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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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I was finally gonna go get the Biden campaign signage and stickers and whatnot out of the Jeep as I just woke up and heard the news. But, after checking facebook people in my town are collectively losing their shit in an angry way I might wait until darkness sets. Luckily you cant see into the back or else I am pretty sure I would be replacing tires, paint, windows. The local office for the Dems here in town had a windowed smashed and most of the Biden signs torn up. 

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4 minutes ago, Littleronin said:

I was finally gonna go get the Biden campaign signage and stickers and whatnot out of the Jeep as I just woke up and heard the news. But, after checking facebook people in my town are collectively losing their shit in an angry way I might wait until darkness sets. Luckily you cant see into the back or else I am pretty sure I would be replacing tires, paint, windows. The local office for the Dems here in town had a windowed smashed and most of the Biden signs torn up. 

You should go around and randomly put Biden/Harris stickers on mailboxes in your town

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6 minutes ago, Littleronin said:

I was finally gonna go get the Biden campaign signage and stickers and whatnot out of the Jeep as I just woke up and heard the news. But, after checking facebook people in my town are collectively losing their shit in an angry way I might wait until darkness sets. Luckily you cant see into the back or else I am pretty sure I would be replacing tires, paint, windows. The local office for the Dems here in town had a windowed smashed and most of the Biden signs torn up. 


Wow #lockuprioters #notsopeacefulprotests

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2 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

You should go around and randomly put Biden/Harris stickers on mailboxes in your town

He don't have mailboxes here. The entire county doesn't have street delivery of mail (everyone is given a PO Box). For reference there are 6 businesses that I know of in this town that replaced their business signage with Trump 2020 signs. There are still people that along side they Trump 2020 flags they have "Hilary for Prison" signs proudly displayed. 

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7 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

On the bright side for Donald he’s about to have much more free time to tour the country hosting more “rallies” and he may be able to block people on Twitter again. 


He won't be able to bully his way into stiffing towns and venues on the bill as President now, so he'll either have to charge admission or pay out of pocket.  Plus he won't have VIP politician status on twitter and will probably get himself booted inside a year.

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9 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

On the bright side for Donald he’s about to have much more free time to tour the country hosting more “rallies” and he may be able to block people on Twitter again. 

I would much prefer his account to be taken away and archived via the Presidential Records Act.


Make him start from the ground up.

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Let me @skillzdadirecta your attention to how I see this election:


Trump saw the call earlier for @Joe Biden as @Mr.Vic20 President-Elect and said @BloodyHell. Sure, he wanted to be a @CastlevaniaNut18 but unfortunately for him this is a democracy, not a monarchy. As American @CitizenVectrons, it was our duty to put new leadership into the White House even if it was as laborious as pushing a skyscraper up a @SlipperySlope. We couldn't just let bad things happening drive us to @Spawn_of_Apathy. We had to wait as the results @Slugged along, yet our patience paid off. Biden won @ThreePi of those Rust Belt states we lost last time, and Trump lost @mrbiggsly.


The margins are big enough where we can say this is a mandate and we didn't @Dodger a bullet. Signs were @Ominous Election Night, and when Florida, home of the @Commissar SFLUFAN in Gainesville, tipped toward Trump, it felt like a @Comet had hit us, or worse a @Spork3245 in the eye or @Brick to the face, our morale @Chollowa


We stayed calm with no @Remarkableriots. Rudy tried to be a @Massdriver of misinformation, but it came from Rudy, which @Signifyin(g)Monkey that it was bullshit. Libertarians and liberals and Democratic socialists joined together, rivals who came together like @marioandsonic. In a way, Trump did unite us, but against him.


The @silentbob majority in this not so @SilentWorld was the Biden voter: no ostentatious red hat, no rallies, just a vote that ended up being louder than all of boat parades you can think of. We were not @PaladinSolo; we were together in this. No difference made being @MarSolo, but as one unit, we could fight back. We saw that he could win once (and doesn't pre-2016 feel like @SimpleG times in comparison?) so we wouldn't be @LazyPiranha and stay home. Sure, we weren't @Kal-El814, but not all heroes wear capes.


While his tantrums may @Ricofoley in people's minds, remember that he won't stay as president soon; January 20 will be his @finaljedi day where he can say that. If he says he is on January 21, just be like @SaysWho?. And @Jason Miller will be gone, too! @osxmatt Gaetz can whine, but it makes no difference. And no more hearing someone pretend he's done more for the black community since @cusideabelincoln.  Will Putin and Trump @69los after January 20 and put it on @Bloodpornehub? I don't care! 


And whether you like/dislike or are neutral toward her, Kamala being the first woman in the White House will leave a @GeneticBlueprint for future generations as to what's possible, a giant @stepee toward a more perfect union, and a reminder of the @Firewithin our American spirits to vote, where my one vote is worth as much in my state as Trump's. 


Yes, it's fun to picture Trump as a @Chairslinger and crap on his @Reputator, but this is more than that. I don't need to check out @sexy_shapiro's Twitter account to read his silly comments. I can just bask in this triumph and then get back to work tomorrow. We'll need Biden, Harris, but more importantly, the American people to @Captain Pickle this ship to calmer waters. We'll start with getting those Georgia Senate seats. Then maybe a safe COVID @vaxick?


And God, this year has felt like it's taken forever. Wasn't it yesterday that @Chris- Matthews was let go? Feels like it. Hell, it feels like not long ago that Biden announced he would @run32.dll for president. Or Bernie/Liz, who we thought were @Greatoneshere but couldn't get the votes. 


As an aside, @Keyser_Soze is one of the characters in The Usual Suspects which is a @sblfilms, Americans like @Bacon, @b_m_b_m_b_m are on the bottom of your keyboard, and @mclumber1 is what we'll eventually have after we chop down a tree. Sorry but I don't think I can figure out bullshit ways to sneak more of you into this story. 

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