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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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3 hours ago, Jose said:


Have you ever thought that maybe you have a shitty job and make very little money because you are a lazy and unmotivated guy? You have said here as much many times over the years. Blaming people even poorer than you because your life isnt what you hoped it would be is unfair.

I don't have a "shitty" job. I just don't make six figures, which if you live in Southern California is a bit of a problem, because it's an expensive place to live. I love how you all completely misconstrue everything I say because you don't like what I'm saying. I've never blamed other people for my problems. I don't think immigrants are the source of all my problems and that if we just suddenly deported them all my life would magically get better.


What I have simply told you is that my experience living in CA for 35 years was that as areas became heavily immigrant (and not just Mexicans) they became worse. Yes, I'm aware there are also millions of shitty poor white people here.  As I've said many of times, none of you would appreciate it if all the poor white trash suddenly started moving in to your area. Skin color has nothing to do with it. 


I love how you all say I'm constantly projecting, when you all project plenty of shit onto me. Oh he's bitter, he hates his life, he blames immigrants for his problems, he's lazy and just lashing out at others for his failures. It's funny how you all laugh about conservatives saying poor people need to pick themselves up by the boot straps, but when it comes to the guy who says shit you don't agree with on the internet, he's lazy and motivated. I thought poor people (I'm not poor btw) weren't poor because they are lazy, they are poor because of institutional problems and lack of social and upward mobility. Or just the people you don't like are poor because they are lazy?


It's funny that you all constantly bemoan how 60 millions "morons" could have voted for Trump, when you literally have someone at least sympathetic on to voting for him on this board that you could listen to and I don't know, maybe actually learn something from. But no fuck him he's evil he's racist he's dumb he's lazy he blames others for his problems he's beneath us we're all better than him. Then when he wins again we can have another 4 years of you all frothing at the mouth just not getting it. 

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11 minutes ago, Dodger said:

I love how you all say I'm constantly projecting, when you all project plenty of shit onto me. Oh he's bitter, he hates his life, he blames immigrants for his problems, he's lazy and just lashing out at others for his failures.


That's not what projection is unless everyone here is bitter, hates life, and blames immigrants for their problems.


There is a lot of projection with you. Like, I continue to get the feeling that you live in a bubble but think you have this worldly experience, which is why you assume others here don't know minorities and don't know Trump voters. You do realize that many of us are surrounded by Republican voters, including in our families, and that communication with you is not required to "learn," right? I've got a hundred who like to share conspiracy theories on my Facebook; you may enjoy their company. 

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27 minutes ago, Dodger said:

I don't have a "shitty" job. I just don't make six figures, which if you live in Southern California is a bit of a problem, because it's an expensive place to live. I love how you all completely misconstrue everything I say because you don't like what I'm saying. I've never blamed other people for my problems. I don't think immigrants are the source of all my problems and that if we just suddenly deported them all my life would magically get better.


What I have simply told you is that my experience living in CA for 35 years was that as areas became heavily immigrant (and not just Mexicans) they became worse. Yes, I'm aware there are also millions of shitty poor white people here.  As I've said many of times, none of you would appreciate it if all the poor white trash suddenly started moving in to your area. Skin color has nothing to do with it. 


I love how you all say I'm constantly projecting, when you all project plenty of shit onto me. Oh he's bitter, he hates his life, he blames immigrants for his problems, he's lazy and just lashing out at others for his failures. It's funny how you all laugh about conservatives saying poor people need to pick themselves up by the boot straps, but when it comes to the guy who says shit you don't agree with on the internet, he's lazy and motivated. I thought poor people (I'm not poor btw) weren't poor because they are lazy, they are poor because of institutional problems and lack of social and upward mobility. Or just the people you don't like are poor because they are lazy?


It's funny that you all constantly bemoan how 60 millions "morons" could have voted for Trump, when you literally have someone at least sympathetic on to voting for him on this board that you could listen to and I don't know, maybe actually learn something from. But no fuck him he's evil he's racist he's dumb he's lazy he blames others for his problems he's beneath us we're all better than him. Then when he wins again we can have another 4 years of you all frothing at the mouth just not getting it. 

You sound like my family and coworkers, who I've heard plenty from over the years. Why on earth would I listen to you? You've talked in the past about your mediocrity, so excuse the rest of us for using your own words to describe you.


You accuse me of failing to do my job because I don't like a patient's political leanings and when I call you on your bullshit lies, you can't respond with shit. You repeatedly insist that I and others live in "diversity-free" areas and when flatly told that's not true, you double down.


So, yeah, fuck you, you ignorant, lying sack of shit.

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37 minutes ago, Dodger said:

I don't have a "shitty" job. I just don't make six figures, which if you live in Southern California is a bit of a problem, because it's an expensive place to live. I love how you all completely misconstrue everything I say because you don't like what I'm saying. I've never blamed other people for my problems. I don't think immigrants are the source of all my problems and that if we just suddenly deported them all my life would magically get better.


What I have simply told you is that my experience living in CA for 35 years was that as areas became heavily immigrant (and not just Mexicans) they became worse. Yes, I'm aware there are also millions of shitty poor white people here.  As I've said many of times, none of you would appreciate it if all the poor white trash suddenly started moving in to your area. Skin color has nothing to do with it. 


I love how you all say I'm constantly projecting, when you all project plenty of shit onto me. Oh he's bitter, he hates his life, he blames immigrants for his problems, he's lazy and just lashing out at others for his failures. It's funny how you all laugh about conservatives saying poor people need to pick themselves up by the boot straps, but when it comes to the guy who says shit you don't agree with on the internet, he's lazy and motivated. I thought poor people (I'm not poor btw) weren't poor because they are lazy, they are poor because of institutional problems and lack of social and upward mobility. Or just the people you don't like are poor because they are lazy?


It's funny that you all constantly bemoan how 60 millions "morons" could have voted for Trump, when you literally have someone at least sympathetic on to voting for him on this board that you could listen to and I don't know, maybe actually learn something from. But no fuck him he's evil he's racist he's dumb he's lazy he blames others for his problems he's beneath us we're all better than him. Then when he wins again we can have another 4 years of you all frothing at the mouth just not getting it. 


Dude you've spoken about how you hate your job, how you're overweight, how your gf is fat. I didnt project or make anything up. You say it.

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6 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

You sound like my family and coworkers, who I've heard plenty from over the years. Why on earth would I listen to you? You've talked in the past about your mediocrity, so excuse the rest of us for using your own words to describe you.


You accuse me of failing to do my job because I don't like a patient's political leanings and when I call you on your bullshit lies, you can't respond with shit. You repeatedly insist that I and others live in "diversity-free" areas and when flatly told that's not true, you double down.


So, yeah, fuck you, you ignorant, lying sack of shit.


You literally said something to the effect of well I don't spend any more time than I have to in a patients room if they have Fox news on. I'm glad to hear you aren't actually trying to kill people you disagree with. Yes I already know your response, well that doesn't mean I don't actually do my job I just don't linger and make chit chat. Which makes me wonder why you can't stop and make small talk with someone you disagree with, but hey it's definitely better than failing to do your job. 


Do you want an apology? WIll that make you happy? I know it won't, but since you seem genuinely upset I said that about you, I'm sorry. 

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2 minutes ago, Dodger said:


You literally said something to the effect of well I don't spend any more time than I have to in a patients room if they have Fox news on. I'm glad to hear you aren't actually trying to kill people you disagree with. Yes I already know your response, well that doesn't mean I don't actually do my job I just don't linger and make chit chat. Which makes me wonder why you can't stop and make small talk with someone you disagree with, but hey it's definitely better than failing to do your job. 


Do you want an apology? WIll that make you happy? I know it won't, but since you seem genuinely upset I said that about you, I'm sorry. 

You straight up lied about my integrity as a health care professional. I don't give a shit about an apology from you, it's just more ammo in the can for you being a lying sack of shit. Not hanging around and talking to someone who was blatantly racist isn't the same as failing to provide the proper care each and every patient deserves, you fucking moron. Also, I don't talk politics with patients. That's generally a good idea, no matter where they are on the political spectrum. 


It's just another reason to look at you with contempt. Though you give plenty of other reasons with your ignorance, lies, and racism.

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1 minute ago, SFLUFAN said:

Just wait until the water runs out!

Arizona is remarkably green for a dry barren desert. It was actually what really surprised me when I came out here. A lot of people don't have grass in their yards, but when you drive around the cities a lot of areas are beautifully landscaped with man made lakes everywhere. So we're really sucking that water we don't have down. 

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43 minutes ago, Dodger said:

Arizona is remarkably green for a dry barren desert. It was actually what really surprised me when I came out here. A lot of people don't have grass in their yards, but when you drive around the cities a lot of areas are beautifully landscaped with man made lakes everywhere. So we're really sucking that water we don't have down. 


The Phoenix area has a lot of ground water - at the power plant I worked at west of Phoenix, we had several wells for makeup water, that only had to be drilled to about 100 feet.   We pumped over a million gallons of water a day with no drop in aquifer level. 

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4 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


The Phoenix area has a lot of ground water - at the power plant I worked at west of Phoenix, we had several wells for makeup water, that only had to be drilled to about 100 feet.   We pumped over a million gallons of water a day with no drop in aquifer level. 

Good to know we actually have water then. 

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1 hour ago, Dodger said:

Oh I thought it was a general reference to the water wars the southwest has and who gets to drain the Colorado River first. 

That is what I am referring to.


There is a "near future" novel called The Water Knife about literal, shooting water wars between the states over the dwindling flow of the Colorado River.


The fact of the matter is that the American SW was never intended for any form of large-scale human habitation. 

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14 minutes ago, SilentWorld said:

Is that what the point of the tweet was? Lmao  I didn’t even get it at first. 


The Berniebots throw up the same truth-annihilating chaff as trump with respect to some subjects, particularly what does and does not constitute pandering to black America. 

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