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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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Republican Nominee:




Donald Trump - US President



Democratic Nominee:




Joe Biden - Former Vice President of the United States





Michael Bennet - U.S. Senator from Colorado

Bill de Blasio - Mayor of New York City

Michael Bloomberg - Former Mayor of New York City

Cory Booker - US Senator from New Jersey

Steve Bullock - Governor of Montana

Pete Buttigieg - Mayor of South Bend 

Julián Castro - Former mayor of San Antonio and Former Secretary of House and Urban Development under Obama

John Delaney - Former US Representative of Maryland's 6th District

Tulsi Gabbard - US Representative from Hawaii's 2nd District

Kirsten Gillibrand - US Senator from New York

Mike Gravel - Former Senator from Alaska

Kamala Harris - US Senator from California

John Hickenlooper - Former Governor of Colorado

Jay Inslee - Governor of Washington

Amy Klobuchar - US Senator from Minnesota

Wayne Messam - Mayor from Miramar, Florida

Seth Moulton - US Representative from Massachusetts

Richard Ojeda - Former State Senator from West Virginia

Beto O'Rourke - Former US Representative from Texas

Deval Patrick - Former Governor of Massachusetts

Tim Ryan - US Representative from Ohio

Bernie Sanders - US Senator from Vermont

Mark Sanford (R) - Former Governor from South Carolina

Joe Sestak - Former U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania

Tom Steyer - Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager

Eric Swalwell - U.S. Representative from California

Joe Walsh (R) - Radio Host, Former US Representative from Illinois

Elizabeth Warren - US Senator from Massachusetts

Bill Weld (R) - Former Governor from Massachusetts, Former VP Candidate on 2016 Libertarian Ticket

Marianne Williamson - Activist

Andrew Yang - Entrepreneur and founder of Venture for America

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12 minutes ago, Anathema- said:

Glad he finally came to his senses. I bet his top staff knew a while ago and that's why they've been busier trolling cats and bunnies on twitter than trying to be effective advocates for their preferred candidate.



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And the only time Biden fucking showed up in media decrying the Navy Captain's firing, and back into the fucking bunker hole until November.



Yeah, I don't even care enough.  I vote, Trump wins.  I don't vote, Trump wins. Do anything, Trump wins.  Do nothing, Trump wins.


Covid-19 please fucking kill Trump, before he, Xiping, or Putin kills everyone.

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43 minutes ago, SlipperySlope said:

We will destroy this virus once and for all by destroying ourselves! 



Can't have a virus infecting people if there are no people!


Shit I just spoiled the motivation of the next Final Fantasy villain. 

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1 minute ago, osxmatt said:

Democrats are typically poor at framing the judiciary as the reason to vote, but that needs to be the top issue for 2020.

It’s really the only issue they can use to get people to vote for him. Democrats rallied behind a guy who is possibly a rapist and wants to return to status quo lmao. The top issue for them is to simply beat trump. 

but do people who aren’t that invested in politics even CARE that much about the judiciary? I’m not sure they do, but could be wrong. 

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Sad to see Bernie having to drop out, but please, regardless of how you feel about Biden, get out there and vote for him in November because anyone is better than Trump, and I don't think America can handle another 4 years of that human pile of elephant excrement. 

  • Thanks 1
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5 minutes ago, osxmatt said:

Now that it’s Biden, how long before Obama comes in to the mix?

people are speculating he'll start coming in soon to "unite" the party. We'll see how that works out. Joe's tweet about Bernie




I think he's talking to you guys here, @johnny @b_m_b_m_b_m @Jason @SaysWho? and others.



I will say this, did Hilldawg reach out to Bernie's folks like this in 2016? I don't remember that she did.

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9 minutes ago, johnny said:

It’s really the only issue they can use to get people to vote for him. Democrats rallied behind a guy who is possibly a rapist and wants to return to status quo lmao. The top issue for them is to simply beat trump. 

but do people who aren’t that invested in politics even CARE that much about the judiciary? I’m not sure they do, but could be wrong. 

I think that’s fair. Most people don’t care about the judiciary, unless they follow politics.


But it’s incumbent upon the Democratic Party to explain why the judiciary impacts everyone. Milwaukee’s voter turnout yesterday was around 3%. Trump doesn’t have to turn over his financial information to Congress, because they “don’t have standing.” Those are just a few issues from the past 12 months. That impacts every person.


It’s an area Republicans have consistently done well.

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Meanwhile, Trump sees an opportunity.





President Trump on Wednesday urged Sen. Bernie Sanders's supporters to join the Republican Party after the independent Vermont senator announced he was suspending his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. Trump also thanked Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), reiterating his belief that she may have taken away enough votes from Sanders on Super Tuesday last month to cost him states. Warren finished third or in some cases a distant fourth in each state Joe Biden won on Super Tuesday. "Bernie Sanders is OUT! Thank you to Elizabeth Warren. If not for her, Bernie would have won almost every state on Super Tuesday!" Trump tweeted. "This ended just like the Democrats & the DNC wanted, same as the Crooked Hillary fiasco," he added. "The Bernie people should come to the Republican Party, TRADE!"


Yeah he definitely sees something in Bernie supporters that he can potentially exploit. Is he wrong?

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