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???Patrick Stewart To Star In New ‘Star Trek’ Series As Jean-Luc Picard On CBS All Access???


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8 hours ago, legend said:

I *will* pay for this.


24 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

I am sure that was the reaction people would have. Especially when STD wasn't a big money maker. 



The Orville has it's flaws(especially early on with the overdone "comedy") but the common narrative that is now pretty widely held on the internet is that the Orville is the "real" Star Trek out of the two. I think this is helped along a bit by the contrarian urge to reward the Orville for over performing low expectations while Discovery under performed on very high expectations.....but there's no denying that if you want a spiritual successor to TNG it is currently the Orville, not Discovery.


And I wonder if this shift to bringing back Picard is CBS acknowledging that, ya know what, maybe the fans do know what we want more than they do. Give us series Trek in all it's grandiose, sometimes slow, sometimes preachy humanistic philosophy wrapped up in sci-fi glory! If we want Star Verb: Shooty Stabby Wars there are a dozen other sci-fi show options out there to choose from.


On the flip side, I wish Trek fans would get over the idea that CBS is trying to rip us off. Following the boom years of TNG, Star Trek's existence was almost constantly threatened by cost to viewer difficulties. I don't know if people remember this, but horrible ratings were not what prematurely killed Enterprise. Middling ratings plus prohibitively high production costs that come hand in glove with making a Star Trek series are what killed Enterprise. For a decade or more CBS basically said, "We know there is a sizable, diehard fanbase that will do anything for Trek but it is not enough to support the ratings for a prime time, big budget Network show". Putting Trek on All Access is their way of solving that, and I think if Trekkies allow that to kill this current flow of Trek(for all it's flaws, so far) they're going to regret it. I know I have said this before, but wait until they end of the season, buy a month, and binge. Would you rather have no Trek, or 10-15 hours of Trek for less than the cost of a movie ticket?



Anyway, I had an idea at work today. Did this line in Stewart's speech jump out at anyone else.....



“During these past years, it has been humbling to hear many stories about how The Next Generation brought people comfort, saw them through difficult periods in their lives or how the example of Jean-Luc inspired so many to follow in his footsteps, pursuing science, exploration and leadership,” Stewart continued. “I feel I’m ready to return to him for the same reason – to research and experience what comforting and reforming light he might shine on these often very dark times. I look forward to working with our brilliant creative team as we endeavor to bring a fresh, unexpected and pertinent story to life once more.”



I remember when Discovery was first announced I briefly held out the hope that Trek was returning just at the right moment. To use the allegorical diffusing lens of sci-fi to shine a light on the power mad demagogue that is Trump. Well that was a big nothin as far as Discovery went, but one wonders if Sir Patrick Stewart has the same idea. With some other comments Stewart has made prior, I think it's pretty safe to say his comment about "very dark times" are at least in part his personal feelings about Trump in particular and the ugly "populism" around the world that led to things like Brexit. 


If this is the case, I think a good fit for a series with Picard as "not a captain" is something I suggested for Discovery, but fits even better with Stewart on board. Remember Conspiracy? The first season episode(s) that hinted at some kind of takeover in Starfleet which was revealed to be alien parasites taking over bodies? I suggested that Discovery would have a solid framework for tackling the Trump era by taking cues from the DS9 episodes Homefront and Paradise Lost and the attempted military coup of the Federation. A great way to allegorize what has happened to America is to go even further and showing the Federation subverted by a demagogue. For long time fans, what better way to make them really feel, "It could never happen here" than to see the Federation fall victim to it.


Just spitballing, but combining these elements you could have a Picard series that sees Picard on Earth or close by in a non-exploratory role. Either as an admiral, head of Starfleet Academy, or an ambassador(to Romulus perhaps, as in Future Perfect?). At first we see the rise of a demagogue spouting not so Federation-y ideas, looking to become President of the Federation. This could be in response to unfamiliar hardship the Federation is facing(incidentally, this is the storyline the books went with following the Destiny trilogy which nearly saw the Federation destroyed with many planets totally destroyed and those in the Federation afterward knowing hunger and hardship like they hadn't in hundreds of years). Anyway, Picard becomes suspicious of this demagogue, hinting that maybe the parasites have returned to take another shot(which would be a longtime payoff because Conspiracy ended with a message going out to the species, but was never touched on in the TV shows again).This would would a good way to integrate Riker or Geordi into the series for guest spots if they still have their own commands. Picard could call them up to get them on his side and catch a ride(kind of like a mix of the 4 Captains meeting in Conspiracy and Picard needing a ride from Crusher and Riker in All Good Things). String the fans along for a while since the parallels with Conspiracy will be obvious, all to reveal that there are no aliens. The Federation really is just being taken over by a demagogue with lies and disinformation. 


Where the series would go from there, I am not sure. But it's just an interesting thought since I think it would lend itself well to the idea that this series might not be a straight "Picard commanding the bridge of the Enterprirse" sequel.

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Yeah, I think had Orville not been so well recieved, and hailed as "the new Star Trek" I think CBS would have either killed Discovery, or doubled down on the dark, gritty, ulta-violent world they presented. 


I think Patrick Stewart sees Star Trek as a symbol of hope. Something to brighten your day, your outlook, and let you imagine a better future. 


Patrick Stewart may not be able to lead an away mission on adventures as fun as we will see in Orville, but he could be a wise mentor to those that do go on those adventures. 


I'd love to see Picard as like the wise headmaster/Professor at Starfleet academy. 

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1 hour ago, Chairslinger said:

I can't believe it took me this long to post this classic video in celebration.


Look at the spacing I used in the thread tags a little closer, it was a very deliberate decision. :batting:

  • Haha 1
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On 8/4/2018 at 7:08 PM, Jason said:


They could do a good Trek movie if they were willing to make the movies under the assumption that the audience is up to date on the show(s). It would solve a lot of the problems with movie Trek to make the movies the action-packed payoff for events in the show. Like if one of the TNG movies had been about the Enterprise off on a critical Dominion War mission, or if we'd gotten Enterprise season 5 and Enterprise movies, doing an Enterprise movie that focuses on a key battle of the Earth-Romulan War.


The action would work if there was a reason to care about it. Plus it's the kind of thing thing that might actually be better served getting to work with a movie budget anyhow. As a bonus it would probably take some of the strain off the TV budget, relieving them of the need to HAVE to do bottle episodes to even out the budget. 

Paramount has the movie rights so they had to do a reboot. CBS which makes the shows can't make Star Trek movies because Paramount has those rights. When Viacom split into two different companies the rights were split.

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For me the last good Star Trek was DS9 and going to leave it at that.  The later STNG movies didn't help the ST universe and the rebooted movies (well alternate time line movies) were good but now the movies and TV shows diff in stories.  


I am guessing the new show with Picard will be set in the 'Prime' universe.  I really didn't like Discovery and doubt will even finish the first season of that let alone the second season once released.  I enjoy Orvil more.  I wonder if the ST Online storyline will or won't be taken as canon if they try and work the new Picard show with him in actual age.


File:Sto timeline setting.png

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