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Halloween Kills Teaser


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3 hours ago, Komusha said:

To hype myself up for the new movie, I thought it would be fun to watch through the entire franchise in order of release. The Rob Zombie remakes will be included. The only ones I had seen before was Halloween 1978, Halloween III, and Halloween 2018. I'll post my thoughts along the way.


Obviously it won't be necessary to watch them all because most of them aren't included in the new canon, but I really enjoy going through entire franchises I'm not fully familiar with. And this one should be interesting because the canon keeps changing and getting reset along the way.

Honestly I enjoy all of them except maybe VI. But that one has Paul Rudd so it’s kinda a wash haha. H20 is very 90’s but I like it a lot. 

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7 hours ago, Derek said:

I guess I could google it, but any status on a new Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street?


Friday series still in litigation (perpetually & seemingly never ending.) Nightmare series doesn't really have any momentum from what I have read/heard/seen ... I am however having my Freddy tattoo getting reworked & touched up at the moment so that makes me happy!

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Halloween-O-Thon pt 1


Halloween (1978)


I’ve seen this movie a number of times throughout my life but this viewing particularly struck me. It was the first slasher I ever saw, but in the years since I’ve grown to appreciate it after seeing more slashers and seeing just how difficult it is to straddle the line of the real and the conceptual. While we see the backstory of Michael, he’s always kept mysterious enough that the viewer can project whatever they want onto him. Is he a just a man or the pure embodiment of evil itself?


It left me shaken and emotional in a way I wasn’t expecting. The ending is so powerful and maybe it’s because I was able to connect with the abstract idea of evil never truly being defeated. The pandemic has made me cynical in a way that has allowed my heart to open up more to this movie as well as the horror genre in general. After nearly two years this pandemic has no sign of dying, just like Myers himself. The grim finale  manages to feel more like a statement than a setup. Which is ironic to note because this is just the first movie on my 11 film Halloween-O-Thon marathon.


It may never get as good as this one, but I’m fucking stoked for the rest of my journey. Let’s fucking gooooo!!!


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16 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:

problem is with this movie is that all the trailers have pretty much told you the entire story and shown you like 90% of the kills already 

Yeah what the hell is up with trailers these days? Are people really out there saying they want the entire storyline in the previews nowadays? I watched the Halloween Kills trailer a while back and felt like I saw the whole movie. It's gross. 

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7 hours ago, Mercury33 said:

To be fair, IMHO, no other horror movie in existence comes close to touching the first Halloween. It’s flawless. 

It wasn’t a knock on the franchise, it’s just that when the first movie is that good there is nowhere to go but down.


I don’t knows if it’s the best of the genre but it’s certainly the best slasher, I can agree to that.

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1 hour ago, EternallDarkness said:

problem is with this movie is that all the trailers have pretty much told you the entire story and shown you like 90% of the kills already 

They show a handful but I’ve heard this movie has a high body count so we’ll see. I do agree that they show a bit more than I would’ve have preferred.

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Halloween-O-Thon pt 2


Halloween II


I had a lot of fun. The decision to have this take place on the same night as the first movie gives this a sense of propulsion from the very start but also takes away the ambiguity of the classic ending from the original. So I’m conflicted on that alone. But if my head canon tells myself that this is an alternate timeline, which I’m sure I’ll have to do several times throughout my Halloween-O-Thon, it keeps the first intact enough for me to enjoy this as its own thing.


And as an alternate what if, I had a lot of fun with this. It is indeed interesting to see how characters respond to the aftermath of the attack. I didn’t NEED to see what happens next, but it’s out there, sure, I’ll watch. The 1st act begins with the tension already riding high but unfortunately dips a decent bit in the 2nd act, before picking up in what is a truly frightening final 20 minutes of the movie. If the first movie transcends the slasher genre, this one is very much in the slasher family and isn’t trying to be more. But as a slasher goes this is a decent one and you could do much worse as far as sequels to classic movies go.


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2 hours ago, Komusha said:

Halloween-O-Thon pt 2


Halloween II


I had a lot of fun. The decision to have this take place on the same night as the first movie gives this a sense of propulsion from the very start but also takes away the ambiguity of the classic ending from the original. So I’m conflicted on that alone. But if my head canon tells myself that this is an alternate timeline, which I’m sure I’ll have to do several times throughout my Halloween-O-Thon, it keeps the first intact enough for me to enjoy this as its own thing.


And as an alternate what if, I had a lot of fun with this. It is indeed interesting to see how characters respond to the aftermath of the attack. I didn’t NEED to see what happens next, but it’s out there, sure, I’ll watch. The 1st act begins with the tension already riding high but unfortunately dips a decent bit in the 2nd act, before picking up in what is a truly frightening final 20 minutes of the movie. If the first movie transcends the slasher genre, this one is very much in the slasher family and isn’t trying to be more. But as a slasher goes this is a decent one and you could do much worse as far as sequels to classic movies go.



I believe it's been said that Halloween II had to "up the ante" because of Friday the 13th, hence more blood and gore.

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3 hours ago, 69los said:


I believe it's been said that Halloween II had to "up the ante" because of Friday the 13th, hence more blood and gore.

I know a lot of people who normally don’t like horror movies like the first because it’s plays more like a thriller that values suspense over gory gross outs. I imagine the second isn’t as well liked for its more brutal nature. Even Donald Pleasence wasn’t a fan of the extra violence, apparently.  Oh well. I like horror so I didn’t mind the blood at all :cool:

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Halloween III: Season of the Witch


I first experienced Season of the With around this same time four years ago. I watched by itself, outside of the larger context of the Halloween franchise. And as a completely stand-alone movie, it functions perfectly well on its own. But for tonight’s viewing this actually paired well after two similar feeling movies. It was welcomed nice palette cleanser played in-between two slashers. This one goes totally out of left field, and played in between 2 and 4 made me appreciate it even more.


As much fun as I had with the sequel, it didn’t add too much to the franchise as far as style goes. But Season of the Witch feels fresh and vibrant in its approach to telling a brand new story centered around the holiday of Halloween. And unlike the first two, which only use the day as an excuse for a killer being able to get away wearing a mask in a suburban neighborhood, Halloween III is actually about the holiday itself. It captures the spirit of that day so well, even with just a brief montage of trick r’ treaters. The way it ominously count down the days has made the impending  arrival October 31st feel more ominous than it ever has in the past.

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Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers


The was the purest representation of an 80's Halloween movie. It's super silly and over the top, but also a big load of energetic fun. I'd love to add this to my new October rotation for years to come. It's such a good time and captures the colors of the season well. Shout out to those opening credits!


Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers


After the shock ending of the last movie I couldn't wait to see what the series was going to do with such a twist. And... absolutely nothing. It was disappointing to see this trilogy already walk back its boldest storytelling decision. The rest of the movie isn't that great either. It's just as silly as the last movie but without that fun sense of energy.y  It's not an outright terrible movie but definitely a disappointment after 4.


Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers


5 was hard to watch but this one was psychically painful for me to get through. Those who have seen it know why it is bad, and I think the less said about it overall the better. The combination of Curse and Revenge back to back has nearly destroyed me. I've heard better things about H20 and I'm hoping I like that one because I definitely need a change in quality.

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13 hours ago, SimpleG said:

Its been years since Ive seen this one, was there something in particular that was rough or do you mean the entire film ?


It was an okay slasher but disappointing compared to 4.


Things that made me groan:


Psychic Jamie

Rachel being replaced with another sister-figure. The director or producer agreed this was a misstep.

The wild gunman. Also, the explanation in the part 6 Producer's Cut.


IIRC, there may have been too many hands in the cookie jar for part 5 but not as bad as 6, which had 2 different cuts.

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On 10/10/2021 at 7:18 PM, SimpleG said:

Its been years since Ive seen this one, was there something in particular that was rough or do you mean the entire film ?


Sorry I mean to spell physically. It was physically rough for me to watch.


There were aesthetic choices in 6 that aren't present in previous or later entries. They overmix the sound for whenever there is a jump scare which is particularly bad because there are plenty of fake-out jump scares in this one too. The editting was done in this weird music video style too. While 5 was kinda lame it was at least somewhat watchable, but this one had even a lamer plot (the supernatural explanation for why Michael Myers kills on Halloween is everything I don't want for the character) as well just being hard to sit through on a sensory level.

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Halloween H20: 20 Years Later


I guess most movies will seem like masterpieces when followed by those last two movies, but this is a movie I actually quite enjoy and I was surprised by how much I did. Having Jamie Lee return certainly helps things and she is giving this one her all. And after a few movies that failed to scare me even a little bit, this actually was quite tense at times!


As a survivor of trauma, I get a lot out of horror movies because I relate to that survivalist mindset. And I was really able to tap into Laurie's storyline of living in the past before finally confronting it head-one. I found it to be very cathartic and empowering in that regard. I'll have to revisit this by itself to see if it holds up just by itself, but within the context of this marathon I'm surprised by how high I rank this one.


Halloween: Resurrection


Oh boy. They couldn't just stop at the perfect sendoff of H20, could they? This movie is certainly every bit of a turd as a heard. But also... I kinda enjoyed it in a guilty pleasure sort of way. It never gets dull or boring, and Busta Rhymes is entertaining as hell even if he totally feels out of place here. So yeah, very shitty Halloween movie, but it does have that "so bad it's good" vibe going one. I'm just glad I watched this on a different night than H20 or else it would have just mellowed my high from that movie.

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Halloween (2007)


I'm going to be real here - I didn't like this movie at all. This was kinda depressing and a tough watch overall. Turning Michael Myers into a real person with a backstory is certainly questionable and doesn't really work, but at least I could appreciate the first half of the movie for being its own thing. The second half was just a more violent redo of the first movie, and doesn't really connect with the first half in a meaningful way. It felt like two separate movies. I generally have fun with these movies, even some of the bad ones, but this one was just hard to watch. And there's a needless rape scene. Shock for the sake of shocking.


Halloween II (2009)


I made it about 20 minutes into this before I stopped. By this point I already know that Rob Zombie's direction just isn't for me, and what I saw up front just confirmed it was gonna be more of what I disliked about the first remake. I know I originally set out to finish every single movie, but I gotta take care of my mental health too. Watching both of these was super draining.


Halloween (2018)


This felt like a warm balm after the last three. It pays homage to the original while still feeling fresh in its own way. After seeing all of the other directions a Halloween movie could go in, I appreciated this movie so much more than I did the first time. It's not perfect - it does take a surprising amount of time to set up - but overall this was a pretty solid movie. I did enjoy the more grounded and mature nature of this reboot/sequel, but am also looking forward to the more bloodbath-focused energy of the sequel.

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Your opinions on all of those match mine pretty much exactly. 

1 is GOAT level

2 is a fun follow up

3 is underrated fantastic 

4/5 aren’t great but they’re solid and fun

6 is embarrassing and confusing 

H20 is really very good

Resurrection sucks but i also sorta love it

Remake 1 is watchable but not good

Remake 2 is aggressively awful

Halloween Modern is actually a really good tribute to the original with a fun twist that gives it its own identity. 

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6 out of 10


That may be generous since I'm kind of okay with the ending. Good share of horror movie gripes and bad characters really bring it down though. I'll probably watch again tomorrow.



JLC dressing up as Marion Crane at the movie premiere certainly has added meaning after that ending.


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7 hours ago, 69los said:

6 out of 10


That may be generous since I'm kind of okay with the ending. Good share of horror movie gripes and bad characters really bring it down though. I'll probably watch again tomorrow.


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seems fair, will be interesting to see where they go with Halloween Ends 

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