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The Cyberpunk Gameplay Discussion Thread


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2 minutes ago, legend said:


Corpo. Was an interesting choice since the big bad is... a corp :p and gives some fun choices along the way.


Although I ended up

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Same ending here as well! I think I’ll go corpo for the second run. I really hope the DLC is meaty. I have high hopes for many more stories in this world.

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Im planning on finishing the game today. Im lvl 41 right now. Just finished Kerry Eurodynes side quests. 
still plenty I haven’t done, and im sure ill mess around a lot. 

I put most of my points into pistols, and now its like im carrier a mini missile launcher. Heads just explode. Almost every shot is a crit. 

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Something else I've thought about, is how amazing the sound work is in this game.  The ambient noise, the way they mimic the sound and bass walking into a club.  So much of it is outstanding.  The directional work is also so well done.  It might be the best and most believable audio I've experienced in a game.


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55 minutes ago, BlueAngel said:

Yeah I literally have to turn my sub down to about 30% percent especially in clubs because where I normally have it the walls and everything shakes. Love the soundtrack though.


I play with headphones, and the bass doesn't typically stand out, but it does in this game.  It's been a long while since I've been out to clubs, but it does such a great job of representing that experience.  The music anywhere in the world just enters the game beautifully with directional sound.


I was walking around outside too and one of those big blimp flying things came by, and I legit wasn't sure if it was real life a big jet airliner or in game (I live near Military Bases where large planes fly overhead somewhat regularly).  


I've just been extremely impressed all around, and I love good audio in a game.  I feel the audio work gets so overlooked in games when compared to the visual graphics.

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What platform is everyone playing on and how is the game performing? I'm playing on the series X and while its running ok for the most part especially after the update, I'm still getting annoying little bugs. One of my friends on Facebook just finished the game on PS5 and said that it was crashing every hour on him and even crashed during the closing credits :lol:

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I'm playing on PC - all graphics are maxed out at 2K/1440p but with no raytracing or DLSS and my framerate hits a locked 60fps more or less. Game hasn't been all that buggy or glitchy except for three side missions so far where the enemies were hostile but simply not go into combat mode (nor could I) so I just walked around and picked up all the items and did the objectives and moved on. :p Otherwise though, not been too much jank for me.

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I played on PC. It performed pretty well at 1440P on ultra with RTX and DLSS. A lot of time it runs at 60+ fps but every once in a while I ran into areas that dropped into the 40s which probably would have been more annoying if LG didn't get their Gsync supported in the nick of time


Bug-wise the game was actually quite good for me with very minor issues. I did get cars popping into the area on spawn a few times after the 1.05 patch, but otherwise none of the bugs were anything to remember and I didn't have a single crash in 60+ hours.


My friend, however, had tons of bugs on PC. He was on a 10-series card, so I feel like I'm forced to conclude that the game just wasn't tested well on anything but on PCs with 20-series+ cards.

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Yeah, I am watching Youtube videos of people on 1070s and they seem to be getting much better fps than I. I'll drop to 23fps while driving at speed graters than 35MPH. Combat in the more open parts of the city tank my frames as well I am am running low preset. It seems like closed in areas are much better but driving is brutal. 

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There are spoilers in here, but I am linking the video with a time stamp and I feel this so much. 

From the time stamp to 7:15 is what I am talking about. I just feel like I am getting bombarded with side stuff and the only real mission I have done is The Rescue. And wow was I disappointed with the montage. That was what I was looking forward to playing the most. I love those parts of the story. Instead the game just skips to the point where you are fully involved with everybody already. Like, I might be one one of the few, but I love long ass intros. Like, with Twilight Princess. I loved getting to know Link's life. People hate that it seems, but it really puts me into the world. Like, so far, Geralt feels more like a custom character than V does. 


Of course I am just at the start, but I am not a fan of games that just push you out into the world. I just don't feel as jacked into the world as I feel I should. 

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26 minutes ago, Bacon said:

And wow was I disappointed with the montage. That was what I was looking forward to playing the most. I love those parts of the story. Instead the game just skips to the point where you are fully involved with everybody already.

The montage feels super weird , it doesnt give you some kind of special insight that couldnt have been told in a better fashion thru dialog. It feels like an add on of cut content that someone decided to use for this. 


32 minutes ago, Bacon said:

I love those parts of the story. Instead the game just skips to the point where you are fully involved with everybody already. Like, I might be one one of the few, but I love long ass intros

You are not alone in this regard. It hard to form any connection to character or story when its done this way. I dont care about "the big X or Y" , I didnt earn it and didnt get to see the character earn it either.

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23 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

What platform is everyone playing on and how is the game performing?

I’m playing on a PS4 Slim, and I’ve experienced quite a few bugs, glitches, jank and the game has crashed on me three times so far. But it does seem to improve with each new update, and there seems to be less issues the further that I get into the game.


4 hours ago, Bacon said:

wow was I disappointed with the montage. That was what I was looking forward to playing the most. I love those parts of the story. Instead the game just skips to the point where you are fully involved with everybody already. Like, I might be one one of the few, but I love long ass intros. Like, with Twilight Princess. I loved getting to know Link's life. People hate that it seems, but it really puts me into the world.

I agree, if people don’t like long beginnings in games that take their time getting the player invested into the story, characters and world then they shouldn’t be playing RPGs IMO.


I was expecting to play out all of the events that were shown in the early montage, but instead we’re just given a few quick scenes with goofy comedic music playing in the background.


But the real disappointment are the life paths IMO. You’re just thrown into them, and they’re extremely short. They were made out to be similar to the origin stories in Dragon Age Origins, but they’re nowhere near as in-depth and lengthy as those are. The game rushes you to the main game too quickly IMO.


While I’m definitely enjoying the game, it’s not what I was envisioning that it was going to be all of these years. I was expecting something more than what is essentially Deus Ex meets Grand Theft Auto.

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11 hours ago, Bacon said:

Like, with Twilight Princess. I loved getting to know Link's life. People hate that it seems, but it really puts me into the world. 

Same here, never understood the seemingly universal Twilight Princess opening dislike unless you somehow replay epic Zelda games every 6 months somehow. 

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I'm playing on PS5 and running into occasional bugs and glitches but nothing game breaking. I've also encountered the "no tarot card" glitch lol. I've played about 15 hours and have had 3 crashes. Despite all of this... I am loving this game. Exploring the city and using photo mode is fantastic. This is also probably the first game I prefer first person driving.. especially on the motorcycles... so fun. 

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The more I play the more the annoying little bugs get in the way of the experience. I had a bug that kept me from progressing for a couple of days until I realized that the next stage of a mission that I thought I finished, hadn't triggered and I couldn't progress or save until reloaded an earlier save and played from there :| Since then I've had stupid shit like inventory U.I. elements staying on screen until I reload the game or characters just stop fighting all together. I had a boss battle where a boss just stopped fighting mid fight and just stood there and let me shoot him until he died :| It's clear to me now that CDPR bit off more than they could chew with this game, poured more time and resources into the PC version and the consoles where an after thought :| Next gen consoles run the game better because of the power differential but the game seems barely functional on last gen base consoles. I dunno... they've quickly gone from one of my favorite devs to meh. It's a shame too because there's a legit good game here. But out of all the buggy releases this year, this game seems to be the most egregious example.

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I actually wish I had some funny bugs. It is almost a letdown that so far, I have only had performance issues. Like, I feel like I should be getting way better frames than what I am getting and It has taken a lot of fiddling to even get it running at 40-60 frames at 1440p. I was doing to 1080 but even with lower settings, it still looks better at 1440p.


These are my settings and I would even take just a steady constant 50fps


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It doesn't bother me that I get low fps. What bothers me is that I feel like I should be getting more but I am not. Like, I feel that Rez Scaling shouldn't need to be turned on at the very least. Without that on shit is is wack when driving. 


I have had 3 bugs so far. Shotguns kept unequipping (seems fixed as of 1.06 but even quitting out of the game didn't fix the issue), my sniper wouldn't shoot until I reloaded the game, pants and shoes wouldn't show up on my character and gave him ken doll genitals until I reloaded the game. 

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