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~*The Capitol Hill Beer Belly Putsch Official Thread*~

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The Department of Justice is preventing the National Archives from cooperating with the committee's request for documents and information, said committee chair Carolyn Maloney.




House Oversight Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., is alleging that the Department of Justice is "obstructing" the panel's investigation into former President Donald Trump by blocking the National Archives from handing over relevant documents.


In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland Thursday, Maloney said the DOJ is "preventing" the National Archives from cooperating with the committee's request for documents and information, “including an inventory of 15 boxes of documents recovered from the former president’s Mar-a-Lago residence.”


The committee is conducting the investigation, Maloney said, because it has jurisdiction over the Presidential Records Act and is trying to determine the full scope of Trump's potential violations of that law.


In response to a request in February for those records, the Archives wrote on March 28, “With respect to your request for information about the contents of the 15 boxes that NARA received from President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence or about any reviews conducted by other federal agencies, based on our consultation with the Department of Justice, we are unable to provide any comment," Maloney said.



Impeach Garland.

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Everybody heard about the stupid laptop just nobody fucking cares about hunter biden omg. Hell speaking of Russia meddling in the election, Trump Jr literally got caught conspiring with Russians to meddle in that election and nobody gave a shit about THAT. They need to stop trying to make fetch happen.

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5 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Fuck it, I’m all in. I’m rooting for Trump and company to get away with it now:



Tbh I just want to get it over with. Can trump just replace Biden now? I need to determine if we are getting camps. I assume we are getting camps but conformation would be nice so I know if I actually need to make like a ball and bounce.

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20 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

I've offered our spare room to a single American refugee before, but the offers has changed: Now we will accept up to five, but no pants allowed.



I'm not gonna front since working from home I'm usually in my boxers all day. I wear a shirt if I have the curtains open for my bay window. It's so bad the dogs assume if I have put on pants it means we are going for a walk.


TMI warning.


On a serious note I should just accept the camps. The dude had "Mein Kampf" on his night stand. Don't understand how that didn't invalidate him from being president. (I do just expressing frustration)

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5 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

Of course my personal life starts to turn around right when this country is about to become a fascist one-party autocracy.


I know I shyt on the US alot but it is still my home and I wouldn't want to start life over again somewhere else but it is what it is.


Actually Colombia isn't bad in that regard. They have a call center in Barranquilla for AT&T. My ex sister in law is a supervisor there.

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12 hours ago, Chairslinger said:



I like how the omnipotent ruler of the universe just can't get the job done by himself.


I mean, sure he is great and can do lots of good stuff but to save the country? Well he just can't manage that without an octogenarian gameshow host.....


Oh god I'm gonna throw up. Not becausr I feel kinda nauceous from the covid booster. You post made me realize he is basically claiming Trump is God's prophet. 


Every day humanity turns further away from the light.

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20 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

I am assuming that Trump is just going to outright win the election in 2024 (but maybe lose the popular vote). But what if Biden wins and then a few states overturn their EC votes, like the GOP has planned? What is America's reaction? Do other states then refuse to acknowledge Trump as President?


Protests that dem govs and mayors will sick the police and/or nationa guard on.

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:

I am assuming that Trump is just going to outright win the election in 2024 (but maybe lose the popular vote). But what if Biden wins and then a few states overturn their EC votes, like the GOP has planned? What is America's reaction? Do other states then refuse to acknowledge Trump as President?

Dems don’t have the balls lmao

  • True 1
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