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Nintendo should just make a powerful console.


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8 hours ago, thedarkstark said:

Ohhh you're right i forgot nintendo gets paid by the hour! My bad! Oh wait they don't, and if somebody puts 10,000 hours into AC nintendo still only makes $60.


Attach rate is the most important thing and its why the wii started to sputter and die near the end of its life cycle because despite the console selling like gangbusters all the soccer moms who only bought it for wii fit weren't bringing in any profit. But by all mean continue living in fantasyland and thinking that nintendo is as profitable as Sony and MS.


The reason why customer service is crucial is because repeat business and word of mouth advertising is irreplacable. Looks like that is a lesson Ninteno will have to learn the hard way... AGAIN.


And for clarity I personally don't care about hardware being underpowered I care about them continuing to deny or address joycon drift despite being sued numerous times and it affecting millions of people, I also care about them charging $20 a year for a service that offers absolutely nothing, and their continued backward ass thinking when it comes to content creation.

Literally almost everything you said is completely wrong.


WIIU failed because of software and a shitty controller nobody wanted. It was a bad console nobody wanted. Otherwise, it's the only unprofitable console they ever made. 


Switch sales have destroyed every other console for 26 months straight, and has multiple games in the top 10 every month.

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2 hours ago, Bjomesphat said:


This was true maybe 10+ years ago when casuals ushered them through the DS/Wii era, but I think the Wii fizzling out at the end of its life and Nintendo's complete misread of the market with the Wii U changed their tune completely. Hell, it took a grass roots effort just to get Nintendo to do a limited release of Xenoblade Chronicles in 2010 so the core Wii players could play it, and look where we are now. XC2 was a big hit, and they completely remade XC1 to great success. The Switch was a huge move in courting all kinds of gamers again and there's no way they abandon their core audience again.


Yup, the Xenoblade 1 remake on Switch has already passed lifetime sales of the first game on Wii.


The core audience on Wii wasn't as absent as some forum dwellers tried to convince themselves.  Franchises like Zelda did sell better there than on Gamecube.

But there's little question Nintendo's got a tighter grip now.  Just look at Smash Ultimate, it's on track to double the copies Brawl sold.

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1 hour ago, Amazatron said:





Does this include Xbox Live and game pass? Doubtful.


Listen: for all the people that are butthurt because I'm attacking their beloved Nintendo I PROMISE YOU I have more hours played on my switch than you do, I have close to 4,000 hours played on my switch, I wasn't kidding when I said I love the thing but I'm fed up with Nintendo.


Nintendo is like your racist grandpa, you deal with it/'make excuses "he grew up in a different era" "ah he's old he's going to die soon anyways" until you bring your girlfriend (who happens to be a different ethnicity than you)  home for Thanksgiving and he starts spouting off and it's about that time you tell gramps you don't care how many wars he's fought in, he can go **** himself. 


I have owned every Nintendo console ever made since the original NES. Zelda is my favorite franchise ever, I want to continue to love Nintendo but they keep fucking me and I'm tired of it. I have owned 3 different switches, the first one had drift on both joycons which i had repaired for a small fee, then the fan/cooling system broke and the system started to overheat, it was out of warranty period, Nintendo told me they could repair it for $150+ shipping, $180 total. Hello no, I sold it for $160 defective and bought a switch lite, 4 ****ing months later joycon drift, whole unit defective.  I return it and buy a normal switch again because I'm dumb and because I like most of you want to give Nintendo chances but this is it I'm done, they can go **** themselves at this point, between the shitty broken hardware and the "we're Nintendo, we don't make mistakes" attitude I'm done and there are many other people like me. 


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59 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

Literally almost everything you said is completely wrong.


WIIU failed because of software and a shitty controller nobody wanted. It was a bad console nobody wanted. Otherwise, it's the only unprofitable console they ever made. 


Switch sales have destroyed every other console for 26 months straight, and has multiple games in the top 10 every month.

Literally everything you said is completely wrong.


The Wii U failed because they abandoned their core audience with the Wii and catered to casuals, and then launched a console with no good software assuming it would sell like the wii because they were cocky assholes, which they still are despite failing numerous times.

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2 hours ago, Mercury33 said:

Reading comprehension for the loss. I wasn’t saying they’ve got the casual market on lock no matter what. But the hardcore market doesn’t prop up Nintendo either. Did they prop up the Wii U? And the Wii U was 100% a dud. Not sure why you put quotes around that. It was lesson in marketing mistakes and they underestimated soccer moms desire to upgrade the only console they’d ever bought before. 

Have they won some of their hardcore crowd back? Of course. That’s why the Switch is outpacing the Wii. But if middle aged neck beards stop buying the switch for whatever reason, it’ll still put up monster numbers because of how popular it is with kids and casuals. 

I put "dud" in quotes because I was quoting you, that's what you called it, I wasn't in disagreement. The reason I specifically pointed it out is because you're failing to realize that they're making similar mistakes as to what they were making during the wii success. They are focusing on indie titles and 1st party titles, they're losing 3rd party support despite tremendous sales. 


Nintendo has blown their load, they have Metroid coming maybe possibly in 2021? Then maybe another Zelda in 2022? They've exhausted all of their major first party titles and are in for a massive lull without major 3rd party support same as Wii. Gaming was booming in 2020 because of the pandemic, 2021 and beyond isn't going t treat them nearly as well. 

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43 minutes ago, thedarkstark said:

Does this include Xbox Live and game pass? Doubtful.


Doubtful why? Because it points out that you're wrong?


Sony conquers the charts with massive PlayStation segment earnings across its Games and Network Services, which include game, hardware, and service earnings.


Don't see why Xbox services wouldn't be counted...

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Nintendo has always been profitiable right? Because they don't lose nearly as much money on hardware as Sony and MS and their software sales and attach rates are always pretty high. Why is this even in question? I am by no means a Nintendo fan boy... The Switch is the first Nintendo console I've owned personally since the Gamecube and I barely turn the thing on. But even I can see how well their business model works for them. Folks need to step outside the bubbles of their own preconcieved notions and accpet reality. Nothing wrong with admiting you're wrong when you've been proven wrong. 

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1 hour ago, thedarkstark said:

The Wii U failed because they abandoned their core audience with the Wii and catered to casuals, and then launched a console with no good software assuming it would sell like the wii because they were cocky assholes, which they still are despite failing numerous times.


Far and away the biggest issue with the Wii U was the hardware itself.  Imagine if the Wiimote had no mainstream appeal whatsoever and cost twice as much to produce.  But it was still bundled with generation-old hardware.  That's the nightmare scenario Nintendo created for themselves.

Good games can come with time, as the vast majority of console launches illustrate.  But that controller?  It made the whole package dead on arrival.  They'll never fall that hard again unless they make similar hardware mistakes. 

Nintendo never actually abandoned anyone.  They just grossly miscalculated the appeal of the albatross they saddled themselves with.

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How can one simultaneously be the number 1 place for indie games while also be losing 3rd party support? Those statements literally contradict themselves. Unless you’re referring to 3rd party games like Madden, CoD and Assassins Creed? Yeah, no one has bought those games on a Nintendo console since the Gamecube. There’s nothing to lose there. 

Sheesh the number of “I don’t like it and therefore it being wrong is a fact” arguments that happen on this board are staggering. 

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The only reason why I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the Wii has been the fact that they're down to releasing like one or two major titles per generation that I'm actually interested in. I couldn't care less how underpowered, gimmicky and silly their hardware is, you can't fuck with their iconic franchises in terms of fun and playability. I'll buy whatever they release Metroid Prime 4 on ultimately just for that actually. 

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20 minutes ago, Mercury33 said:

How can one simultaneously be the number 1 place for indie games while also be losing 3rd party support? Those statements literally contradict themselves. Unless you’re referring to 3rd party games like Madden, CoD and Assassins Creed? Yeah, no one has bought those games on a Nintendo console since the Gamecube. There’s nothing to lose there. 

Sheesh the number of “I don’t like it and therefore it being wrong is a fact” arguments that happen on this board are staggering. 


I'm a little surprised that Nintendo managed to do so well with indies.  For a while on this board, there was this idea that indies were only doing well because the eshop wasn't over-saturated yet.  Then they kept selling, and coming there first...

Maybe in the future there's more to lose, with subscriptions taking off, and cloud gaming on phones.  Or maybe not.

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1 hour ago, thedarkstark said:

Does this include Xbox Live and game pass? Doubtful.


Listen: for all the people that are butthurt because I'm attacking their beloved Nintendo I PROMISE YOU I have more hours played on my switch than you do, I have close to 4,000 hours played on my switch, I wasn't kidding when I said I love the thing but I'm fed up with Nintendo.


Nintendo is like your racist grandpa, you deal with it/'make excuses "he grew up in a different era" "ah he's old he's going to die soon anyways" until you bring your girlfriend (who happens to be a different ethnicity than you)  home for Thanksgiving and he starts spouting off and it's about that time you tell gramps you don't care how many wars he's fought in, he can go **** himself. 


I have owned every Nintendo console ever made since the original NES. Zelda is my favorite franchise ever, I want to continue to love Nintendo but they keep fucking me and I'm tired of it. I have owned 3 different switches, the first one had drift on both joycons which i had repaired for a small fee, then the fan/cooling system broke and the system started to overheat, it was out of warranty period, Nintendo told me they could repair it for $150+ shipping, $180 total. Hello no, I sold it for $160 defective and bought a switch lite, 4 ****ing months later joycon drift, whole unit defective.  I return it and buy a normal switch again because I'm dumb and because I like most of you want to give Nintendo chances but this is it I'm done, they can go **** themselves at this point, between the shitty broken hardware and the "we're Nintendo, we don't make mistakes" attitude I'm done and there are many other people like me. 



I totally get this. This makes total sense. I'm actually kind of in the same boat, but substitute Playstation for Nintendo. Broken controllers, faulty hardware, etc. All that stuff takes a toll and sooner or later a company is gonna lose customers.

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39 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

The only reason why I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the Wii has been the fact that they're down to releasing like one or two major titles per generation that I'm actually interested in. I couldn't care less how underpowered, gimmicky and silly their hardware is, you can't fuck with their iconic franchises in terms of fun and playability. I'll buy whatever they release Metroid Prime 4 on ultimately just for that actually. 


Hey, if you wait until MP4 comes out, maybe some 1st party games will drop in price a little more reasonably.  There's almost two generations of games to catch up with now on the Switch if you include Wii U ports.


Some of the games you probably don't think of as marquee are stellar.  Stuff like Pikmin 3, Captain Toad, Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, Mario & Rabbids, etc.

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28 minutes ago, Mercury33 said:

How can one simultaneously be the number 1 place for indie games while also be losing 3rd party support? Those statements literally contradict themselves. Unless you’re referring to 3rd party games like Madden, CoD and Assassins Creed? Yeah, no one has bought those games on a Nintendo console since the Gamecube. There’s nothing to lose there. 


Eh, people bought those games...just not as much as they bought them on PS/XB. They still sold millions, right? (though maybe not Assassin's Creed since that didn't hit until Wii U, lol)


My other question is this: Is Nintendo really losing third party support? It's true they aren't getting Call of Duty or EA's sports games.  But they are getting some pretty decent exclusives. Monster Hunter, Bravely Default, Astral Chain, Octopath Traveller, MARVEL Ultimate Alliance 3, Travis Strikes Again...and upcoming exclusives like Bayonetta 3, No More Heroes 3, and Shin Megami Tensei V. Not to mention third-party cross-overs, like Mario + Rabbids, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, and Hyrule Warriors. Oh! And let's not forget all the third-party representation in Super Smash Bros. ULTIMATE. (plus even indie stuff like Crypt of the Necrodancer for example)


Maybe I'm wrong but I'm not sure Nintendo's third party support is as bad as some would have it seem.


EDIT: I'm also gonna include ULTRA Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers in my list because yeah it may have been too expensive at launch but whatever I enjoyed the hell out of it! There's no accounting for taste, sue me! :p 

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22 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:


Maybe I'm wrong but I'm not sure Nintendo's third party support is as bad as some would have it seem.



They're paying for most of those though.  If it's a (timed) exclusive from an AAA or AA publisher, it's Nintendo dropping cash.

Gotta look at how the rest of the industry is or isn't supporting the Switch to get the full story.

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2 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:


They're paying for most of those though.  If it's a (timed) exclusive from an AAA or AA publisher, it's Nintendo dropping cash.

Gotta look at how the rest of the industry is or isn't supporting the Switch to get the full story.


Oh I don't care if Nintendo has to pay to get games on its console. That's their problem, not mine. :p 


But is that the story? Is Nintendo buying *all* of its "AAA" or "AA" third party exclusives? Let's not forget, the Switch is still getting a LOT of multiplat games, too. That's not a bad thing for them, right?

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40 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:


But is that the story? Is Nintendo buying *all* of its "AAA" or "AA" third party exclusives?


Most of what you've mentioned yes.  In some cases they foot the bill for development and publishing.  In others, they're just paying it to keep it off other platforms, or certain other platforms.  And everything in between.


Nintendo doesn't have a history of being as bad as Sony and Microsoft about this.  Mostly because they don't go into their deals trying to pull a fast one on their competition ... unless it's Monster Hunter.

  • stepee 1
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2 hours ago, thedarkstark said:

Does this include Xbox Live and game pass? Doubtful.


It does, lol.


2 hours ago, thedarkstark said:

I'm done and there are many other people like me. 


No doubt, but there are many more people who aren't like you than the many people who are. This isn't hard to understand.


You're like someone who doesn't play Minecraft or Roblox or WoW thinking that nobody plays those games anymore. They're all wildly popular, they just don't appeal to you. You're making the mistake of thinking you're the majority when you're a vocal minority. Nobody's butthurt... you're just incorrect, resistant to data that disproves your point for no reason other than that it does so, and seem agitated about it for some reason.

  • stepee 1
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17 hours ago, crispy4000 said:


They're paying for most of those though.  If it's a (timed) exclusive from an AAA or AA publisher, it's Nintendo dropping cash.

Gotta look at how the rest of the industry is or isn't supporting the Switch to get the full story.

Well yeah, that’s usually how exclusives work from 3rd party publishers. 

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52 minutes ago, Mercury33 said:

Well yeah, that’s usually how exclusives work from 3rd party publishers. 


Which is also why good 3rd party support generally has more to do with multiplatform stuff. 

To be fair, I never really liked the idea of playing a blurry and fuzzy Doom or Witcher 3 on a portable.  Even less playing Control streaming from the cloud. 

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On 1/5/2021 at 1:50 PM, CastletonSnob said:

"Keep thinking Nintendo is as profitable as Sony and MS".


You know Sony and Microsoft LOSE money on their consoles, right? Microsoft lost $4 billion on the original Xbox.


Dude, you can just hit the quote button.

23 hours ago, GameDadGrant said:


I totally get this. This makes total sense. I'm actually kind of in the same boat, but substitute Playstation for Nintendo. Broken controllers, faulty hardware, etc. All that stuff takes a toll and sooner or later a company is gonna lose customers.

Nintendo has just as many issues. You just willfully ignore them.


And anecdotally, my Sony consoles and handheld have been far more reliable than Nintendo's. Except for my ps2, I never had to rebuy a Sony game device. Even my PSX and psp still works. I've had broken clamshells, bad joycons, a dead WiiU out of the box, busted ass n64 thumbsticks. We had this conversation a week ago, I know, but you still need to be called on it. Nintendo has not been a historically reliable hardware designer. They are worse than Sony and MS for one major reason, because they refuse to admit and willingly fix those problems. Everything I've had issues with concerning Sony and MS (ps2 and 360) were fixed by them. Nintendo has never, ever admitted fault for anything, and their fans try to hide the problem.


It doesn't matter if it didn't affect you, everyone should hold a company accountable when they screw up, most especially their fans.

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On 1/5/2021 at 2:20 PM, thedarkstark said:

I put "dud" in quotes because I was quoting you, that's what you called it, I wasn't in disagreement. The reason I specifically pointed it out is because you're failing to realize that they're making similar mistakes as to what they were making during the wii success. They are focusing on indie titles and 1st party titles, they're losing 3rd party support despite tremendous sales. 


Nintendo has blown their load, they have Metroid coming maybe possibly in 2021? Then maybe another Zelda in 2022? They've exhausted all of their major first party titles and are in for a massive lull without major 3rd party support same as Wii. Gaming was booming in 2020 because of the pandemic, 2021 and beyond isn't going t treat them nearly as well. 

You are so absolutely wrong it's absurd.


The next Zelda and metroid will sell 10's of millions combined because that's what Nintendo franchises do. For every person like you that Nintendo loses, they are gaining 5 more. The year doesn't matter, great games sell.  The only exception might be Animal Crossing, Nintendo's games have never and will never need to worry about making absolutely massive sales on their games, because their games are that good.


Also, the next Zelda is going to be this year.

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Hell, my wife's nephew is only allowed to play online with his close friends and some family, and he has like 30 friends codes. Those kids, their parents are also gamers who play with their kids. They buy a lot of games. The days of families like mine, where the parents (grandparents in my case) didn't play games is over. Just because you don't understand, doesn't mean it doesn't work.

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On 1/5/2021 at 12:58 PM, thedarkstark said:

Does this include Xbox Live and game pass? Doubtful.


Listen: for all the people that are butthurt because I'm attacking their beloved Nintendo I PROMISE YOU I have more hours played on my switch than you do, I have close to 4,000 hours played on my switch, I wasn't kidding when I said I love the thing but I'm fed up with Nintendo.


Nintendo is like your racist grandpa, you deal with it/'make excuses "he grew up in a different era" "ah he's old he's going to die soon anyways" until you bring your girlfriend (who happens to be a different ethnicity than you)  home for Thanksgiving and he starts spouting off and it's about that time you tell gramps you don't care how many wars he's fought in, he can go **** himself. 


I have owned every Nintendo console ever made since the original NES. Zelda is my favorite franchise ever, I want to continue to love Nintendo but they keep fucking me and I'm tired of it. I have owned 3 different switches, the first one had drift on both joycons which i had repaired for a small fee, then the fan/cooling system broke and the system started to overheat, it was out of warranty period, Nintendo told me they could repair it for $150+ shipping, $180 total. Hello no, I sold it for $160 defective and bought a switch lite, 4 ****ing months later joycon drift, whole unit defective.  I return it and buy a normal switch again because I'm dumb and because I like most of you want to give Nintendo chances but this is it I'm done, they can go **** themselves at this point, between the shitty broken hardware and the "we're Nintendo, we don't make mistakes" attitude I'm done and there are many other people like me. 


mad salt GIF by Brimstone (The Grindhouse Radio, Hound Comics)

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On 1/5/2021 at 12:53 PM, Kal-El814 said:


It does, lol.



No doubt, but there are many more people who aren't like you than the many people who are. This isn't hard to understand.


You're like someone who doesn't play Minecraft or Roblox or WoW thinking that nobody plays those games anymore. They're all wildly popular, they just don't appeal to you. You're making the mistake of thinking you're the majority when you're a vocal minority. Nobody's butthurt... you're just incorrect, resistant to data that disproves your point for no reason other than that it does so, and seem agitated about it for some reason.


We need to have an upvote option for when you just want to just fuck the shit out of a post.

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On 1/5/2021 at 2:53 PM, Kal-El814 said:


It does, lol.



No doubt, but there are many more people who aren't like you than the many people who are. This isn't hard to understand.


You're like someone who doesn't play Minecraft or Roblox or WoW thinking that nobody plays those games anymore. They're all wildly popular, they just don't appeal to you. You're making the mistake of thinking you're the majority when you're a vocal minority. Nobody's butthurt... you're just incorrect, resistant to data that disproves your point for no reason other than that it does so, and seem agitated about it for some reason.


Wow. That's probably the best anology on D1P I've ever read. 


Perfectly stated. 

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