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The Last of Us - Season 2 (HBO | 2025) - Official Thread, update (09/26): Season 2 Teaser Trailer

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8 hours ago, Dodger said:

Abby could be based on the model of my dreams and I’d still hate her character. The way she looks has nothing to do with it. People only like Abby because the game bends over backwards making you like her despite being pretty clear she’s really just as shitty of a person as Joel was other the one thing. Oh she still pulls her shit despite Joel saving her life minutes earlier. She literally has the same motivation as Ellie does but hey she has a fear of heights so it’s totally cool.


TLoU2 spoilers:


Complete nonsense. Abby goes on a quest for revenge of the man who slaughtered everyone she knew. He saved her life and that wipes away murdering everyone she knows and slaughtering her unarmed father? The difference is Abby actually grows as a person and learns that revenge glt her nowhere. Elly didn’t change at all. From the beginning of the game to the end, she regresses. The only “heroic” thing Elly does in the whole game is at the very, very end. Abby actually grows and changes. She fights to protect people, rather than to satisfy her anger. She realizes that her quest for revenge gave her nothing.

There’s two reasons people I’ve seen people quote why they don’t like Abby. Not all dislike her for both reasons. The only arguments ive seen are: 1: She’s manly/woke/etc 2. She killed Joel. The first is complete nonsense. The second one was deserved, imo. I’m sorry, I like Joel, but dude was a monster. He didn’t just kill Abby’s father, he condemned the world to a slow death because he wanted to be a daddy again. Abby is one of the few who know the truth of it all.



3 hours ago, SoberChef said:

This is an interesting question for those watching the show, will you tune into the show's finale OR the Oscars? Personally, I'll probably DVR the awards show & catch up afterwards.

at no point had I ever considered watching the Oscars.

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TLoU2 spoilers:
3 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

Complete nonsense. Abby goes on a quest for revenge of the man who slaughtered everyone she knew. He saved her life and that wipes away murdering everyone she knows and slaughtering her unarmed father? The difference is Abby actually grows as a person and learns that revenge glt her nowhere. Elly didn’t change at all. From the beginning of the game to the end, she regresses. The only “heroic” thing Elly does in the whole game is at the very, very end. Abby actually grows and changes. She fights to protect people, rather than to satisfy her anger. She realizes that her quest for revenge gave her nothing.

There’s two reasons people I’ve seen people quote why they don’t like Abby. Not all dislike her for both reasons. The only arguments ive seen are: 1: She’s manly/woke/etc 2. She killed Joel. The first is complete nonsense. The second one was deserved, imo. I’m sorry, I like Joel, but dude was a monster. He didn’t just kill Abby’s father, he condemned the world to a slow death because he wanted to be a daddy again. Abby is one of the few who know the truth of it all.

at no point had I ever considered watching the Oscars.


I agree with all your points. That being said, can you please put any video game story beats that haven’t been revealed behind spoilers. There’s a bunch of people in this thread that are here for the show and haven’t played the games. 

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1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

There is to be no further discussion of the second game in this thread whatsoever.

I would think that it may be a good idea to mention that the spoiler-boxes you added to posts are for TLoU2 in the post itself (as I already had for my post), as people clicking spoiler-boxes in this thread are going to assume it’s for the HBO Show and episodes released thus far.

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The open was phenomenal. Also everything up to the hospital with Joel and Ellie. Then the hospital sequence just didn’t work for me. I actually think that part of the game isn’t very good either.


Overall it’s a 4/5 season for me. The high points are completely worth the lesser parts.

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5 hours ago, sblfilms said:

The open was phenomenal. Also everything up to the hospital with Joel and Ellie. Then the hospital sequence just didn’t work for me. I actually think that part of the game isn’t very good either.


Overall it’s a 4/5 season for me. The high points are completely worth the lesser parts.

I always liked that part, but to each their own. I liked the feeling of being forced to something I didn't want to because it's what the character would do. I wonder how the tv series fanbase feels about it? The ones who never played the game. 


Also, it perfectly sets up Part 2 (which I argue is one of, if not the BEST story based game ever made). I was worried they would sanitize the Hospital scene so that Joel would look better, but they didn't, they nailed it, imo. I do think there were some things I could have used more of. There never felt like a ton of danger from infected, except for the scene with the Bloater, and the Tess scene. I would have liked to see it stretched out to 10 episodes with a little more danger. But either way, I completely loved the the first season. 



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Never played the game here.


Being able to make your own choices and then owning the consequences is a running theme of the story. Stripping choice away from someone results in punishment. The fireflies never gave Ellie a choice in the matter, even if it likely is what she would have done anyway. Ironically, Joel also didn't give her a choice, either, but at that point the die had been cast.


It perfectly sets up season 2. Joel also stripped away Ellie's choice in her own life, so by the show's rules, he has to be punished.


I have no idea what happens in the second game.

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52 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

I watched with my sister last night and I posed the question to her: “would you be able to sacrifice one life to possibly save millions?”


I don’t know if I could, especially if it’s someone I grew to care about.

I mean, he sacrifices many to save one. 


To me, it might be an incredibly emotional choice, but there is only one right answer. My happiness isn't worth the destruction of humankind. 

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'The Last of Us' creators confirm that the 'Part 2' video game story will get more than just Season 2 to tell it


This is exactly what I suspected. I can even guess the cut off point (if they do it in two). The game is just far, far too big for a 9-10 episode season. 

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murdering a child isn’t sacrificing them. The Fireflies are bad people. They are willing to kill a kid on the hope that they can save themselves. They don’t even *know* that it will work. Absolutely monstrous behavior by the Fireflies.

And that is why I have never have thought the hospital sequence works. It is not the moral conundrum for Joel that people wish for it to be. It isn’t even a “trolley problem” level ethical question!

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38 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

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murdering a child isn’t sacrificing them. The Fireflies are bad people. They are willing to kill a kid on the hope that they can save themselves. They don’t even *know* that it will work. Absolutely monstrous behavior by the Fireflies.

And that is why I have never have thought the hospital sequence works. It is not the moral conundrum for Joel that people wish for it to be. It isn’t even a “trolley problem” level ethical question!

Murdering the literal only hope humanity has to stop a civilization destroying virus to save a single child is far worse than anything the fireflies have done. Yes, it was a sacrifice. Like, are we really trying to pretend that a doctor in an apocalypse should operate by the same ethics a doctor would today is getting a little to out in left field. The chance that it can be cured is worth far more than any single life, child or not. This isn't a flu, it's a civilization destroying fungus.


Like, I can't can't even imagine where you're coming from? After almost two decades of research, a doctor thinks he has a cure. That's good enough. Of course they don't know it will work, but he has a very educated and relevant theory on the matter. Now they had one choice to find out, and Joel condemned the world. 



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What are the chances that this one Firefly doctor is able to spin a cure out of whatever he collects from Ellie’s corpse? Who is this guy? I want to see his qualifications and data before he slices up the one thing in this world that gives my life meaning. 

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1 hour ago, BloodyHell said:

Murdering the literal only hope humanity has to stop a civilization destroying virus to save a single child is far worse than anything the fireflies have done. Yes, it was a sacrifice. Like, are we really trying to pretend that a doctor in an apocalypse should operate by the same ethics a doctor would today is getting a little to out in left field. The chance that it can be cured is worth far more than any single life, child or not. This isn't a flu, it's a civilization destroying fungus.


Like, I can't can't even imagine where you're coming from? After almost two decades of research, a doctor thinks he has a cure. That's good enough. Of course they don't know it will work, but he has a very educated and relevant theory on the matter. Now they had one choice to find out, and Joel condemned the world. 




Pro-murdering kids based solely on hunches. You'd fit right in with the Fireflies :lol:

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Again, the biggest thing is the fireflies never asked Ellie if she *wanted* to sacrifice herself. She probably would have said yes if they did, but they didn't, they just drugged her.


Within the framework of the story in which free will means literally everything, the Fireflies committed an unforgivable sin. It doesn't matter if Ellie could have saved humanity, the Fireflies took her choice away, so they get punished.


Joel acted as he did to save her, not to take her choice away, but he *does* lie to her afterwards because he does know that she would have chosen to sacrifice herself if they had asked, and he can't face that.

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2 hours ago, sblfilms said:

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murdering a child isn’t sacrificing them. The Fireflies are bad people. They are willing to kill a kid on the hope that they can save themselves. They don’t even *know* that it will work. Absolutely monstrous behavior by the Fireflies.

And that is why I have never have thought the hospital sequence works. It is not the moral conundrum for Joel that people wish for it to be. It isn’t even a “trolley problem” level ethical question!


Something in a Naughty Dog game doesn't work? Say it ain't so!





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As a fan of the game I think the transformation from game to tv series was very well done. Its a solid 8/10 for me. My biggest issues with it was that lacked the brutality that was a staple of the game. The level of violence that Joel (videogame) has to commit to complete his task feels Herculean compared to Joel (TV). I think it adds to the relationship between the two that the TV series loses. We see glimpses of some penchant for violence in Joel (TV) but its mostly hinted at. My wife on the hand thought the series was a 9. Her only issue was she felt the last 2 episodes felt rushed. 

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5 hours ago, sblfilms said:

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And that is why I have never have thought the hospital sequence works. It is not the moral conundrum for Joel that people wish for it to be. It isn’t even a “trolley problem” level ethical question!


We have a winner!

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yeah not giving her the choice is fucked up. the fireflies have always been fucked up even if sometimes they are on the right side of whatever issue could be happening. 


6 hours ago, TheLeon said:

What are the chances that this one Firefly doctor is able to spin a cure out of whatever he collects from Ellie’s corpse? Who is this guy? I want to see his qualifications and data before he slices up the one thing in this world that gives my life meaning. 

also this. who the fuck is this dude that’s gonna kill my adopted daughter to create a cure? i don’t believe it. they might need to kill several people like ellie to make progress. 


and hey show joel was nicer than i was the first time i played the game cuz i capped those other people in the operating room lol. 


i fucking love the ending of the game and i think they did a really good job in the show. 

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7 hours ago, TheLeon said:

What are the chances that this one Firefly doctor is able to spin a cure out of whatever he collects from Ellie’s corpse? Who is this guy? I want to see his qualifications and data before he slices up the one thing in this world that gives my life meaning. 


Doctor was at most 50 years old, meaning he at most 30 year old at outbreak? Yeah no way is fresh out of Residency going to save humanity. 

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This is getting awfully close to bombs in space territory. 

Just watched it. I’ll agree with whoever said it felt a little quick. Not rushed per se but that episode felt like it could have been 30 minutes longer to build the tension a bit more? 

As usual the new stuff they added was fantastic and the adaption of what was already in the game was excellently done. Those god damn giraffes.  I thought the music and the way the did Joel working through the hospital was extremely effective. I do think they kind of left him a little kinder than he was in the games. I’m fine with that. Following his journey in the show it’s a more realistic outcome and will really help to build S2. 

10/10 this show was utterly fantastic. Remember when people thought adapting Joel and Ellie’s story would be redundant and boring. Good times. 

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2 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

The giraffe was real. That’s fucking cool. 

wow! i was thinking during that scene i wonder if they just got a real giraffe lol. i think like every zoo around here let’s you feed the giraffes if you show up at a certain time. figured it was really good CG though. 

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The on the road interaction, the giraffe scene, the joke telling ahead of the fireflies sneaking up from behind - all just lovely moments to be sure. That hospital scene did not back down nor shy away from Joel's mission & purpose & he was absolutely right & justified in his head & heart for choosing to do what he did ... even if it did mean killing a lot of motherfuckers in your way & it very well MAY have cost humanity their existence.

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