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Trump wants to personally razzle-dazzle the Supreme Court with his best words, bigly, that he won the election.


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Just go back to Boca Raton already with that stupid fucking fake tan and windbreaker. Go keel over during a round of Golf per your god-given right as a confused, angry old New Yorker who inherited his vastly greater father's business. Go quietly into that night, Diamond Donnie, come on buddy. 

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27 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

Okay seriously, when will the SCOTUS actually step up and say something?


After the electoral college votes are formally counted so they don't have to risk setting a precedent for when a better opening (i.e. a tighter race) presents itself. 

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57 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

I don't want any of this, but if we must have it, then I DEFINITELY WANT THIS! 

I'd be in favor of televising this hearing. I'd love to hear Trump cite Fox News/OAN/Newmax/Q-Anon conspiracies in front of the Supreme Court. There's also a great chance that he reminds 3 of the justices why they are there, in no uncertain terms. 


Also, while the idea of this going all the way to SCOTUS scares the shit out of me, there's also a part of me that wants to see how individual SCOTUS justices act when put in this position.

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Just now, 5timechamp said:

The “NO” is great.. but it feels as if this type of irresponsible behavior needs punishing..


heaven knows Trumps Twitter is a perfect record of the asshat claims the GOP has been making

Now we get to move on to the "Trump should just declare Marshall Law and suspend the Electoral College vote phase of the game. 

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The EC vote to confirm the president is on Monday I believe. If so, guys, it was over on that Saturday in November. It always was. I know Trump tried everything, but he's a dumbass, and I always relied on that to know it would end well for us. And it has. Over one weekend Trump can't do shit. 


Just watch. All those Republicans will do a pretty sudden about face in a week or two. Oh, the irony, it will be delicious.

  • stepee 1
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25 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

Yep thats exactly what is happening. They feel Trump has given them license to drop the mask.

I checked some of the crazier conservative corners of the internet and they are already pushing for the insurrection act, marshall law, military intervention, etc. I don't for one minute think that Trump would get away with this. If anything, this could be the thing that sees him dragged out of the White House in handcuffs. However, I don't doubt that he will happen upon this and he will be tempted to do it. It may even show up on his Twitter account in the form of a RT. 


He basically lost this 9-0 and it's fucking hilarious that this is what they saw as their best shot. Eat shit MAGA turds (not that any post here, but maybe some lurk)? 

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17 hours ago, Ricofoley said:

That was definitely Trump's understanding, and he basically said it out loud. I think Mitch was more concerned about losing the majority in the election if they got routed.



Yeah, but anyone with half a brain knew that what Trump was thinking was not going to happen.


It’s absolutely chef’s kiss that not one of his 3 nominees even wanted to hear the case.

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If any of the republicans or attorneys general who signed onto this garbage piece of shit get re-elected we truly live in a fucked country.



LOL. Nothing matters.


They seriously put their John Hancock on the most un-American anti-patriotic thing I've ever heard of. They signed their fucking name on the thing. They said... "I WANT TO THROW OUT THE VOTES OF MILLION OF PEOPLE IN THESE 4 STATES I DON'T EVEN FUCKING LIVE IN." Even though other states did the exact same thing they are saying make the votes invalid, including states where Trump won. It's such a fucking joke, none of these people should ever be able to show their faces I public ever again and anyone who supports this is a traitorous piece of human garbage. I don't use those words lightly, but there they are.

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Fox News is pushing this as their top story. They don't want this to go away. It's fucking disgraceful.


I mean, I know we're all sick of this never ending pearl clutching and END OF DEMOCRACY hyperbole and I'm just as tired of all this Trump nonsense... but this thing they are trying to do is so unbelievable fucked up. IT'S SO FUCKED UP.


I feel like we as a society are not doing enough to push back on this shit.

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