics. Her accomplishments are nothing short of awe-inspiring, with her unique brand of sarcasm and spin that has captivated audiences around the country. Here, we will explore some of the truly "admirable" things Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has done while in office, dripping with sarcasm and irony.

One of Governor Sanders' most remarkable achievements is her ability to expertly dodge questions from the press with her well-honed skills of evasion. She has elevated the art of deflection to new heights, leaving journalists scratching their heads in confusion and admiration. Her non-answers and redirections have become legendary, making her a role model for aspiring politicians who seek to avoid accountability at all costs. Her evasiveness is truly admirable, as she masterfully sidesteps even the most pointed inquiries with a smile and a well-timed quip, leaving everyone in stitches - or tears, depending on which side of the political spectrum you fall on.

Governor Sanders' prowess in the field of alternative facts is also worthy of admiration. She has an uncanny ability to twist reality into a pretzel, crafting creative narratives that often defy logic and reason. Her ability to confidently spew falsehoods with a straight face is unparalleled, earning her a reputation as a true magician of misinformation. Her imaginative fabrications and blatant disregard for objective truth are truly awe-inspiring, as she fearlessly bends reality to fit her agenda, leaving fact-checkers scrambling to keep up.

In addition to her remarkable skills of evasion and fabrication, Governor Sanders has also shown a commendable knack for gaslighting. Her ability to manipulate the narrative and sow doubt in the minds of the public is truly impressive. Whether it's denying the existence of climate change, downplaying the severity of a global pandemic, or dismissing valid concerns about social justice, Governor Sanders can always be counted on to skillfully manipulate reality to suit her political agenda. Her gaslighting game is strong, leaving her opponents bewildered and her supporters nodding in fervent agreement.

Another admirable quality of Governor Sanders is her unwavering loyalty to her political allies, regardless of their misdeeds or unethical behavior. She has consistently defended and covered for the actions of her fellow politicians, no matter how indefensible they may be. Her blind loyalty and willingness to overlook glaring flaws in her colleagues are truly commendable, setting a high bar for party loyalty in American politics.

Finally, Governor Sanders' ability to turn a blind eye to the concerns and needs of marginalized communities is truly awe-inspiring. Her indifference to the struggles of minority groups, her dismissal of valid grievances, and her unwavering support for regressive policies are truly remarkable. Her insensitivity and lack of empathy are truly an inspiration for those who aspire to be completely out of touch with the reality of everyday Americans.

In conclusion, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has left an indelible mark on American politics with her remarkable achievements while in office. Her skills of evasion, fabrication, gaslighting, party loyalty, and indifference to marginalized communities are truly admirable, setting her apart as a politician who is willing to go to great lengths to promote her agenda, regardless of the consequences. Her unique brand of sarcasm and spin has made her a legend in political circles, and her admirers hail her as a true master of the art of deception. While some may view her accomplishments with skepticism, there is no denying that Governor Sanders has made her mark on American politics in a way that will be remembered for years to come”

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37 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

A rural Texas county that was ordered by a federal judge to return banned books to its public library shelves is now considering shutting down its libraries entirely.


Literally a tactic straight from the Massive Resistance movement

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52 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Literally a tactic straight from the Massive Resistance movement


History doesn't repeat it rhymes though.


I believe the great urban american philosphers of our time called it "same shyt, different day".

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dunno if this was posted here. 


The woman who, a couple of months ago, claimed she was being attacked and retaliated against for not doctoring covid deaths in Florida. Said the state Kidnapped her son. 


Of course none of it was true, but a bunch of places ran with it. 



Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/ReutersGet more news and opinions in the twice-daily Beast Digest newsletter. Don’t miss the next big story, sign up here.Rebekah Jones, a prominent critic of “fascist” Ron DeSantis, is alleging that Florida police have “kidnapped” her son for political retribution.The trouble for Jones is that her 13-year-old son sent some disturbing messages to his friends via Snapchat...



TYT talks about even more of her lies (such as why she was fired) and their bad reporting on it:



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2 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:


Best I got is her life is utterly meaningless and she is inventing this to make herself feel better.


I’m going with mental health issues because the state captured my son is such a dumb lie it’s hard to believe a sane person would think they would get away with it 

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2 minutes ago, stepee said:


I’m going with mental health issues because the state captured my son is such a dumb lie it’s hard to believe a sane person would think they would get away with it 


As a person that is closer to out patient then starting treatment. My outlook on life is super rare. I reached it by whying myself to death. I don't see the conditions that lead to this in enough people to make out society collectively better. I think either people don't know how to live and never learn or mental health issues are way more common then we suspect probably that plus other unknown factors at work. 


My theory is I'm a nerd I want to learn from other people's life and experiences but I somehow never even learned from my experiences. I in fact couldn't until I was taking Pristiq for long enough. I'm unsure of what exactly did more but thinking about how to resolve situations ideally is easier when you know the right question to ask so I guess meds more important. Therapy was a jump start to get me going in a new direction. I think. Still reading and such.

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1 minute ago, Zaku3 said:


As a person that is closer to out patient then starting treatment. My outlook on life is super rare. I reached it by whying myself to death. I don't see the conditions that lead to this in enough people to make out society collectively better. I think either people don't know how to live and never learn or mental health issues are way more common then we suspect probably that plus other unknown factors at work. 


My theory is I'm a nerd I want to learn from other people's life and experiences but I somehow never even learned from my experiences. I in fact couldn't until I was taking Pristiq for long enough. I'm unsure of what exactly did more but thinking about how to resolve situations ideally is easier when you know the right question to ask so I guess meds more important. Therapy was a jump start to get me going in a new direction. I think. Still reading and such.


I think we have just begun seeing how common mental health issues are as we recently have finally as a society accepted them as a thing that exists beyond locking people up in asylums 

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50 minutes ago, stepee said:


I think we have just begun seeing how common mental health issues are as we recently have finally as a society accepted them as a thing that exists beyond locking people up in asylums 


Ya its a crisis because limited access due to money and not enough licensed personel. 


I asked one in HS if I could be a therapist and he told me no. Shock to me that he is right but its because I can't take the test to be licensed because of the galaxy brain move that you need a masters in order to take the test.

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6 hours ago, stepee said:

I think that headline is worse than what she did so we can call it a tie 



Considering this comes out during the same week that it was revealed what Lapado and DeSantis did by surpressing data they didn't like on the threats of heart inflammation with the vaccine vs. with Covid I would call this more a moment of "Guy was found not guilty on 1 count out of 73" rather than confirmation bias.

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52 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


Every elected Republican’s bio is some variation of “oh he met his wife when she was in high school and was an intern in his office. They got married the day she turned 18 and now happily live in a compound, er, suburban home with their 12 children. They are members of the Death To All Infidels First Legionary Commandos For Christ Church, where he serves as a deacon. There is no substantive evidence to the rumors that he has abused his position in the church to prey on little girls.”

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1 hour ago, Spork3245 said:



Thunderbolt Ross apparently posted a video explaining himself, as always he shields himself with gods love and forgiveness and calling out things being out of context lol


By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of God

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On 4/9/2023 at 9:35 AM, Ricofoley said:

Abbott's pardon tweet published less than 24 hours after Tucker Carlson called out the governor on his broadcast to say that Texas did not recognize the right of self-defense.

Can't really understate how gross the idea of immediately pardoning this guy is when you click through and read the details of the case, including the fact that he was basically fantasizing about shooting protesters days before the shooting happened.

Daniel Perry is a dangerous fucking nut job:


He has killed before:


Look! Another Republican sex pest:



If Abbott pardons this loon, he will be a congressman before the year is out.


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11 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


Dropping a baller Kingdom of Heaven quote.




It's more baller to understand the quote and not need to use it because its better to explain why someone would use that quote. It implies everyone understands it and I don't think everyone does.


Inter-human problems are caused by a lack of communication. Just posting a quote is a sympthom of that. It's not a coincidence how I post and respond to things has changed but the answers are just more detailed. I want to make sure I am understood. When I look at people now. I go "Ahhh so this why I behaved that way before."

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