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If anyone wants a laugh, look up the company “Evolus”, then, after reading up on their current US status, look at their NASDAQ ticker over the past couple weeks $EOLS . Either you’ll laugh, or have an aneurysm from pure confusion. I have no idea why it’s been rising (and fairly sharply) lmao

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On 2/14/2021 at 10:59 AM, Spork3245 said:

Take a look at DPW, interesting potential for a long play: contracted with Amazon to sell home EV chargers, trying to obtain contracts to place their wireless chargers within fast food restaurants... and, it looks like they just started mining bitcoin. Currently only in the $5s, with an analyst rating for $25. Need to do more DD but, man, this could be a good one.


It's over $6 right now and they announced buying a 9.91% equity stake in SilverSun Technologies.

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On 2/15/2021 at 3:42 AM, Spork3245 said:

 @Chollowa(tagging you because I saw your upvote)

So, shortly after finding this through some scanners and digging around, I noticed that some Twitter guys I follow also noticed the company; if you’re planning on this, there’s a strong possibility it’s now going to rip during pre and shortly into opening tomorrow morning before the bears short it into a bull trap to panic the chasers. What am I saying? If you’re doing your DD on this and you like it, 4am tomorrow is potentially the time to get in and scalping it a few hours later, OR, wait a few days and watch it because there’s a good chance it rips for a day or three then crashes on a down-swing.


I didn't get in on this one, but I did take an opportunity to buy a few more shares of PLUG now that its dipped under 60. It looks like I bought it close to the apex, so this lowered my average cost per share.  I also threw a bit more money into Apple. 



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10 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


No I didn't, and uhhh... didn't you buy GME sub-$40 and ultimately somehow sell it at loss?


Could  have sworn you did and it's because I shot my wad early and sold at $40 and had to buy back in. :(

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1 minute ago, Pikachu said:

Wow, what is the expected peak once the merger is done?


Probably $50-70. It might rip to $100 for a short bit. I can't imagine it holding an insanely high number until they actually have cars on the road. Could be completely wrong on all of this, though. Your PT could be different from mine.

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Keep eyes on WWR. The current dip could be a really good buy-in. However, the all-day downward trend has me concerned. I'm holding, may buy more on the dip. Still waiting to see the damn 2020 Q4 earnings report that was supposed to dump today. Make sure you do your DD on the company before buying. My dog wrote this, it's not financial advice, she's so talented!

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30 minutes ago, osxmatt said:

@Spork3245 I should have bought CCVI last week when we were talking about it at $35-$40.


Here I am again, wondering if it's too late to get in. I'll probably just keep playing this back and forth game until it hits $300 a share, and then buy to watch it tank.


I wouldn't buy now. It ran to $55 on rumors/speculation. It's always a risk waiting, because, "what if the announcement is tomorrow???", but... $55/share is scary, IMO. This is basically the low-end of what I guessed it could consolidate at after the merger was official... and even then, it's a pretty "WTF" number considering Lucid has zero cars on the road. Don't chase, don't get FOMO. IPOE is another SPAC that's worth looking into and is priced in reality still if CCIV doesn't crash back down in the next 24-48 hours. This $50+ bubble, if there's no official merger announcement by about Wednesday, is going to crash down about 10x faster than it exploded.

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I mentioned this stock weeks back: Invivo ($NVIV)...

Okay, so I went ahead and bought in at $1.35 despite my concerns with the huge crash on this stock a few years back. This company is developing spinal cord implants. The rumors for that stock crash were that 3 patients died during early implant trials... well, GOOD NEWS, the 3 deaths were 100% unrelated to the implant. In fact, the first trial of the v1.0 of the spinal cord implant finished up recently, and the report came out this morning:


TLDR: implantation of their spinal cord device seems safe, had no adverse reactions or unexpected results. This allows for more research and for Invivo to begin the "next steps".

What can this device lead to? Well, it treats SCI (spinal cord injuries)... and that, in the future, with a lot more research and development, could lead to someone who was made paraplegic or quadriplegic in an accident due to a SCI, have full function of their arms/legs again (MAYBE, really want to emphasize the MAYBE here).

Simply put, this is a VERY early play and is a long-term play of 12+ months (minimum) before you'll see some real returns. If this device is ultimately successful in what it's setting out to do... holy F, it's going to be a cash magnet. If it fails or has a misstep, your money goes poof.

My personal plan is to cash out some shares along the way as the stock continues to build to make sure I'm riding on house money and have my initial investment back. Your plan may vary. Play this one EXTREMELY carefully if you choose to get in on it.


*not financial advice, written by a very good dog*

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