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~*The Capitol Hill Beer Belly Putsch Official Thread*~

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

let me tell you how shocked I am that the fascist order of police president is fine with rioting through the capitol building




I can't speak for every police department all over the country, but my friend who is a St. Louis Police Officer says that it's shocking how much most police officers have embraced Trump. People who you would never expect.


There is a lot of resentment and hurt in the ranks of the police department due to all of the recent anti-police sentiment sweeping the country, and it's driving many police officers to embrace Trump who they see as an ally.

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Obviously there was an incredible contrast in how police responded yesterday versus how they treated the BLM protests, any loss of life from a protest is the most terrible of prices, and I think it's safe to say that they probably shouldn't have been able to get into the Capitol.


However, I do think there's a case to be made that the police response yesterday is closer to how we'd like police to respond to protests in general. If the choice to gas and beat and choke and assault protesters or to just do your best to manage the crowds, falling back on extreme measures only when necessary, I think the latter is preferable.

  • stepee 1
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3 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

Obviously there was an incredible contrast in how police responded yesterday versus how they treated the BLM protests, any loss of life from a protest is the most terrible of prices, and I think it's safe to say that they probably shouldn't have been able to get into the Capitol.


However, I do think there's a case to be made that the police response yesterday is closer to how we'd like police to respond to protests in general. If the choice to gas and beat and choke and assault protesters or to just do your best to manage the crowds, falling back on extreme measures only when necessary, I think the latter is preferable.


I don’t know what I want the police response to be when a significant number of our elected officials are gathered in one space... but it’s not this. I’m generally in favor of non-violent policing and I don’t want to see anyone get blown away, but it’s but by the grace of the gods I do not believe in that none of these chucklefucks had a bomb or got to a spot where they could, say, selectively liquidate Senators.

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Just now, Kal-El814 said:

I don’t know what I want the police response to be when a significant number of our elected officials are gathered in one space... but it’s not this. I’m generally in favor of non-violent policing and I don’t want to see anyone get blown away, but it’s but by the grace of the gods I do not believe in that none of these chucklefucks had a bomb or got to a spot where they could, say, selectively liquidate Senators.

Yeah, I think it's very fair to say that the police presence should have been far more significant given that this was a joint session of congress in the freaking capitol and not just a protest in a park somewhere. And like I said, they should never have been allowed to get into the building.


At the same time, I also don't want to hold this protest up as an example of why we need to militarize our police and have tanks show up to every BLM event. I can just see people holding up this example of what happens when you don't let cops gas and beat everyone up.

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3 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


I don’t know what I want the police response to be when a significant number of our elected officials are gathered in one space... but it’s not this. I’m generally in favor of non-violent policing and I don’t want to see anyone get blown away, but it’s but by the grace of the gods I do not believe in that none of these chucklefucks had a bomb or got to a spot where they could, say, selectively liquidate Senators.

There was bombs tho

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9 minutes ago, Captain Pickle said:

Nah, I will continue to wear my foil hat.  This was intentional 

Ohhh the lack of force at first was very intentional, as i said, they really believed they were on the same side, "back the blue" all that nonsense.  Also the lack of a federal response is directly related to the fact Trump didn't want any response, it was Pelosi, Pence and Harris making calls that basically 3 high ranking government officials were in immanent danger that DOD, DOJ, and Guard units were called in.  By evening though that had changed dramatically.

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7 hours ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

Believing in conspiracies means never having to say you’re sorry.


You’re never wrong about basic principles, you’re only ever wrong about how deep and intricate the conspiracy is!



And sadly, when they espouse their theories they use unsubstantiated claims propagated by political figures over media - social and TV. Propaganda is working on them and they don't even realize it, because they claim any rebuttals to their belief to be fake news.


5 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:




4 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

it was antifa but also you people made them do this 




4 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

Burn social media down




4 hours ago, SuperSpreader said:

Right wing verse is blaming antifa but also taking credit for being brave invaders 


4 hours ago, LazyPiranha said:

There are millions of us!  We are the silent majority!  Also our large gatherings are mostly antifa!


How easy it is for these idiots to believe words from "political figures". They eat up the fake news without even knowing it. And I witnessed two people argue with the actual facts.  MAGA-turd claimed the picture of a person was Antifa, good citizen posted another picture of person-in-question being a Qanoner, and MAGA-turd justifies her initial belief by stating it wasn't the same person.  When it clearly was, and multiple independent journalists confirmed it.


And sadly people are also unwilling to examine the situations, BLM protests vs. EC protests, beyond the surface-level outlook. They see large gatherings, they see violence and rule-breaking, and then they stop thinking about it.  They refuse to see the underlying commentary about these protests, the very fundamental nature of our reaction to them. For BLM, we are demanding justice and equal treatment from the very authority who is supposed to administer justice and equal treatment; with years of ample evidence, social study, and statistics showing bias is a huge factor. Meanwhile with zero evidence and no legislative standing, MAGAssholes can justify their selfish actions.






3 hours ago, ort said:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1.  P



Fuck this fucking statement and this fucking asshole President.  Goes on and on about liberals, left-wing, socialists.  Never once mentions white supremacist's, right-wing extremists, and fucking Nazis.  Fuck him for making this language acceptable in any kind of official capacity. Really hope Biden undoes this and instead expresses denouncement of any kind of domestic terrorist.



2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

This means so much more now.




MAGAssholes were just trying to get the backup tape drives out of the basement, dude come on!


2 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

Should've added that when your assassination mission objective succeeds, a police officer spawns to pat you on the shoulder and escort you to your extraction point gently. 

3 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

IO Interactive had better update every Hitman level to just let 47 walk anywhere and do anything.


I like your idea so much.  Let's make it even better.  When you complete your assassination the guards will walk up to you and take a selfie.  Most likes on IO-Intergram wins! 


56 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


3 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

Democrats are destroying this country more than the a Republicans. Their inaction is deplorable. 


Fuck she sounds crazy, but in her craziness there is truth. Our broken system does not serve the people, and its broken because our representatives are shit. Both parties want to stay in power. Her craziness is just misguided and directed at Kamala and the Democrats, when she should be blaming Republicans, who, if she was paying attention during the Obama years, deadlocked any policy that would help the situation.


53 minutes ago, Jason said:


Pssh, when I was 13 I snuck a pocket knife in during the school field trip.  Lax security.  Should have seen these events coming.

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