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Cabinet schabinet (and other biden appointments)

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I will repost these here:



Progressives and groups representing farmers of color are extremely disappointed that Biden didn’t opt for new leadership at the sprawling department.




Austin hasn't been retired from the military for the requisite seven years.


Who the devil is advising on these selections?!?

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On 12/11/2020 at 11:14 AM, Joe said:


Has Buttiegieg been spurned yet?






President-elect Joe Biden will nominate Pete Buttigieg to be his transportation secretary, sources familiar with the matter tell CNN, elevating the former South Bend, Indiana, mayor and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate to a top post in the federal government.


  • stepee 1
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1 hour ago, Jason said:

Three-quarter's of the department's budget has to do with nuclear weapons and nuclear contamination clean-up, but attention has focused on its role supporting research and development...



Hey I didn't know she was Canadian. This will help counter the evil Canadian, Ted Cruz.

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This stuff is great. But DOT is mostly FAA (staff wise) and building highways ($$$ wise) as mandated by the shitty congress.


Like I said, a mayor is probably a good fit for DOT. He could do well, but he's probably not the most qualified person for the job. (Don't come at me about Trump's picks by not being married to a literal party leader he's better than Chao. The worst Dems are almost always better than the best of Republicans)

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9 minutes ago, Uaarkson said:

Honestly, I’m a little hard now. It’s a step in the right direction when we’ve been starved of good transportation leadership for nearly a century.

Yeah. What sucks with Obama is that lahood was the token.... republican that he put in the cabinet. A good progressive pick would have been great! Instead we got a disinterested republican and while there were some bright spots he was still a republican

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