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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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7 minutes ago, Jose said:

Hopefully Bloomberg gets demolished in the next debate so we can all calm the fuck down.

didn't he qualify for the past one after they changed the rules?  I wouldn't be surprised if he avoids the debates.  It's probably a bigger risk/gamble getting on that stage than just continuing to throw out money.


Image result for joker money gif

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9 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

Bloomberg is by far my least favorite candidate, but saying there'd be no difference between him and Trump is insane. Even if he shares some of what makes Trump so reprehensible, Trump is still a special case; uniquely unqualified, corrupt, and incompetent.

That's why Bloomberg is so scary. He nominally qualified, still corrupt, but competent. And he gets to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, a Democrat in name but a Republican in action. And he still an amoral billionaire.


He's lawful evil where Trump is chaotic evil. Still evil.

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51 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

Bloomberg securing the Democratic nomination would represent the final triumph of oligarchism in the American political system.


There will be no going back at that point.


Not looking forward to President Bezos or very definitely President Zuckerberg? The best thing Trump did for these guys was prove you don't really have to divest yourself of anything because it's not actually against the law, and even if it was, who cares when you control the DOJ.

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29 minutes ago, Jose said:

Hopefully Bloomberg gets demolished in the next debate so we can all calm the fuck down.


That's why I'm not freaking out QUITE yet. He'll be in debates where he can be questioned, and I feel primary voters pay more attention to debates and the news. 


Unfortunately, he's not in the Nevada debate.

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

If he's the nominee I probably won't vote. He truly is the only candidate I can say that about. He's a fucking Republican, and his actions prove it. It's like asking if I'd vote for Mitt Romney/John Kasich or Trump. I simply refuse.

Isn't pretty much any vote not cast against Trump a vote for him? 

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5 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


That's why I'm not freaking out QUITE yet. He'll be in debates where he can be questioned, and I feel primary voters pay more attention to debates and the news. 


Unfortunately, he's not in the Nevada debate.


I read earlier today that he was invited by CNN to the debate. The DMC wants his ass on stage so badly.

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8 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


That's why I'm not freaking out QUITE yet. He'll be in debates where he can be questioned, and I feel primary voters pay more attention to debates and the news. 


Unfortunately, he's not in the Nevada debate.

The real problem is any negative coverage of him (if it even happens, as criticizing him can be perilous to a journalists career) could be drowned out with a virtually unlimited ad buy

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2 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


Were you not around during the 2016 elections?

A vote for someone is a vote for someone. No vote is no vote. Democrats aren't entitled to any and all votes that aren't Trump


And again, can someone actually tell me what is different between Bloomberg and Trump that isn't competence because almost all criticism of trump can be pinned on Bloomberg as well

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2 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

The real problem is any negative coverage of him (if it even happens, as criticizing him can be perilous to a journalists career) could be drowned out with a virtually unlimited ad buy


Definitely something I've thought of. I know from what I've seen (since we have TVs running non-stop), his stop-and-frisk policies and redlining comments are getting a ton of attention.

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15 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

A vote for someone is a vote for someone. No vote is no vote. Democrats aren't entitled to any and all votes that aren't Trump


And again, can someone actually tell me what is different between Bloomberg and Trump that isn't competence because almost all criticism of trump can be pinned on Bloomberg as well


He's not an actual criminal willing to sell the country out to foreign interests and to line his own pockets. He has his money, he just didn't want to lose it to taxes.


Yeah, I get that that's an incredibly low bar, but I'll take drinking my own piss in the woods over nothing.

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13 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


He's not an actual criminal willing to sell the country out to foreign interests and to line his own pockets. He has his money, he just didn't want to lose it to taxes.


Yeah, I get that that's an incredibly low bar, but I'll take drinking my own piss in the woods over nothing.

Aside from him "not" being a criminal (depending on what crimes you're talking about, he has been credibly accused of sexual assault many times) there's zero proof he only doesn't want his taxes to go up. How much money does he have in fossil fuel interests? Private prisons? Is he invested in Saudi Aramco? What else is there that he's hiding in his massive fortune?

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10 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Aside from him "not" being a criminal (depending on what crimes you're talking about, he has been credibly accused of sexual assault many times) there's zero proof he only doesn't want his taxes to go up. How much money does he have in fossil fuel interests? Private prisons? Is he invested in Saudi Aramco? What else is there that he's hiding in his massive fortune?


Bloomberg was not personally accused of sexual assault. There were accusations of sexual assault happening within the company.

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19 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Aside from him "not" being a criminal (depending on what crimes you're talking about, he has been credibly accused of sexual assault many times) there's zero proof he only doesn't want his taxes to go up. How much money does he have in fossil fuel interests? Private prisons? 


Again, even if he was Trump without the crime, I'd take that over Trump with crimes on crimes on crimes.


There is zero reason to choose Trump over Bloomberg, unless you've actually liked his presidency thus far.


You think Republicans will just support any his policies in Congress? Their number one policy would be to regain the White House, so they're automatically going to oppose everything he wants. Who is going to help Bloomberg pass all these awful laws and give him the political cover he needs to wipe his ass with political norms?

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3 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


Again, even if he was Trump without the crime, I'd take that over Trump with crimes on crimes on crimes.


There is zero reason to choose Trump over Bloomberg, unless you've actually liked his presidency thus far.


You think Republicans will just support any his policies in Congress? Their number one policy would be to regain the White House, so they're automatically going to oppose everything he wants. Who is going to help Bloomberg pass all these awful laws and give him the political cover he needs to wipe his ass with political norms?

You can reject then both and not consent to oligarchy.



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I don't think you have to work very hard to convince all of us around here that we don't want a Bloomberg presidency. As far as I can see we're all on board with preventing that outcome. I don't think anyone here is advocating him as a good choice or the choice most likely to win or really any positives.



However, it's also very clear that compared to Trump, he's a significantly lesser evil, and in the worst case scenario that is that head to head, I think most of us here will automatically vote Bloomberg.

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17 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

I really have a hard time believing a second Trump term is the same as a first Bloomberg term, even though I don’t want either.

It's basically a Trump vs a Romney who can tolerate gays for business reasons.


I'm just trying to vent and also kill the notion that "vote blue no matter who" is stupid as what happens after Trump in a new administration is just as, if not more, important.

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

It's basically a Trump vs a Romney who can tolerate gays for business reasons.


I'm just trying to vent and also kill the notion that "vote blue no matter who" is stupid as what happens after Trump in a new administration is just as, if not more, important.


Imagine Trump without having to worry about upsetting his base because he's not looking to be reelected. Imagine a scenario where Trump says fuck it, I'm running for a third term. Who stops that from happening when RBG is out and he wanted to put Ivanka on the SCOTUS because he's not a misogynist willing to replace a woman with the best and most capable woman in all the land? I'm exaggerating here, but also not really. He's already planting the seed that he should get a do over thanks to the whole impeachment.

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