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Let's talk about state initiatives that passed or failed this election in this thread

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Nevada constitutionally protects same-sex marriage.


Florida votes for a $15 minimum wage, a big progressive victory.



Florida voted for Trump. It also voted for a $15 minimum wage.


Marijuana legalization is extremely popular around the nation.



Cannabis legalization was on five state ballots yesterday and ran the table. Voters in Oregon, where cannabis is already legal, also approved a measure addressing street drugs and another that sought to legalize psychedelic mushrooms’ therapeutic use. Of the five states that voted on cannabis, four states approved legal recreational marijuana for adults age 21 […]


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I was curious as to why California's Proposition 25 to replace cash-based bail with flight risk assessment-based bail failed.


What I discovered was that the ACLU and the Pre-Trial Justice Institute both came out in strong opposition to the proposition as they claimed that the algorithms that would be used for the flight risk assessment would be even more unfair to minorities/poor than cash bail.


Naturally, the vultures of the bail bonds industry poured money into the campaign as well.

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In Oregon, medicinal use of psilocybin is now legal, though the language of the measure was somewhat vague, so I'll be interested to see how it's implemented. Also, all street drugs are decriminalized for personal use. If caught with drugs, you can either pay a $100 fine or go to a rehab center that, as I understand it, is paid for by the sate. I'm not sure if the amount classified as "personal use" will change. But drug possession of any kind is no longer a felony.

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  • (probably) Failed to tax commercial properties based on current market value
  • Failed to allow affirmative action
  • Did not pass a new tough on crime prop
  • Will not allow local governments to implement rent control
  • Passed a complex amendment to the California Consumer Privacy Act
  • Did not replace cash bail with algorithmic risk assessments
  • Passed the Uber/Lyft prop to prevent drivers from being employees


I'm disappointed in the failure to tax commercial properties at market rates. Prop 13 from 1978 is rather sacrosanct in CA, and it basically prevents property tax from changing until ownership changes hands. I understand it's necessity at the time, but now I think it's a huge driver of our poor housing market. Even as a homeowner, I'd rather scrap the whole thing, but doing it just for commercial properties seemed reasonable. My guess is that anything that gets close to Prop 13 is just a no-go.


I'm very interested to see how the amended CCPA works. I don't think anyone really knows the exact effects this change will have, but it seems like it'll go from a basically useless law to one with at least some teeth.


I was personally in favor of getting rid of cash bail. I understand people are uncomfortable with algorithms, but I that risk goes down when you're aware of potential issues and actively looking for problems. Certainly cash bail isn't a great system.


I'm most disappointed by the passing of prop 22, the Uber/Lyft one. I do think that the law it's amending (AB 5) is far from perfect, but I think this was a terrible precedent to set. I feel like people largely voted on the idea that their VC funded taxi rides will get slightly more expensive. Even if 22 is a good idea, I couldn't righly vote for a thing that requires an incredible 7/8ths of both chambers in the CA Legislature to amend. It's now far more difficult to change how we pay Uber drivers than it is to change our state constitution and that's just silly. Frankly, I'm surprised it's even allowed for a voter proposition to be so impossible to change.


On an extremely local level, I was happy to see Measure E pass. It allows for buildings of more than 30ft to be built around our sports arena. I'm in favor of basically anything that allows more building or density, but we've got a poor record of actually passing those kinds of things. The area in question is technically "costal," but it's not exactly a beach community, and I think it could really benefit from some real development.

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6 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

In Oregon, medicinal use of psilocybin is now legal, though the language of the measure was somewhat vague, so I'll be interested to see how it's implemented. Also, all street drugs are decriminalized for personal use. If caught with drugs, you can either pay a $100 fine or go to a rehab center that, as I understand it, is paid for by the sate. I'm not sure if the amount classified as "personal use" will change. But drug possession of any kind is no longer a felony.



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11 hours ago, TwinIon said:


On an extremely local level, I was happy to see Measure E pass. It allows for buildings of more than 30ft to be built around our sports arena. I'm in favor of basically anything that allows more building or density, but we've got a poor record of actually passing those kinds of things. The area in question is technically "costal," but it's not exactly a beach community, and I think it could really benefit from some real development.

The apartments with a good view will sell out fast!

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1 hour ago, Remarkableriots said:

Free plane ride! 


Also as far as apartments with a nice view selling out fast, I'm doubtful of that as well. Apartments in San Diego are a rip off, especially nice ones. The apartments next to Petco Park for instance. A 1 bedroom 1 bath 679 square foot apartment is going for $2,655 a month

(This is actually cheaper than I thought it would be but still a rip off :p)

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