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2x new LGcX TV's within 2 months.


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   Ol, so it's been over 2 years now reading anything a ns everything these newer tvs offer and I finally down to simply the LGCX 77" and for my gaming room the LGC1. The big one it down to 3396 on amazon and new egg, but amazon offers a mount and a subwoofer soundbar combo bundle.


  The 77" will be mounted in my very large livingroom hooked to a Dolby atmos 10.2 system by this summer. I'm just really wanting some real issues out theres opinions and the things they do not like!


   The 65 inch will most likely be the new LGC1 when there launched. The all 4 hdmi 2.1, with dolby vision and hdr10+, and variable refresh rates, along with sun 15 input lag, just seems like the way togo.


    The 65 inch will be replacing my samsung 65" Qled that dosent support gsync or free sync and had other issues to. Great picture. No 4k /120 option and as a gamer this is a must these days! The 77" will be a more casual watch tv, with big inviting of guests for movie nights and the like. We love to cutlet hp and judt enjoy a good movie on a fantastic system.


   Any lgcX owners here on these boards having any reasons to not like this tv? Burn in, hdr10, I'd gsync comparable easily and does freesync need zn update first? And reasons you can think of right now that says no way if buy that tv be cause???


   Thank you so much, looking forward to the opinions especially ones who owns this particular tv too.....


Thanks so much.....

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I have the LG C9 65" and have used it as my main PC monitor, gaming screen, and TV watching monitor. I have zero burn in after 2 years, despite taking little in the way of precautions to prevent it. Its beautiful screen and great for gaming and movies. Your is a touch better, so unless your specific panel suffers a defect, you should be in for a great time! 

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Really getting excited, tired of waiting too. The 77 inch is 3299' ish right now and the 65 inch is 1999 I've wanted them since they first came out! I know they support gsync out of the box but what the deal with free sync and vrr? Is that out of the box or in need of a firmware update? I will own the series x and ps5 down the road, so kinda wondering!

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I really want a new 77", but its definitely not happening this year. Im about to start working on the final 30 credit hours I need for my degree, and hoping we finally get back on the water working this fall. 

I can't afford to waste money on Hitman 3, atm, let alone a a new tv. I'm putting away dollar bills 3D World: Bowsers fury. That said, 2020 was much worse to a lot of people. Hoping I score a local part time job just to be able to afford to enjoying my other hobbies again (I really want to go rock climbing a few hours from here in the spring, as well as flyfishing for steelhead).

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That's sounds much more important than my TV problem obviously. Lol Good luck. 



     This has been a motherfu$#@r past 3years for us. The camp fire in 2018, the loss of our son to brain cancer, then fucking Covid 19, I wont bore you all again with all that, this board and its member kept me sane and help tremendously. Tough times were they, and still are....


    The fire took everything  our whole town. Jobs with it. My wifes jobn of 27 years at 29 bucks an hour with great health care, mine of 20 years as a press operater.


Were doing ok though, I'm having spinal fusion surgery in 31 days already postponed 3 times to covid beds!!


Our yearly income is half what it was in 2018 but were doing ok. So many aren't working or are dieing to this virus, these years have made me very humble. I'm just now starting to rebuild what we had in a new home in a new state, new friends. New everything.


Been stuck inside for a year mostly, as I font want to try out my luck or my wifes luck with this virus. Were arent young mind you. 


Sucks as I bought 2 65 inch tvs, one a samsung q8fn Qled and a samsung nu8000 both very nice not cheap. I need to replace them with 2 oleds though and I've been saving. I have 4k now, when the 2021 start hitting the store shelves I'm jumping on them both. Might get the 2021 65" lgc1 though for taking as it's even better than the cx. Very expencive and I'm terrified of getting burn in or having issues though to be honest I've never had a tv die ever! In any way!


I'm hoping to see the 77inch very soon hit sub 3k or lower and that savings would make the 65 inch lgc1 a bit less of a hit. We shall see, what do I do with these very nice 65inch 1 year old tvs I just bought? Lol hell ones a Qled...lol


Thanks guys, I want to game and movie watchmen an oled so bad, I've been through so much. Time to get this house more fun!


Thanks guys, I'll keep you posted. Im shopping prices daily 


Ahhh fuck me, just say this years lgc1 is alot brighter and comes in 83 inches. One thing this new house has in a great theater living room with high ceilings and a perfect wall for a big screen! Originally I wanted a samsung Q80 85 inch because of the space I have, but the Lgs have been so highly reviewed I want the best for once, I want 2 tvs and be done for 8 years maybe! Is this to much to ask. 


Wish I could get a geek squad warrenty 5 years for 3hundred, but it's like 799! I will freak out if I buy these and have issues.





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I have a 55B8, 77C9, and 55BX


I so far haven’t had a single problem with any of them. The B8 was my primary gaming TV for a couple of years, the C9 is my current.


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On 1/23/2021 at 2:30 PM, HardAct said:

Really getting excited, tired of waiting too. The 77 inch is 3299' ish right now and the 65 inch is 1999 I've wanted them since they first came out! I know they support gsync out of the box but what the deal with free sync and vrr? Is that out of the box or in need of a firmware update? I will own the series x and ps5 down the road, so kinda wondering!


Gsync and HDMI 2.1 VRR works out of the box now (well, I guess you might need to update the firmware depending on what it was built, but it's an over-the-air update). Not sure about Freesync though. If AMD supports HDMI 2.1 VRR in addition to free-sync then you would be set with that. Not sure if their cards do that.

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I'm really interested in LGs LED lineup coming out this year. The TV I'm replacing is the living room TV that everyone uses, but it's primarily used with my PC. My biggest concern with OLED is obviously the burn-in. Yeah I know it's mostly a thing of the past, but with all of the static elements inherent to a PC experience, I just don't want to take the risk. I also don't want to deal with managing everyone's viewing habits which often involves leaving static elements on the screen while watching a program (like not using fullscreen and just keeping it windowed). It's also a super bright room during the day with a lot of windows and all of the walls are white. So I really need a bright panel with great anti-reflection. Not sure OLED will do it though.


I'm 95% sure I'm getting an LED. Hoping they come out sooner than later as my old TV is having some problems.

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2021 LGC1 previews


Linus Tech Tips Youtube preview of LGC1 2021 TV here! Looks like there getting even better as gaming tv / monitors damnit! When these launch I'm now thinking within 2 months the LCcx 77Inch could be as low as maybe 2800-2900, that's where I'm holding out hope for, but even 3k I'm jumping on it. Then maybe go in on a LC C1 for the 65inch for the gaming room for the @080Ti gaming rig and my future Xbox series x and ps5. 


This new model seem to really close the game in Peak nit brightness, I don't know. I've been reading and watching everything I can on these TV's and I just know there going to be mine, PLUS guys! LG is releasing a 82inch model too for the first time in the C-line of Oleds! WOW but I'm sure it's 4k at least new. If it launches at 3200 im going for that. This is all happening very soon though as I'm starting to figure out what to do with my 65 inch Q8fn and my NU8000 65inch tvs both just 1 year old!

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   This is stupid, but I just realized that My 2080Ti GPU isn't HDMI 2.1 Don't laugh. So The rush isn't as bad as I was making it. I do feel it's better to get the TV's first even though I have like I said two great 65" TV's already the best one being the Samsung Q8fn that looks wonderful I must say.


   Quick question guys as I truly do not know. If you gaming on a TV how do you play without screen tearing, thus making V-sync a must? I know that these new TV's elevate this supporting VSS and G-sync and free-sync but for those that don't have those options on there 4k TV's are you all using V-sync? I know I am or it tears!. So mostly 4k / 60htz with V-sync on and I play. Looks amazing, pc can easily lock 60 fps so there that, but I was just wondering. 

  I also don't have either of these new consoles so I'm doing a complete gaming refresh here soon enough! I wasn't planning on building my new PC until late next year at best, so DAMN! I guess I'll be grabbing a 3080Ti when announced and it's a real thing you can buy, slap it in this pc and build a 490 motherboard PC later to get it's full potential, F%^K!@!

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1 hour ago, HardAct said:

   This is stupid, but I just realized that My 2080Ti GPU isn't HDMI 2.1 Don't laugh. So The rush isn't as bad as I was making it. I do feel it's better to get the TV's first even though I have like I said two great 65" TV's already the best one being the Samsung Q8fn that looks wonderful I must say.


   Quick question guys as I truly do not know. If you gaming on a TV how do you play without screen tearing, thus making V-sync a must? I know that these new TV's elevate this supporting VSS and G-sync and free-sync but for those that don't have those options on there 4k TV's are you all using V-sync? I know I am or it tears!. So mostly 4k / 60htz with V-sync on and I play. Looks amazing, pc can easily lock 60 fps so there that, but I was just wondering. 

  I also don't have either of these new consoles so I'm doing a complete gaming refresh here soon enough! I wasn't planning on building my new PC until late next year at best, so DAMN! I guess I'll be grabbing a 3080Ti when announced and it's a real thing you can buy, slap it in this pc and build a 490 motherboard PC later to get it's full potential, F%^K!@!

The C9 and CX both support GSync on the 2080 Ti, you’re just limited to 60fps instead of the 120fps HDMI 2.1 would allow, so, you still have VRR. Also, yes, you should enable VSYNC. 

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9 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

The C9 and CX both support GSync on the 2080 Ti, you’re just limited to 60fps instead of the 120fps HDMI 2.1 would allow, so, you still have VRR. Also, yes, you should enable VSYNC. 

Yea I know, I always have to enable V-sync to not have screen tear, I was just asking those of us on here if you do use a TV as you PC monitor like I have now for 5 years other than having V-sync on how do you game without tearing? I'm talking tvs without G or Free Sync. It sucks to have you frames limited like that but I've always been fine with it as a compromise to being able to play on a 65" TV vs a 120/144/320 mhz monitor with VRR


So if I have a LG CX with it's VRR, I could then have V-sync unchecked with my 2080Ti and not have screen tearing? I could let my Graphics fee do push higher frames right? I'm liking say CP2077 because it's able to pretty much lock 60fps but games like Doom I'm never able to actually see just what my cards can do because of screen tearing. So? when I hook this PC up to my new Oled it will have VRR on auto so to speak and I can then game with V-sync off or just how is this done, plz explain.


Always seems that all the look at me stuff with GPU's is seeing just how many FPS our cards can do, but If I have to have V-enabled anyways I'm always held back when just enjoying the quality of the game play other than high FPS and screen tear. On the LG can I set the GPU free or not, Thanks ahead of time explaining this a bit more to me. It's appreciated man really guys...

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If your refresh rate is 60hz, going above 60fps won’t offer a visual difference afaik. Pushing the frames higher than refresh rate only really matters for benchmarking or potentially competitive online gaming. Also, GSync works with VSync, nVidia states that when using GSync you should also have VSync enabled. :) 

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Oh ok ouch.


     Then when these guys are showing off there 157fps in Tomb Raider let's say, (I truly do not care, I just want smooth gaming period!) they have a 144htz or higher monitor? I never see tear so I guess thsts it. I dint know gSync is ran with vsync, kinda seems weird, so then what does gSync do exactly? V-Sync would work on a lgcx too anyway then, just giving you the option of 4k/60 & 4k/120 if you have the gpu hardware and depending on the game. Cyberpunk2077 = No 4k/120...lol

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7 minutes ago, HardAct said:

Oh ok ouch.


     Then when these guys are showing off there 157fps in Tomb Raider let's say, they have a 144htz or higher monitor? I never see tear so I guess thsts it. I dint know gSync is ran with vsync, kinda seems weird, so then what does gSync do exactly? V-Sync would work on a lgcx too anyway then, just giving you the option of 4k/60 & 4k/120 if you have the gpu hardware and depending on the game. Cyberpunk2077 = No 4k/120...lol

The show off of high fps is typically for benchmark purposes (to show performance gains over other hardware), they could also be running a 240hz or 300hz 1440p/1080p monitor. 
GSync, Freesync, and VRR have the refresh rate match the framerate. This eliminates screen tearing completely, and also smooths the appearance of the moving image (similar to triple buffered vsync but without the performance hit). With a VRR solution enabled, fluctuating fps (ie: bouncing from/through 45-60fps) is unnoticeable and visually looks like it’s maintaining a consistent framerate due to the screen refresh matching the framerate.

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    Thanks, kinda how I figured it. See looky me, Doom Eternal Ultra settings 280Fps!! Me completely humbled @4k Ultra/ 60 having to always check that V-sync box. So when I get my new TV toys I'll have the option to play 4k / 120 or 60 Xbox & Ps5, and when I get my new PC built of buy a new GPU I'll have that option too with V-sync checked depending on if the game can handle the 120 right?


    Thing is, the cost to performance is gr8 with the new GPU's well the 3080 that is, but not that gr8 of an upgrade from my 2080Ti. Sound silly to upgrade even if I could get one. The 3090 is unreasonable to me at that cost. So being not made of money, the Console will have to do first after the TV's. The smart guy in me is telling me to just wait out this entire 30series Gen entirely! The 40series isn't that far off really. This Covid shit though even fucks up that natural line of progression. As the cards are taking so long to get to us the consumer there's an extra 12 months before new GPUs will even be a thing! Where as I see it, if all was normal, in 12 months the 3080 would be going on 16 months old and the new shiny faster cards would be just that much closer.


     There is one good thing, the TV's I'm eagerly awaiting to pounce on aren't hard to get now and there only going to be getting cheaper the next 12 months. Why can't I just be happy with what I have now. Why am I dieing to spend 8k at least on 2 Oled TV's, 2 new consoles, and a new gaming PC? LOL I can't figure myself out, at least I just saved 45 bucks on The Medium....lol Thank you GamePassUltimate!

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