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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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2 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

I think it's very likely Biden's association as Obama's VP is more tangible and recognizable than Hillary's as Sec of State in his first term

Also, working in Biden's favor with African-American voters is that they now have actual experience with what a Trump administration represents for them which was not the case in 2016 (criminal justice reform aside).

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30 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Uh this article does not support the idea we need to worry about trump moving the black American constituency by promising left wing policies. 


And like most analyses of the election, it spends a ton of column inches explaining a decrease in black turnout and doesn't care to consider voter suppression one whit. Not that showing a decrease in black turnout means that the election was swayed by trump promising vague left wing shit.


Seriously the only people who are swayed by vague promises of left wing policies are, drumroll please, fucking lefties! Crazy, I know. That's why they're paranoid that trump giving empty left-sounding policies could throw him the election because they're the idiots who fall for that garbage.

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4 minutes ago, Anathema- said:


And like most analyses of the election, it spends a ton of column inches explaining a decrease in black turnout and doesn't care to consider voter suppression one whit.



Mr. Albrecht, of the election commission, said other factors contributed to the decline in turnout. This was the first general election under new state laws that required voters to produce an approved photo ID card, and that stiffened the requirements for new voters to prove their residence. This was particularly onerous for the poor, who move often.


Mr. Albrecht said he believed this change had cost several thousand people in the city their vote.


Posting fake news and now posting fake analysis of news.


You're out of control.

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1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:

That later part I talked about on this board during the 2016 election. One of the reasons I wouldn’t vote for Hilary. It was laughed at, just as those who said Trump had better shot than people thought.


Outside of it being a “surprise” to many, I could see the same happening, for many of the same reasons ( though Hilary had the unlikable person factor). 

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Prediction:  Trump will continue to fuck up the coronavirus response, 200,000 Americans will die because of it.  Trump, Sanders, and Biden will catch the virus - Sanders and Biden will die from it, but somehow Trump survives and becomes stronger.  Trump wins by default in November. 


Oh and RBG gets down with the sickness as well.  





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On 3/29/2020 at 8:29 PM, mclumber1 said:

Prediction:  Trump will continue to fuck up the coronavirus response, 200,000 Americans will die because of it.  Trump, Sanders, and Biden will catch the virus - Sanders and Biden will die from it, but somehow Trump survives and becomes stronger.  Trump wins by default in November. 


Oh and RBG gets down with the sickness as well.  






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10 hours ago, SaysWho? said:



Posting fake news and now posting fake analysis of news.


You're out of control.




Okay okay on the one hand I did miss those three sentences, on the other hand it's the exception that proves the rule. 


Otherwise, all you do here is ignore how it's an article that doesn't support the premise. Nice job dodging that. 


Again, if promises of left wing policies moved votes it's not among the black electorate. Find someone new to blame.

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I mean, heaven forbid we blame Bernie for his campaigns even half as much as Clinton, Kerry, Gore, Edwards, Clinton (again), Dean, Gephardt, or literally anyone else who catches blame when their campaign loses a contest. Christ. 


Bernie tried to win via hostile takeover. We're not obligated to appreciate that. The way the race has turned out is a total failure of Sanders' but I don't see him ever admitting fault. We can be better than that though.

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1 minute ago, Anathema- said:




Okay okay on the one hand I did miss those three sentences, on the other hand it's the exception that proves the rule. 


From not a whit to, "But it was three sentences!" What will his excuse be tomorrow?


I'm starting to wonder if you have any black friends. That would explain why you consider this blaming the "black electorate," instead of being introspective as to why so many black Democrats think the Democratic Party isn't changing things for them even under Obama and under candidates you like. Because if you knew even 7 black people, you'd know that this isn't controversial, and that we're to blame for calling them a firewall and not producing results, like the dreaded left-wing policies of criminal justice reform and civil rights protections.

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7 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


From not a whit to, "But it was three sentences!" What will his excuse be tomorrow?


I'm starting to wonder if you have any black friends. That would explain why you consider this blaming the "black electorate," instead of being introspective as to why so many black Democrats think the Democratic Party isn't changing things for them even under Obama and under candidates you like. Because if you knew even 7 black people, you'd know that this isn't controversial, and that we're to blame for calling them a firewall and not producing results, like the dreaded left-wing policies of criminal justice reform and civil rights protections.


You're never going to address the substance of the argument, are you?


P.S. "I wonder if you have black friends"?  You've turned full on tokenist. I've heard enough.

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22 minutes ago, Anathema- said:


You're never going to address the substance of the argument, are you?


P.S. "I wonder if you have black friends"?  You've turned full on tokenist. I've heard enough.


It's been addressed; at this point, nobody knows what you're arguing. I'm also not sure there's anybody on the board who agrees with your judge of character.  It's hard to talk with you since you keep making things up and doubling down on fake news, and it strikes of immaturity when you go after people only because they no longer support the same person you do.


tbh, with your sudden concern for the plight of African Americans to your concern about women in 2016, I'm looking forward to when COVID-19 passes to see how you handle the Biden rape accusations when they're front and center. 

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Maybe, just maybe, Warren wouldn't have fared any better without Bernie because the entire progressive wing is doomed to failure in the United States because of the internal power dynamics of the democratic party and a fptp single member district voting system on the general election side

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13 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:




tbh, with your sudden concern for the plight of African Americans to your concern about women in 2016, I'm looking forward to when COVID-19 passes to see how you handle the Biden rape accusations when they're front and center. 


"Trump has proven that a rapist can get things done."

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I'm waiting to read more info about Biden's accusations (been obviously busy lately) but no it's not going to change my determination to vote for him in November. Even if he got forced out the nomination would go to his chosen VP, not the guy in distant second.


Like, are Biden's rape accusations supposed to shame me? The things you jokers choose to buttress your arguments are fucking weird.


And, again, I'm not about to let any of these distractions escape the fact that a seriously bogus theory of the electorate is what puts the froth in the mouth of Bernie's Bros and citing irrelevant statistics isn't going to get you there either. Keep flapping your gums all you want, I'm bored with the constant and ever-shifting intellectual dishonesty.

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37 minutes ago, Anathema- said:

I'm waiting to read more info about Biden's accusations (been obviously busy lately)


I wish we still had the #MeToo threads from before the boards blew up. :daydream:


37 minutes ago, Anathema- said:

Keep flapping your gums all you want, I'm bored with the constant and ever-shifting intellectual dishonesty.


world of warcraft legion GIF

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41 minutes ago, Anathema- said:

Like, are Biden's rape accusations supposed to shame me? The things you jokers choose to buttress your arguments are fucking weird.


When you view black people and women as things you can argue in the moment but not have actual opinions about, yes. 

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1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:


It's been addressed; at this point, nobody knows what you're arguing. I'm also not sure there's anybody on the board who agrees with your judge of character.  It's hard to talk with you since you keep making things up and doubling down on fake news, and it strikes of immaturity when you go after people only because they no longer support the same person you do.


tbh, with your sudden concern for the plight of African Americans to your concern about women in 2016, I'm looking forward to when COVID-19 passes to see how you handle the Biden rape accusations when they're front and center. 


Is he being a hardcore Biden homer right now? Sure. Can't deny this, but he definitely was talking about the plight of African Americans and racial relations literally non-stop in 2016.

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1 minute ago, Jose said:


Is he being a hardcore Biden homer right now? Sure. Can't deny this, but he definitely was talking about the plight of African Americans and racial relations literally non-stop in 2016.


Yes, when we had a racist as the Republican nominee and he was able to attack Sanders lol.


The concerns for black Americans run skin deep, or else he might concern himself with actual policies designed to benefit them instead of trying to will Sanders into being a racist. 

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1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:


Yes, when we had a racist as the Republican nominee and he was able to attack Sanders lol.


The concerns for black Americans run skin deep, or else he might concern himself with actual policies designed to benefit them instead of trying to will Sanders into being a racist. 


Very fair point! Just wanted to defend Ana because it's the whole board against him right now and contrarian opinions keep the board interesting.

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10 minutes ago, Jose said:


Very fair point! Just wanted to defend Ana because it's the whole board against him right now and contrarian opinions keep the board interesting.


The board's against him because of his attitude and immaturity. Notice how I didn't give you these issues when you were talking about the Bernie Bro, or skillz when he talked about Bernie not being a strong candidate. :p 


I mean, I don't really dislike him, but going after me based on liking Bernie this time after upvoting my posts en masse in 2016 when I was a Clinton voter? It's disappointing. I thought we were all cool here. I post happily with you guys despite voting for the distant second candidate, for Christ's sake!  I should be the angry one.

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27 minutes ago, Jose said:


Very fair point! Just wanted to defend Ana because it's the whole board against him right now and contrarian opinions keep the board interesting.


21 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


The board's against him because of his attitude and immaturity. Notice how I didn't give you these issues when you were talking about the Bernie Bro, or skillz when he talked about Bernie not being a strong candidate. :p 


I mean, I don't really dislike him, but going after me based on liking Bernie this time after upvoting my posts en masse in 2016 when I was a Clinton voter? It's disappointing. I thought we were all cool here. I post happily with you guys despite voting for the distant second candidate, for Christ's sake!  I should be the angry one.


As happened during the period when people were routinely dogpiling dodger, this really only happens when people come in aggro for no discernible reason. 

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40 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


The concerns for black Americans run skin deep, or else he might concern himself with actual policies designed to benefit them instead of trying to will Sanders into being a racist. 


Wow, disgusting paternalism. Put your ego in check, pretty boy, just because you've convinced yourself that your preferred policies would help black America the most they have their own votes to cast.


Also the fact that somehow people are still confusing me for a Biden stan is really going to be the last straw. If the intellectual honesty of this board can't keep up with the fact I was for Harris and then Warren then I can't hang out here. There is nothing more infuriating than the abject laziness it takes to think you're scoring points hooking me to Joe fucking Biden. Keep the fuck up. 

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